"use strict"; (self.webpackChunkbookings_web_accounts_portal_workspaces = self.webpackChunkbookings_web_accounts_portal_workspaces || []).push([[57], { 70265: function(e, n, t) { var a; function i(e) { return i = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , i(e) } function r(e, n) { var t = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var a = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); n && (a = a.filter((function(n) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, n).enumerable } ))), t.push.apply(t, a) } return t } t.d(n, { q: function() { return s } }), t(68305), t(99650), t(64509), t(88647), t(39813), t(22642), t(84614), t(82975), t(17482), t(17546), t(35890); var o = booking.env.aid , c = booking.env.is_cn_domain ? "booking.cn" : "booking.com" , s = function(e, n) { if (e.indexOf("{lang}") >= 0 && (e = e.replace("{lang}", n)), e.indexOf("{domain}") >= 0 && (e = e.replace("{domain}", c)), e.indexOf("{aid}") >= 0) { var t = e.indexOf("?") >= 0 ? "&" : "?"; e = e.replace("{aid}", o ? t + "aid=" + o : "") } return e } , l = booking.env.features ? booking.env.features.enabled_integration : "" , u = "extranet" === l || "attractions" === l , d = {}; booking.env.urls && (booking.env.urls.partner_help_center && (d.partnerHelpCenter = "".concat(booking.env.urls.partner_help_center)), booking.env.urls.partner_forum && (d.partnerForum = "".concat(booking.env.urls.partner_forum))); var _ = "https://partner.booking.com/node/2170?utm_source=account&utm_medium=support_link" , p = function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {}; n % 2 ? r(Object(t), !0).forEach((function(n) { var a, r, o, c; a = e, r = n, o = t[n], c = function(e, n) { if ("object" != i(e) || !e) return e; var t = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== t) { var a = t.call(e, "string"); if ("object" != i(a)) return a; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return String(e) }(r), (r = "symbol" == i(c) ? c : String(c))in a ? Object.defineProperty(a, r, { value: o, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : a[r] = o } )) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : r(Object(t)).forEach((function(n) { Object.defineProperty(e, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n)) } )) } return e }({ join: "https://join.booking.com?lang={lang}{aid}&utm_campaign=v1&utm_source=extranet_login_page&utm_medium=extranet&utm_content=default", business: "https://www.{domain}/business.{lang}.html{aid}", confirmation: "https://secure.{domain}/confirmation.{lang}.html{aid}", offices: u ? _ : "https://www.{domain}/content/offices.{lang}.html{aid}", privacy: u ? "https://admin.booking.com/hotel/hoteladmin/privacy.html?lang={lang}" : "https://www.{domain}/content/privacy.{lang}.html{aid}", privacyPersonalData: "https://www.{domain}/content/privacy.{lang}.html#personal-data-controlled-how{aid}", ccpa: "https://www.booking.com/content/ccpa.{lang}.html{aid}", terms: u ? "https://www.booking.com/general.{lang}.html?tmpl=docs/terms_of_use" : "https://www.{domain}/content/terms.{lang}.html{aid}", privacyCookies: "https://www.{domain}/content/privacy.{lang}.html#cookie-statement{aid}", about: "https://www.{domain}/content/about.{lang}.html{aid}", cs: u ? _ : "https://secure.{domain}/content/cs.{lang}.html{aid}", priceGuarantee: "https://www.{domain}/general.{lang}.html?tmpl=doc/rate_guarantee{aid}", mailtoReport: "mailto:report@booking.com", staticFlags: "https://q-xx.bstatic.com/backend_static/common/flags/new/48-squared/", defaultAvatar: "https://cf.bstatic.com/static/img/identity/profile/b47cd0e05ec8b7831167f4f7593ead56402a6bb4.svg", extranet: null !== (a = booking.env.urls) && void 0 !== a && a.extranet_url ? booking.env.urls.extranet_url : "https://admin.booking.com/", extranetFAQ: "https://admin.booking.com/hotel/hoteladmin/extranet_ng/manage/partner_help_proxy.html?article=help_home_page&lang={lang}&utm_medium=footer", downloadPulse: "https://www.{domain}/propertyapp.{lang}.html" }, d); n.A = p }, 55374: function(e, n) { n.A = { index: { path: "/", title: "book" === booking.env.features.enabled_integration ? "identity_signin_landing_screen_signin_create_heading" : "account_sign_in_header_new" }, signIn: { path: "/sign-in", title: "book" === booking.env.features.enabled_integration ? 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"account_phone_verification_header" }, registerPhonePassword: { path: "/register/phone/password", title: "identity_phone_flow_set_password_heading" }, resetPhonePassword: { path: "/phone/reset-password", title: "identity_password_compliance_heading_new" }, accountRecoveryPhoneConfirmation: { path: "/account-recovery-phone/confirmation", title: "identity_phone_recovery_text_sent_header" }, accountRecoveryEmailConfirmation: { path: "/account-recovery-phone/email-sent-confirmation", title: "identity_signin_password_reset_link_sent_header_title" }, authAssuranceVerificationMethods: { path: "/auth-assurance", title: "account_tfa_verification_methods_header" }, authAssuranceSelectPhoneForSMS: { path: "/auth-assurance/select-phone/sms", title: "account_tfa_select_phone_header" }, authAssuranceSelectPhoneForCall: { path: "/auth-assurance/select-phone/call", title: "account_tfa_select_phone_header" }, authAssuranceValidateSMSPin: { path: "/auth-assurance/verification/sms", title: 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(var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , s.apply(this, arguments) }; n.A = (0, o.Ng)((function(e) { return { access: e.access } } ))((function(e) { var n = e.to , t = e.type , o = void 0 === t ? void 0 : t , l = e.activeClassName , u = e.className , d = e.access , _ = e.key , p = void 0 === _ ? void 0 : _ , h = e.target , f = void 0 === h ? void 0 : h , v = {}; e["data-ga-action"] && (v["data-ga-action"] = e["data-ga-action"]), e["data-ga-label"] && (v["data-ga-label"] = e["data-ga-label"]), e["data-et-click"] && (v["data-et-click"] = e["data-et-click"]), e["data-focus-on"] && (v["data-focus-on"] = e["data-focus-on"]), e["data-dv-event-id"] && (v["data-dv-event-id"] = e["data-dv-event-id"]), e["aria-label"] && (v["aria-label"] = e["aria-label"]), e.title && (v.title = e.title); var g, m = booking.env.link_params || {}, y = Object.keys(m).map((function(e) { return e + "=" + encodeURIComponent(m[e]) } )).join("&"), b = (null == n ? void 0 : n.hash) || "", w = (null == n ? void 0 : n.state) || {}; "string" == typeof n ? g = n : (g = n.pathname, n.search && (y += (y ? "&" : "") + n.search)), y && (y = "?" + y); var x = {}; switch (x.pathname = g, x.search = y, x.hash = b, x.state = w, o) { case "external": return (0, a.jsx)(c.N_, s({ href: (0, r.q)(x.pathname, d.lang), className: u, onClick: e.onClick, attributes: { target: "_blank", rel: "noopener noreferrer" } }, v, { children: e.children })); case "external-same-window": return (0, a.jsx)("a", s({ href: (0, r.q)(x.pathname, d.lang), className: u, onClick: e.onClick, rel: "noopener noreferrer" }, v, { children: e.children })); case "anchor": return (0, a.jsx)("a", s({ href: x.pathname + x.search, className: u, target: f }, v, { children: e.children }), p); case "nav": return (0, a.jsx)(i.k2, s({ activeClassName: l, to: x, className: u, target: f, onClick: e.onClick }, v, { children: e.children }), p); default: return (0, a.jsx)(i.N_, s({ to: x, className: u, target: f, onClick: e.onClick }, v, { children: e.children }), p) } } )) }, 27263: function(e, n, t) { var a = {}; t.r(a), t.d(a, { default: function() { return w }, hideCookieWarning: function() { return b } }); var i = {}; t.r(i), t.d(i, { FEDERATION_BASE_URL: function() { return Je }, STEP_2FA_RECOVERY__PHONE__SUBMIT: function() { return we }, STEP_2FA_RECOVERY__VERIFICATION_CODE__SUBMIT: function() { return xe }, STEP_ACCOUNT__LOCKED__SUBMIT: function() { return me }, STEP_AUTH_ASSURANCE_SEND_PIN: function() { return Ge }, STEP_AUTH_ASSURANCE_VALIDATE_PIN: function() { return Ye }, STEP_AUTH_ASSURANCE_VERIFICATION_METHODS: function() { return Be }, STEP_ENTER__EMAIL__SUBMIT: function() { return le }, STEP_MAGIC_LINK__CONFIRMATION__SUBMIT: function() { return Te }, STEP_MAGIC_LINK__REQUEST__SUBMIT: function() { return Re }, STEP_PASSWORD_RECOVERY__EMAIL__SUBMIT: function() { return ve }, STEP_PASSWORD_RECOVERY__PASSWORD__SUBMIT: function() { return ge }, STEP_PHONE__EMAIL__SUBMIT: function() { return je }, STEP_PHONE__MAGIC_LINK__REQUEST__SUBMIT: function() { return We }, STEP_PHONE__PASSWORD_RECOVERY__IDENTIFIER__SUBMIT: function() { return He }, STEP_PHONE__PASSWORD_RECOVERY__PASSWORD__SUBMIT: function() { return ze }, STEP_PHONE__PASSWORD_RECOVERY__REQUEST: function() { return Fe }, STEP_PHONE__PASSWORD__SUBMIT: function() { return Me }, STEP_PHONE__PHONE__SUBMIT: function() { return De }, STEP_PHONE__PIN__REQUEST_RESEND: function() { return Ve }, STEP_PHONE__PIN__SUBMIT: function() { return Le }, STEP_PHONE__REGISTER__PASSWORD__SUBMIT: function() { return Ue }, STEP_REGISTER__PASSWORD__SUBMIT: function() { return fe }, STEP_SIGN_IN_FEDERATION__VERIFICATION_PASSWORD: function() { return Ze }, STEP_SIGN_IN__2FA_PIN__REQUEST_RESEND: function() { return be }, STEP_SIGN_IN__2FA_PIN__SUBMIT: function() { return ye }, STEP_SIGN_IN__DATE_OF_BIRTH__SUBMIT: function() { return Qe }, STEP_SIGN_IN__GET_PASSKEY_CHALLENGE__SUBMIT: function() { return _e }, STEP_SIGN_IN__GET_QR_CODE_DATA: function() { return Xe }, STEP_SIGN_IN__PASSKEY_ENROL__SKIP: function() { return he }, STEP_SIGN_IN__PASSKEY_ENROL__SUBMIT: function() { return pe }, STEP_SIGN_IN__PASSKEY__SUBMIT: function() { return de }, STEP_SIGN_IN__PASSWORD__SUBMIT: function() { return ue }, STEP_SIGN_IN__QR_CODE__SUBMIT: function() { return Ke }, STEP_SOCIAL__2FA_PIN__REQUEST_RESEND: function() { return Ae }, STEP_SOCIAL__2FA_PIN__SUBMIT: function() { return Oe }, STEP_SOCIAL__2FA_RECOVERY__PHONE__SUBMIT: function() { return Se }, STEP_SOCIAL__2FA_RECOVERY__VERIFICATION_CODE__SUBMIT: function() { return Pe }, STEP_SOCIAL__CONFIRMATION__SUBMIT: function() { return Ce }, STEP_SOCIAL__CONTACT_DETAILS: function() { return qe }, STEP_SOCIAL__EMAIL__SUBMIT: function() { return Ee }, STEP_SOCIAL__PASSWORD__REQUEST_RECOVERY: function() { return Ie }, STEP_SOCIAL__PASSWORD__SUBMIT: function() { return ke }, STEP_SOCIAL__PASSWORLD_RECOVERY__PASSWORD__SUBMIT: function() { return Ne } }); var r = t(74848) , o = (t(52435), t(96853), t(6669)) , c = (t(17482), t(17546), t(35890), t(99650), t(64509), t(18132), t(53e3), t(82586), t(88647), t(39813), t(22642), t(84614), t(82975), t(96540)) , s = t(5556) , l = t.n(s) , u = t(82960) , d = t(56347) , _ = t(12139) , p = t(9737) , h = t(78270); function f(e) { return f = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , f(e) } function v(e, n) { var t = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var a = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); n && (a = a.filter((function(n) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, n).enumerable } ))), t.push.apply(t, a) } return t } function g(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {}; n % 2 ? v(Object(t), !0).forEach((function(n) { m(e, n, t[n]) } )) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : v(Object(t)).forEach((function(n) { Object.defineProperty(e, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n)) } )) } return e } function m(e, n, t) { var a; return a = function(e, n) { if ("object" != f(e) || !e) return e; var t = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== t) { var a = t.call(e, "string"); if ("object" != f(a)) return a; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return String(e) }(n), (n = "symbol" == f(a) ? a : String(a))in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, n, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[n] = t, e } var y = { show_cookie_warning: booking.env.show_cookie_warning } , b = (0, h.VP)("hideCookieWarning") , w = (0, h.vy)(m({}, b, (function(e) { return g(g({}, e), {}, { show_cookie_warning: !1 }) } )), y); function x() { return x = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , x.apply(this, arguments) } t(11430); var E = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", x({ xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", fill: "none", viewBox: "0 0 180 30" }, n), c.createElement("path", { fill: "#fff", d: "M70.6 2.74a2.74 2.74 0 1 1 5.48.02 2.74 2.74 0 0 1-5.48-.02zm45.9 21.03a2.753 2.753 0 0 0 2.548-1.69 2.755 2.755 0 0 0-.59-3.001 2.748 2.748 0 0 0-4.234.412 2.755 2.755 0 0 0 .338 3.47c.513.515 1.21.806 1.938.809zM25.7 6.73a8.55 8.55 0 1 0 8.64 8.55 8.292 8.292 0 0 0-8.64-8.55zm0 13.1c-2.35 0-4-1.87-4-4.55 0-2.68 1.64-4.55 4-4.55 2.36 0 4 1.87 4 4.55 0 2.68-1.59 4.55-4 4.55zm39.6-4.12a3.661 3.661 0 0 0-.65-.92l-.15-.16.16-.15c.252-.272.482-.563.69-.87l4.39-6.55h-5.33l-3.31 5.13a1.299 1.299 0 0 1-1.13.41h-.75V2.91c0-1.93-1.21-2.2-2.51-2.2h-2.23v22.87h4.73v-6.86h.44c.54 0 .91.06 1.08.36l2.62 4.89a2.62 2.62 0 0 0 2.82 1.57h3.63l-2.71-4.47-1.79-3.36zm22.97-9.02a6.42 6.42 0 0 0-4.8 2l-.29.29-.1-.4a2.17 2.17 0 0 0-2.38-1.5h-2.13v16.49h4.72v-7.6a6.11 6.11 0 0 1 .29-2 3.86 3.86 0 0 1 3.81-2.89c1.46 0 2 .77 2 2.78v7.19a2.19 2.19 0 0 0 2.51 2.51h2.22V13.07c.03-4.17-2-6.38-5.85-6.38zm-14.88.37h-2.22v16.52h4.7v-14a2.2 2.2 0 0 0-2.48-2.52zm-29.23-.33a8.55 8.55 0 1 0 8.64 8.55 8.292 8.292 0 0 0-8.64-8.55zm0 13.1c-2.35 0-4-1.87-4-4.55 0-2.68 1.64-4.55 4-4.55 2.36 0 4 1.87 4 4.55 0 2.68-1.59 4.55-4 4.55zm100.73-13.1a8.549 8.549 0 0 0-1.545 16.942 8.548 8.548 0 0 0 10.185-8.392 8.277 8.277 0 0 0-.585-3.336 8.291 8.291 0 0 0-8.055-5.214zm0 13.1c-2.35 0-4-1.87-4-4.55 0-2.68 1.64-4.55 4-4.55 2.36 0 4 1.87 4 4.55 0 2.68-1.59 4.55-4 4.55zM109.74 7.02a2.002 2.002 0 0 0-1.93 1l-.12.25-.22-.19a6.39 6.39 0 0 0-4.33-1.44c-4.39 0-7.36 3.31-7.36 8.23s3.07 8.35 7.45 8.35a5.81 5.81 0 0 0 3.62-1.06l.36-.28v.46c0 2.21-1.43 3.43-4 3.43a9.463 9.463 0 0 1-3.16-.59 1.39 1.39 0 0 0-2 1l-.91 12.82 0 0 0 5.76 1.34c4 0 8.67-2.06 8.67-7.83V7.02h-2.16zm-5.68 12.09c-2.56 0-3.48-2.25-3.48-4.35 0-.93.23-4 3.23-4 1.49 0 3.49.42 3.49 4.1 0 3.52-1.76 4.25-3.24 4.25zm-90.97-7.26l-.69-.38.6-.5a5.54 5.54 0 0 0 1.88-4.31c0-3.6-2.79-5.92-7.09-5.92H2.31A2.4 2.4 0 0 0 0 3.1v20.4h7.88c4.79 0 7.89-2.61 7.89-6.66a5.57 5.57 0 0 0-2.68-4.99zM4.37 6.08c0-1.06.45-1.56 1.43-1.62h2a2.47 2.47 0 0 1 2.68 2.69 2.55 2.55 0 0 1-2.66 2.82H4.37V6.08zM8.2 19.64H4.37v-4.58c0-1 .39-1.49 1.22-1.61H8.2a3.1 3.1 0 0 1 0 6.19zm166.33-12.9a6.478 6.478 0 0 0-5.05 2.45l-.34.44-.27-.49a4.67 4.67 0 0 0-4.45-2.4 6 6 0 0 0-4.33 1.95l-.44.48-.17-.63a2.11 2.11 0 0 0-2.3-1.42h-2v16.45h4.46v-7.26a8.452 8.452 0 0 1 .24-1.92c.43-1.76 1.61-3.65 3.59-3.46 1.22.12 1.82 1.06 1.82 2.89v9.75h4.52v-7.26a6.626 6.626 0 0 1 .25-2c.36-1.67 1.59-3.39 3.5-3.39 1.38 0 1.89.78 1.89 2.89v7.36c0 1.66.74 2.4 2.4 2.4H180v-10.5c0-4.2-1.85-6.33-5.47-6.33zm-40.84 11.12a6.882 6.882 0 0 1-4.48 2.11 4.403 4.403 0 0 1-4.367-2.798 4.394 4.394 0 0 1-.293-1.812 4.35 4.35 0 0 1 2.665-4.382A4.334 4.334 0 0 1 129 10.65c.84 0 1.8.3 1.95.81v.09a1.659 1.659 0 0 0 1.6 1.21H135v-2.15c0-2.84-3.61-3.87-6-3.87-5.19 0-9 3.63-9 8.61 0 4.98 3.73 8.62 8.86 8.62a9.637 9.637 0 0 0 7-3.12L134 17.58l-.31.28z" })) }; function j() { return j = Object.assign ? 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12.345 0 0 0-3.642-.633h-.799c-.998.035-1.991.175-2.961.415a8.617 8.617 0 0 0-2.625 1.227 5.778 5.778 0 0 0-2.645 5.145 5.519 5.519 0 0 0 .869 3.066 8.386 8.386 0 0 0 2.141 2.197 16 16 0 0 0 2.843 1.513l2.812 1.237c.747.318 1.472.685 2.171 1.098a1.54 1.54 0 0 1 .839 1.266 1.638 1.638 0 0 1-.71 1.425 3.468 3.468 0 0 1-1.974.554 7.03 7.03 0 0 1-2.546-.505 10.497 10.497 0 0 1-2.053-1.098 9.316 9.316 0 0 1-1.382-1.108 1.924 1.924 0 0 1-.503-.583l-.168-.169-2.891 9.895 0 0 0 1.757 1.386 15.073 15.073 0 0 0 2.961 1.395c1.323.441 2.711.655 4.105.633 1.19.011 2.375-.159 3.513-.505a8.38 8.38 0 0 0 2.764-1.474 7.295 7.295 0 0 0 1.806-2.236 6.537 6.537 0 0 0 .621-2.83 5.693 5.693 0 0 0-.71-2.967 7.365 7.365 0 0 0-1.865-2.058M661.121 39.355a11.86 11.86 0 0 0-2.428-1.434 82.618 82.618 0 0 0-2.684-1.05 46.175 46.175 0 0 1-2.961-1.216 1.847 1.847 0 0 1-1.224-1.563 1.526 1.526 0 0 1 .721-1.267 3.593 3.593 0 0 1 1.973-.504c.714.01 1.42.138 2.093.376a1.7 1.7 0 0 1 1.214 1.138v.168c. 3.464 0 0 0-.415-1.603 4.442 4.442 0 0 0-1.273-1.632 7.403 7.403 0 0 0-2.388-1.306 12.297 12.297 0 0 0-3.592-.673h-.79c-.998.034-1.991.174-2.96.416a8.55 8.55 0 0 0-2.635 1.226 6.31 6.31 0 0 0-1.974 2.068 6.41 6.41 0 0 0-.711 3.077 5.355 5.355 0 0 0 .879 3.087 8.179 8.179 0 0 0 2.131 2.196 16.362 16.362 0 0 0 2.842 1.514l2.803 1.187c.743.306 1.459.673 2.142 1.098a1.54 1.54 0 0 1 .878 1.266 1.652 1.652 0 0 1-.71 1.425 3.47 3.47 0 0 1-1.974.554 7.038 7.038 0 0 1-2.556-.505c-.722-.29-1.41-.659-2.053-1.098a9.254 9.254 0 0 1-1.372-1.108 1.91 1.91 0 0 1-.503-.584l-.168-.168-2.891 1.119.995 1.757 1.385a15.064 15.064 0 0 0 2.96 1.395c1.324.442 2.712.656 4.106.633 1.186.011 2.368-.159 3.503-.504a8.38 8.38 0 0 0 2.764-1.474 7.31 7.31 0 0 0 1.806-2.236 6.538 6.538 0 0 0 .621-2.83 5.594 5.594 0 0 0-.71-2.968 7.367 7.367 0 0 0-1.875-1.988" }), c.createElement("path", { d: "M675.016 0H483.709a14.026 14.026 0 0 0-9.899 4.162 14.097 14.097 0 0 0-4.075 9.955v46.736a14.107 14.107 0 0 0 4.081 9.956 14.038 14.038 0 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1-7.895-1.465c-2.487-.751-3.947-.128-4.934 2.375l-.938 2.305-1.322 3.374.819.435a31.939 31.939 0 0 0 14.349 3.472c9.987 0 21.652-5.124 21.652-19.549V17.6l-5.408-.01zm-14.162 30.224c-6.395 0-8.684-5.62-8.684-10.883 0-2.315.572-9.893 8.063-9.893 3.72 0 8.704 1.068 8.704 10.26 0 8.695-4.402 10.516-8.083 10.516zM32.666 29.7l-1.727-.99 1.5-1.227a13.848 13.848 0 0 0 3.548-4.867 13.88 13.88 0 0 0 1.15-5.916c0-8.973-6.909-14.77-17.695-14.77H5.734a5.993 5.993 0 0 0-4.07 1.81A6.023 6.023 0 0 0-.039 7.866v50.9h19.717c11.951 0 19.669-6.52 19.669-16.62 0-5.441-2.497-10.081-6.681-12.446zM10.954 18.282v-3.018c0-2.631 1.115-3.888 3.553-4.046h4.885c4.184 0 6.701 2.513 6.701 6.727 0 3.206-1.717 6.925-6.553 6.925h-8.586v-6.588zm9.543 30.866h-9.572V37.693c0-2.444.987-3.72 3.04-3.957h6.503c4.648 0 7.658 2.968 7.658 7.687s-2.931 7.726-7.658 7.726h.03zM435.55 16.937a16.082 16.082 0 0 0-6.993 1.616 16.127 16.127 0 0 0-5.6 4.498l-.859 1.078-.661-1.216c-2.161-3.958-5.921-5.936-11.112-5.936a14.866 14.866 0 0 0-10.826 4.818l-1.115 1.207-.425-1.583c-.621-2.296-2.654-3.542-5.733-3.542h-4.935v41.086h11.221V40.82c.009-1.618.211-3.229.602-4.798 1.066-4.393 4.007-9.102 8.941-8.637 3.05.307 4.54 2.662 4.54 7.222v24.357h11.28V40.82a16.28 16.28 0 0 1 .631-4.946c.908-4.185 3.948-8.479 8.734-8.479 3.454 0 4.727 1.979 4.727 7.222v18.332c0 4.165 1.846 6.015 5.991 6.015h5.26V32.727c-.01-10.487-4.619-15.79-13.668-15.79zM333.644 44.697s-4.855 5.135-11.201 5.135c-5.783 0-11.625-3.552-11.625-11.506 0-6.856 4.53-11.644 11.013-11.644 2.102 0 4.51.762 4.876 2.038l.049.218a4.146 4.146 0 0 0 1.469 2.174 4.13 4.13 0 0 0 2.478.853h6.129v-5.372c0-7.094-9-9.656-15.05-9.656-12.948 0-22.353 9.042-22.353 21.478 0 12.436 9.297 21.478 22.116 21.478a23.171 23.171 0 0 0 9.388-1.881 23.22 23.22 0 0 0 7.833-5.519l.326-.406-4.856-8.082-.592.692z" })), c.createElement("defs", null, c.createElement("clipPath", { id: "a" }, c.createElement("path", { fill: "#fff", d: "M0 0h689v75H0z" })))) } , O = t(55374) , A = t(26379) , S = t(53378) , P = t(70265) , C = (t(68305), t(74701), { reloadWithLanguage: function(e) { var n = window.location , t = n.search.substr(1).replace(/[&;]?lang=[\w-]+/g, "").replace(/[&;]$/, ""); t += (t.length ? "&" : "") + "lang=" + e; var a = "".concat(n.protocol, "//").concat(n.hostname).concat(n.pathname).concat(n.port ? ":" + n.port : "") , i = "".concat(a, "?").concat(t).concat(n.hash); n.assign(i) } }) , I = "/account/sign-in/login_name" , N = "/account/sign-in/password" , T = "/account/sign-in/2fa-pin" , R = "/account/send/2fa-pin" , D = "/account/register/resend-confirmation" , L = "/oauth2/not-me" , M = "/account/account-recovery/login_name" , V = "/track_goal" , U = t(44499) , H = t(54192) , z = t(48606) , W = function() { return W = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , W.apply(this, arguments) } , F = function(e) { return e }; F.set = function() {} ; var B = { translations: F, setup: function() {} } , G = window.booking || {} , Y = { jstmpl: G.jstmpl || B, env: G.env || { translations: [], features: {}, oauth: {}, show_cookie_warning: !0, enable_settings: !0, is_authorized: !0, link_params: {}, lang: "en-us", is_cn: !0, bookingUrl: "https://app.dqs.booking.com" } } , X = (0, h.VP)("setGlobalVariables") , K = (0, h.vy)({}, Y); K.on(X, (function(e, n) { return W(W({}, e), { env: n }) } )); var q = K , Q = (t(17855), function(e) { var n = []; for (var t in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t) && n.push(encodeURIComponent(t) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(e[t])); return n.join("&") } ); window.transportHooks = {}, booking.env.is_cn_domain, booking.env.is_cn_domain, t(66517), t(54913); var J, Z, $ = { SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG: 1e3, REQUEST_THROTTLED: 1001, NO_USERNAME: 1100, UNSUPPORTED_USERNAME: 1101, UNSUPPORTED_REALM: 1102, NO_REQUIRED_PARAM: 1103, NO_TOKEN: 1104, TWO_FA_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_CODE: 1105, TWO_FA_INVALID_ANSWER_TO_SECURITY_QUESTION: 1106, PHONE_ALREADY_EXISTS: 1107, REUSED_PASSWORD: 1108, PREVIOUS_PASSWORD_USED: 1109, PASSWORD_EXPIRED: 1110, PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED: 1111, PASSWORD_TOO_SMALL_OR_TOO_BIG: 1112, PASSWORD_NOT_ALPHANUMERIC: 1113, TOKEN_EXPIRED: 1115, NO_PASSWORD_RESET_HASH: 1116, PASSWORD_IS_WEAK: 1117, TWO_FA_CODE_EXPIRED: 1118, USER_HAS_NO_PASSWORD: 1119, INVALID_EMAIL_PASSWORD_COMBO: 1200, INVALID_USERNAME_PASSWORD_COMBO: 1201, INVALID_VENUE_PASSWORD_COMBO: 1202, INVALID_PASSWORD: 1203, INVALID_CREDENTIALS: 1204, INVALID_2FA_PIN: 1205, INVALID_PHONE_PASSWORD_COMBO: 1208, EXPIRED_2FA_PIN: 1209, INVALID_PHONE: 1210, EMAIL_REQUIRED: 1211, INVALID_EMAIL: 1212, INVALID_PASSKEY: 1213, UNKNOWN_EMAIL_NO_ACCOUNT_CREATION: 1300, UNKNOWN_USERNAME: 1301, UNKNOWN_EMAIL: 1302, UNKNOWN_PHONE: 1303, USER_ALREADY_EXISTS: 1400, ACCOUNT_LOCKED: 1401, ACCOUNT_NOT_CONFIRMED: 1402, ACCOUNT_DISABLED: 1403, CONFIRMED_PHONE_REQUIRED: 1404, ACCOUNT_ALREADY_CONFIRMED: 1405, EMAIL_IS_NOT_LOGINNAME: 1406, EMAIL_LINKED_TO_PARTNER_ACCOUNT: 1407, DEVICE_NOT_APPROVED: 1408, SOCIAL_CN_EMPTY_USERNAME: 1409, RESET_PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_FEDERATION: 2106, USER_NOT_FEDERATED: 2107, PHONE_ALREADY_IN_USE: 20160, PHONE_SIGN_UP_NOT_ALLOWED: 20161, PASSWORD_BLACKLISTED: 20162, PASSWORD_NOT_SECURE: 20162, USER_ALREADY_HAS_PHONE_IDENTIFIER: 20163, CORRECT_PASSWORD_JANUS_BLOCK: 20164, DATE_OF_BIRTH_UNDER_ALLOWED_AGE: 20165 }, ee = ((J = {})[$.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG] = "account_server_problem_error", J[$.REQUEST_THROTTLED] = "account_request_throttled", J[$.UNKNOWN_EMAIL] = "account_sign_in_no_such_user", J[$.EMAIL_REQUIRED] = "account_sign_in_no_input", J[$.INVALID_EMAIL] = "account_sign_in_invalid_email", J[$.INVALID_PASSKEY] = "account_sign_in_invalid_passkey", J[$.UNKNOWN_PHONE] = "account_sign_in_no_such_user_phone", J[$.INVALID_CREDENTIALS] = "login_error_wrong", J[$.INVALID_2FA_PIN] = "account_settings_security_error_wrong_verification_code", J[$.NO_USERNAME] = "account_server_problem_error", J[$.UNSUPPORTED_USERNAME] = "account_sign_in_invalid_email", J[$.INVALID_PASSWORD] = "identity_signin_password_screen_incorrect_password_error", J[$.USER_ALREADY_EXISTS] = "account_create_account_user_found", J[$.TWO_FA_INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_CODE] = "accounts_lb_session_timedout_inactivity", J[$.TWO_FA_CODE_EXPIRED] = "accounts_lb_session_timedout_inactivity", J[$.USER_HAS_NO_PASSWORD] = "iux_partner_sign_in_reset_password_required_description", J[$.TWO_FA_INVALID_ANSWER_TO_SECURITY_QUESTION] = "account_incorrect_phone", J[$.ACCOUNT_LOCKED] = "ugc_error_message_locked_account", J[$.ACCOUNT_NOT_CONFIRMED] = "ext_login_page_unconfirmed_account_alert ", J[$.ACCOUNT_DISABLED] = "account_error_password_attempt_when_disabled", J[$.UNKNOWN_EMAIL_NO_ACCOUNT_CREATION] = "identity_error_unknown_email", J[$.UNKNOWN_USERNAME] = "account_sign_in_no_such_username", J[$.INVALID_EMAIL_PASSWORD_COMBO] = "account_error_invalid_email_password", J[$.INVALID_PHONE_PASSWORD_COMBO] = "account_sign_in_china_wrong_password", J[$.INVALID_USERNAME_PASSWORD_COMBO] = "account_error_invalid_username_password_attempt", J[$.INVALID_VENUE_PASSWORD_COMBO] = "account_error_invalid_venue_username_password", J[$.PHONE_ALREADY_EXISTS] = "account_create_account_phone_found", J[$.REUSED_PASSWORD] = "identity_partner_settings_password_reused", J[$.PREVIOUS_PASSWORD_USED] = "iam_ext_previous_password_used", J[$.PASSWORD_EXPIRED] = "extranet_change_password_expired_1", J[$.PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED] = "iam_ext_password_not_allowed", J[$.PASSWORD_TOO_SMALL_OR_TOO_BIG] = "identity_password_compliance_error_characters", J[$.PASSWORD_NOT_ALPHANUMERIC] = "iam_ext_password_not_alphanumeric", J[$.PASSWORD_IS_WEAK] = "identity_password_compliance_server_error", J[$.ACCOUNT_ALREADY_CONFIRMED] = "account_error_already_confirmed", J[$.EMAIL_IS_NOT_LOGINNAME] = "iam_extranet_email_is_not_username", J[$.EMAIL_LINKED_TO_PARTNER_ACCOUNT] = "iam_joinapp_email_already_in_use", J[$.TOKEN_EXPIRED] = "iam_magic_link_expired_error", J[$.NO_PASSWORD_RESET_HASH] = "iam_magic_link_expired_error", J[$.EXPIRED_2FA_PIN] = "account_settings_security_error_wrong_verification_code", J[$.DEVICE_NOT_APPROVED] = "iam_pulse_tfa_via_extranet_error_unverified", J[$.SOCIAL_CN_EMPTY_USERNAME] = "account_sign_in_china_phone_error_lined_to_another_account", J[$.INVALID_PHONE] = "identity_recovery_web_2fa_error_phone", J[$.PHONE_ALREADY_IN_USE] = "account_create_account_phone_found", J[$.PHONE_SIGN_UP_NOT_ALLOWED] = "identity_signin_phone_error_verify_number", J[$.PASSWORD_BLACKLISTED] = "identity_error_code_password_blocklisted", J[$.PASSWORD_NOT_SECURE] = "identity_error_code_password_blocklisted", J[$.USER_ALREADY_HAS_PHONE_IDENTIFIER] = "identity_register_phone_email_exists_error", J[$.DATE_OF_BIRTH_UNDER_ALLOWED_AGE] = "iam_account_settings_confirm_age_para_1", J[$.CORRECT_PASSWORD_JANUS_BLOCK] = "iam_block_error_password_submit", J[$.RESET_PASSWORD_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_FEDERATION] = "partner_idm_federated_accounts_password_reset_error", J[$.USER_NOT_FEDERATED] = "partner_iam_federated_account_recognise_error", J), ne = $, te = function(e) { return ee[e] || ee[$.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG] }; function ae(e) { return ae = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , ae(e) } function ie(e, n) { for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) { var a = n[t]; a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value"in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, oe(a.key), a) } } function re(e, n, t) { return (n = oe(n))in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, n, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[n] = t, e } function oe(e) { var n = function(e, n) { if ("object" != ae(e) || !e) return e; var t = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== t) { var a = t.call(e, "string"); if ("object" != ae(a)) return a; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return String(e) }(e); return "symbol" == ae(n) ? n : String(n) } var ce = function() { function e() { !function(e, n) { if (!(e instanceof n)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, e) } var n, t; return n = e, t = [{ key: "init", value: function(e) { this.category = e, booking.env.enable_ga_tracking && (document.addEventListener("click", this.trackClickEvents), document.addEventListener("keydown", this.trackInputKeyDownEvents)) } }, { key: "trackEvent", value: function(n) { if (void 0 !== n.gaAction && window.ga) { var t = { hitType: "event", eventCategory: e.category, eventAction: n.gaAction, eventLabel: n.gaLabel || "" }; void 0 !== n.gaValue && (t.eventValue = n.gaValue || ""), void 0 !== n.gaNonInteraction && (t.nonInteraction = n.gaNonInteraction || !1), window.ga("send", t) } } }], null && ie(n.prototype, null), t && ie(n, t), Object.defineProperty(n, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), e }(); Z = ce, re(ce, "trackClickEvents", (function(e) { var n = null; Element.prototype.closest && (n = e.target.closest('[data-ga-action="click"]')), n && n.dataset && Z.trackEvent(n.dataset) } )), re(ce, "trackPageView", (function(e) { window.ga && (window.ga("set", "page", e), window.ga("send", "pageview")) } )), re(ce, "trackFormSubmit", (function(e) { var n = { gaAction: "submit", gaLabel: e + " Form" }; Z.trackEvent(n) } )), re(ce, "trackValidationEvent", (function(e) { var n = { gaAction: arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1] ? "error (from server)" : "error", gaLabel: e }; Z.trackEvent(n) } )), re(ce, "trackInputKeyDownEvents", (function(e) { if (e && e.target && e.target.matches("input[data-ga-action]") && "" === e.target.value) { if (32 === e.which || 8 === e.which) return !1; if (e.composed) Z.trackEvent(e.target.dataset); else { var n = Object.assign({}, e.target.dataset); n.gaLabel = e.target.dataset.gaLabel + " (autocompleted)", Z.trackEvent(n) } } } )); var se = ce , le = "/enter/email/submit" , ue = "/sign_in/password/submit" , de = "/sign_in/passkey/submit" , _e = "/passkeys/get-challenge" , pe = "/passkeys/enrol/submit" , he = "/passkeys/enrol/skip" , fe = "/register/password/submit" , ve = "/password_recovery/email/submit" , ge = "/password_recovery/password/submit" , me = "/account/locked/submit" , ye = "/sign_in/2fa_pin/submit" , be = "/sign_in/2fa_pin/request_resend" , we = "/2fa_recovery/phone/submit" , xe = "/2fa_recovery/verification_code/submit" , Ee = "/social/email/submit" , je = "/phone/email/submit" , ke = "/social/password/submit" , Oe = "/social/2fa_pin/submit" , Ae = "/social/2fa_pin/request_resend" , Se = "/social/2fa_recovery/phone/submit" , Pe = "/social/2fa_recovery/verification_code/submit" , Ce = "/social/confirmation/submit" , Ie = "/social/password_recovery/email/submit" , Ne = "/social/password_recovery/password/submit" , Te = "/magic_link/confirmation/submit" , Re = "/magic_link/request/submit" , De = "/phone/phone/submit" , Le = "/phone/pin/submit" , Me = "/phone/password/submit" , Ve = "/phone/pin/request_resend" , Ue = "/phone/register/password/submit" , He = "/phone/password_recovery/identifier/submit" , ze = "/phone/password_recovery/password/submit" , We = "/phone/magic_link/request" , Fe = "/phone/potential_phone_password/request_recovery" , Be = "/v2.0/challenge-methods" , Ge = "/v1.0/send-pin" , Ye = "/v1.0/validate-pin" , Xe = "/get-qr-code-data" , Ke = "/sign_in/qr-code/submit" , qe = "/social/contact-details/submit" , Qe = "/sign_in/dob/submit" , Je = "/api/identity/federated-identity/v1.0" , Ze = "/verification/password" , $e = { STEP_ENTER__EMAIL: O.A.signIn.path, STEP_SIGN_IN__PASSWORD: O.A.signInPassword.path, STEP_SIGN_IN__PASSKEY: O.A.signInPasskey.path, STEP_SIGN_IN__ENROL_PASSKEY: O.A.signInEnrolPasskey.path, STEP_SIGN_IN__PASSWORD__WITH_MAGIC_HELPER: O.A.signInPassword.path, STEP_SIGN_IN__PASSWORD__MAGIC_LINK_SENT_AUTO: O.A.signInMagicLinkSentAuto.path, STEP_REGISTER__PASSWORD: O.A.registerPassword.path, STEP_SIGN_IN__2FA_PIN: O.A.signInSms.path, STEP_2FA_RECOVERY__PHONE: O.A.signInConfirmPhone.path, STEP_2FA_RECOVERY__VERIFICATION_CODE: O.A.signInConfirmEmail.path, STEP_PASSWORD_RECOVERY__EMAIL: O.A.accountRecovery.path, STEP_PASSWORD_RECOVERY__EMAIL_SUCCESS: O.A.accountRecoveryConfirmation.path, STEP_PASSWORD_RECOVERY__PASSWORD: O.A.resetPassword.path, STEP_ACCOUNT__LOCKED: O.A.accountLocked.path, STEP_ACCOUNT__LOCKED_MESSAGE: O.A.lockedAccountRecoveryConfirmation.path, STEP_FEDERATION__ACCOUNT__LOCKED_MESSAGE: O.A.federationLockedAccountRecoveryConfirmation.path, STEP_FEDERATION__ACCOUNT__UNLOCK_SUCCESS: O.A.federationUnlockedAccountRecoveryConfirmation.path, STEP_ACCOUNT__DISABLED: O.A.accountDisabled.path, STEP_ACCOUNT__CONFIRM_DATE_OF_BIRTH: O.A.confirmDateOfBirth.path, STEP_EMAIL_MAGIC_LINK_SENT: O.A.signInMagicLinkSent.path, STEP_EMAIL_MAGIC_LINK_CONFIRMATION: O.A.magicLinkConfirm.path, STEP_OAUTH_CONSENT: O.A.oauthConsent.path, STEP_SOCIAL__EMAIL: O.A.signInSocialLoginName.path, STEP_SOCIAL__PASSWORD: O.A.signInConnectSocial.path, STEP_SOCIAL__2FA_PIN: O.A.signInSms.path, STEP_SOCIAL__2FA_RECOVERY__PHONE: O.A.signInConfirmPhone.path, STEP_SOCIAL__2FA_RECOVERY__VERIFICATION_CODE: O.A.signInConfirmEmail.path, STEP_SOCIAL__LINK_ACCOUNT__PIN: O.A.linkPhoneVerifyPin.path, STEP_SOCIAL__REGISTER__PIN: O.A.phoneVerifyPin.path, STEP_SOCIAL__PHONE: O.A.signInSocialPhone.path, STEP_SOCIAL__PASSWORD_RECOVERY__EMAIL: O.A.socialAccountRecovery.path, STEP_SOCIAL__PASSWORD_RECOVERY__EMAIL_SUCCESS: O.A.accountRecoveryConfirmation.path, STEP_SOCIAL__PASSWORD_RECOVERY__PASSWORD: O.A.socialResetPassword.path, STEP_SOCIAL__CONFIRMATION: O.A.signInConfirmSocial.path, STEP_SOCIAL__PROVIDER_RELAY_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION: O.A.signInConfirmProviderRelay.path, STEP_SOCIAL__CONTACT_DETAILS: O.A.socialContactDetails.path, STEP_PHONE__LOGIN__PIN: O.A.phoneVerifyPin.path, STEP_PHONE__VERIFY__PIN: O.A.phoneVerifyPin.path, STEP_PHONE__LOGIN__PIN__EMAIL_MISMATCH: O.A.phoneVerifyPinEmailMismatch.path, STEP_PHONE__PASSWORD: O.A.signInPhonePassword.path, STEP_PHONE__PASSWORD__CREATE: O.A.registerPhonePassword.path, STEP_PHONE__PASSWORD__RECOVERY: O.A.accountRecoveryPhone.path, STEP_PHONE__PASSWORD_RECOVERY__PASSWORD: O.A.resetPhonePassword.path, STEP_PHONE__PASSWORD_RECOVERY__PHONE_SUCCESS: O.A.accountRecoveryPhoneConfirmation.path, STEP_PHONE__PASSWORD_RECOVERY__EMAIL_SUCCESS: O.A.accountRecoveryEmailConfirmation.path, STEP_PHONE__CONNECT_PHONE__SUBMIT: O.A.signInAddPhone.path, STEP_PHONE__CONFIRM_ACCOUNT__PASSWORD: O.A.signInPhoneConfirmPassword.path, STEP_PHONE__RECONFIRM_ACCOUNT__PASSWORD: O.A.signInPhoneReconfirmPassword.path, STEP_PHONE__CONFIRM_ACCOUNT__MAGIC_LINK_SENT: O.A.signInPhoneConfirmMagicLinkSent.path, STEP_PHONE__RECONFIRM_ACCOUNT__MAGIC_LINK_SENT: O.A.signInPhoneReconfirmMagicLinkSent.path, STEP_AUTH_ASSURANCE__SMS_VALIDATE_PIN: O.A.authAssuranceValidateSMSPin.path, STEP_AUTH_ASSURANCE__EMAIL_VALIDATE_PIN: O.A.authAssuranceValidateEmailPin.path, STEP_AUTH_ASSURANCE__PHONE_CALL_VALIDATE_PIN: O.A.authAssuranceValidateCallPin.path, STEP_AUTH_ASSURANCE__OTHER_OPTIONS_CUSTOMER_SUPPORT: O.A.authAssuranceOtherOptionsCustomerService.path, STEP_AUTH_ASSURANCE__OTHER_OPTIONS_SECURITY_REASON: O.A.authAssuranceOtherOptionsSecurityReason.path, STEP_AUTH_ASSURANCE__CONTEXT_EXPIRED: O.A.authAssuranceContextExpired.path, STEP_PHONE__ENTER_EMAIL: O.A.phoneEnterEmail.path, STEP_SIGN_IN__AUTHENTICATOR: O.A.signInAuthenticator.path, STEP_SIGN_IN__AUTHENTICATOR__MAGIC_LINK_SENT: O.A.authenticatorRecoveryMagicLinkSent.path, STEP_FEDERATION__2FA_VERIFICATION_METHODS: O.A.authAssuranceVerificationMethods.path } , en = { ERROR_CODE__WRONG_PASSWORD: ne.INVALID_EMAIL_PASSWORD_COMBO, ERROR_CODE__WRONG_PHONE_PASSWORD: ne.INVALID_PHONE_PASSWORD_COMBO, ERROR_CODE__PASSWORD_ALREADY_USED: ne.PREVIOUS_PASSWORD_USED, ERROR_CODE__WRONG_2FA_PIN: ne.INVALID_2FA_PIN, ERROR_CODE__WRONG_PIN: ne.INVALID_2FA_PIN, ERROR_CODE__WRONG_PHONE: ne.TWO_FA_INVALID_ANSWER_TO_SECURITY_QUESTION, ERROR_CODE__INVALID_PHONE: ne.INVALID_PHONE, ERROR_CODE__WRONG_2FA_RECOVERY_PIN: ne.INVALID_2FA_PIN, ERROR_CODE__REQUEST_THROTTLED: ne.REQUEST_THROTTLED, ERROR_CODE__UNKNOWN_EMAIL: ne.UNKNOWN_EMAIL, ERROR_CODE__UNKNOWN_PHONE: ne.UNKNOWN_PHONE, ERROR_CODE__INVALID_EMAIL: ne.UNSUPPORTED_USERNAME, ERROR_CODE__INVALID_MAGIC_LINK: ne.NO_PASSWORD_RESET_HASH, ERROR_CODE__PHONE_ALREADY_IN_USE: ne.PHONE_ALREADY_IN_USE, ERROR_CODE__PHONE_SIGN_UP_NOT_ALLOWED: ne.PHONE_SIGN_UP_NOT_ALLOWED, ERROR_CODE__PASSWORD_BLACKLISTED: ne.PASSWORD_BLACKLISTED, ERROR_CODE__PASSWORD_NOT_SECURE: ne.PASSWORD_NOT_SECURE, ERROR_CODE__CORRECT_PASSWORD_JANUS_BLOCK: ne.CORRECT_PASSWORD_JANUS_BLOCK, ERROR_CODE__USER_ALREADY_HAS_PHONE_IDENTIFIER: ne.USER_ALREADY_HAS_PHONE_IDENTIFIER, ERROR_CODE__USER_ALREADY_EXISTS: ne.USER_ALREADY_EXISTS, ERROR_CODE__DATE_OF_BIRTH_UNDER_ALLOWED_AGE: ne.DATE_OF_BIRTH_UNDER_ALLOWED_AGE, ERROR_CODE__TWO_FA_CODE_EXPIRED: ne.TWO_FA_CODE_EXPIRED, ERROR_CODE__PREVIOUS_PASSWORD_USED: ne.PREVIOUS_PASSWORD_USED, ERROR_CODE__PASSWORD_EXPIRED: ne.PASSWORD_EXPIRED, ERROR_CODE__ACCOUNT_LOCKED: ne.ACCOUNT_LOCKED } , nn = function(e, n, t) { if (t || 2 === arguments.length) for (var a, i = 0, r = n.length; i < r; i++) !a && i in n || (a || (a = Array.prototype.slice.call(n, 0, i)), a[i] = n[i]); return e.concat(a || Array.prototype.slice.call(n)) } , tn = Object.values(i).reduce((function(e, n) { return e[n] = !0, e } ), {}) , an = function(e) { var n = Object.keys(booking.env.link_params).map((function(e) { return e + "=" + encodeURIComponent(booking.env.link_params[e]) } )).join("&"); return "".concat(e).concat(n ? "?".concat(n) : "") } , rn = function(e) { var n, t = e.actions, a = e.response, i = e.history, r = e.setContextOnError; if (t.finishLoading(), r && a.context && t.setIdpApiContext(a.context), a.nextStep) { var o = $e[a.nextStep]; o && window.location.pathname !== o && (t.initialPath(o), i.push({ pathname: o, search: window.location.search })) } if (null === (n = null == a ? void 0 : a.error) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.length) return { errors: a.error.map((function(e) { return en[e.code] || ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG } )), fields: a.error.filter((function(e) { return e.field } )).map((function(e) { return e.field } )), tag: a.error.map((function(e) { return te(en[e.code]) } )).join(" "), extras: Object.assign.apply(Object, nn([{}], a.error.map((function(e) { return e.extras } )), !1)) } } , on = function(e) { var n, t, a, i, r = e.action, o = e.payload, c = e.actions, s = e.history, l = e.historyMethod, u = e.skipHandleResponse, d = e.baseUrl, _ = void 0 === d ? "/api/identity/authenticate/v1.0" : d, p = e.onBeforeRedirect, h = e.disableLoading, f = e.accessToken, v = e.setContextOnError, g = void 0 !== v && v; return n = void 0, t = void 0, i = function() { return function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } }(this, (function(e) { return c.clearError(), se.trackFormSubmit(window.location.pathname), [2, new Promise((function(e, n) { if (c.startLoading && !h && c.startLoading(), !tn[r]) return n("The action is not defined"); var t = an(_ + r) , a = function() { var e = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest", "X-Booking-Client": "ap" }; return booking.env.ajax_headers && Object.assign(e, booking.env.ajax_headers), e }(); f && (a["X-Access-Token"] = f), fetch(t, { method: "POST", cache: "no-cache", headers: a, body: JSON.stringify(o), credentials: "include" }).then((function(t) { return t.ok ? t.json().then((function(t) { var a; (null === (a = null == t ? void 0 : t.error) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.length) ? n(rn({ response: t, actions: c, history: s, setContextOnError: g })) : e(t) } )) : (500 === t.status && c.showError(te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG)), t.json().then((function(e) { return n(rn({ response: e, actions: c, history: s, setContextOnError: g })) } ))) } )).catch((function(e) { return n(rn({ actions: c, response: e, history: s, setContextOnError: g })) } )) } )).then((function(e) { return window.transportHooks.onBeforeHandleResponse && window.transportHooks.onBeforeHandleResponse(e), e = function(e) { if (e.me_outbound_messages) { var n = e.me_outbound_messages; window.sessionStorage.me_outbound_messages = JSON.stringify(n.map((function(e) { return e.id } ))), delete e.me_outbound_messages } return e }(e), u ? e : function(e) { var n = e.response , t = e.actions , a = e.history , i = e.historyMethod , r = e.onBeforeRedirect; if (n) { var o = n.nextStep; if ("STEP_SUCCESS" === o) return t.clearPII(), r && r(n, null), location.href = n.redirect_uri || n.redirectUri || "", n; if (n.context && t.setIdpApiContext(n.context), n.identifier && n.identifier.value && t.setLoginName(n.identifier.value), o) { var c = { skipNextStep: !1 }; t.setInSocialFlow(o.startsWith("STEP_SOCIAL_")); var s = $e[o]; s && window.location.pathname !== s && (r && r(n, c), c.skipNextStep || a[i || "push"]({ pathname: s, search: window.location.search })) } return t.finishLoading(), n } t.finishLoading() }({ response: e, actions: c, history: s, historyMethod: l, onBeforeRedirect: p }) } ))] } )) } , new ((a = void 0) || (a = Promise))((function(e, r) { function o(e) { try { s(i.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(i.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(n) { var t; n.done ? e(n.value) : (t = n.value, t instanceof a ? t : new a((function(e) { e(t) } ))).then(o, c) } s((i = i.apply(n, t || [])).next()) } )) }; function cn(e) { return cn = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , cn(e) } function sn(e, n) { var t = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var a = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); n && (a = a.filter((function(n) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, n).enumerable } ))), t.push.apply(t, a) } return t } function ln(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {}; n % 2 ? sn(Object(t), !0).forEach((function(n) { un(e, n, t[n]) } )) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : sn(Object(t)).forEach((function(n) { Object.defineProperty(e, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n)) } )) } return e } function un(e, n, t) { var a; return a = function(e, n) { if ("object" != cn(e) || !e) return e; var t = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== t) { var a = t.call(e, "string"); if ("object" != cn(a)) return a; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return String(e) }(n), (n = "symbol" == cn(a) ? a : String(a))in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, n, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[n] = t, e } function dn(e) { if (e.action) return on(e); var n = e.url , t = e.payload , a = void 0 === t ? {} : t , i = e.actions , r = e.history , o = e.historyMethod , c = e.skipHandleResponse , s = e.disableLoading; return i.clearError(), se.trackFormSubmit(window.location.pathname), new Promise((function(e, t) { i.startLoading && !s && i.startLoading(); for (var o = function() { for (var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] && arguments[0], n = /^((exp_.*)|(b_feature_.*)|(i_am_from)|(is_cn)|(dev_phone)|(label))$/, t = {}, a = 0, i = Object.keys(booking.env.link_params); a < i.length; a++) { var r = i[a]; n.test(r) && (t[r] = booking.env.link_params[r]) } return e ? Q(t) : t }(), c = 0, l = Object.keys(a); c < l.length; c++) { var u = l[c]; void 0 !== a[u] && null !== a[u] || delete a[u] } var d = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest" }; booking.env.ajax_headers && Object.assign(d, booking.env.ajax_headers), fetch(n, { method: "POST", cache: "no-cache", headers: d, body: JSON.stringify(ln(ln({}, a), o)), credentials: "include" }).then((function(n) { return n.ok ? n.json().then((function(n) { return e(n) } )) : n.json().then((function(e) { return t(pn({ actions: i, response: e, history: r })) } )) } )).catch((function(e) { return t(pn({ actions: i, response: e, history: r })) } )) } )).then((function(e) { return window.transportHooks.onBeforeHandleResponse && window.transportHooks.onBeforeHandleResponse(e), e = function(e) { if (e.me_outbound_messages) { var n = e.me_outbound_messages; window.sessionStorage.me_outbound_messages = JSON.stringify(n.map((function(e) { return e.id } ))), delete e.me_outbound_messages } return e }(e), c ? e : _n({ response: e, actions: i, history: r, historyMethod: o }) } )) } function _n(e) { var n = e.response , t = e.actions , a = e.history , i = e.historyMethod , r = void 0 === i ? void 0 : i; if (n) { var o = n.next_step , c = n.redirect_uri , s = !1; return "redirect" === o && c ? (t.clearPII(), window.location.href = c, s = !0) : o && window.location.pathname !== o && (n.scopes && (t.updateOauthData({ op_token: n.op_token, scopes: n.scopes, client_id: n.client_id, client_name: n.client_name }), t.initialPath(o)), n.hint && t.updateOauthData({ cs_pin: n.hint }), n.authorization_token && t.setAuthToken(n.authorization_token), n.verification_methods && t.setPayload2FAStep(n), n.masked_email && t.saveControl({ masked_email: n.masked_email }), n.payload && n.payload.masked_email && t.saveControl({ masked_email: n.payload.masked_email }), a[r || "push"]({ pathname: o, search: window.location.search })), !s && t.finishLoading && t.finishLoading(), n } t.finishLoading() } function pn(e) { var n = e.actions , t = e.response , a = e.history; return t.next_step && window.location.pathname !== t.next_step ? (n.initialPath(t.next_step), n.finishLoading && n.finishLoading(), a.push({ pathname: t.next_step, search: window.location.search }), !1) : (n.finishLoading && n.finishLoading(), t && t.remaining_failed_login_count && t.errors && t.errors.length && t.errors[0] ? { remaining_failed_login_count: t.remaining_failed_login_count, errors: t.errors, tag: t.errors.map(te).join(" ") } : t && t.errors && t.errors.length && t.errors[0] ? { errors: t.errors, tag: t.errors.map(te).join(" ") } : { errors: [ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG], tag: te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG) }) } window.transportHooks = {}, t(10177), t(8301), t(20341); var hn = [O.A.index.path, O.A.signIn.path, O.A.register.path, O.A.signInChinaEmail.path, O.A.signInPhone.path] , fn = 300; function vn(e) { return "https://q-xx.bstatic.com/data/accounts_portal/" + e } function gn(e) { setTimeout((function() { var n = document.querySelector(e); n && n.focus() } ), arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : fn) } function mn(e, n) { window.onBookingError && window.onBookingError.report(e, n) } var yn = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { var n; e.done ? i(e.value) : (n = e.value, n instanceof t ? n : new t((function(e) { e(n) } ))).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) } , bn = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } } , wn = { encode: function(e) { if (!e) return ""; for (var n = "", t = new Uint8Array(e), a = t.byteLength, i = 0; i < a; i++) n += String.fromCharCode(t[i]); return window.btoa(n).replace(/=/g, "").replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_") }, decode: function(e) { for (var n = window.atob(e), t = new Uint8Array(n.length), a = 0; a < n.length; a++) t[a] = n.charCodeAt(a); return t.buffer } }; function xn(e) { for (var n = e.replace(/-/g, "+").replace(/_/g, "/"), t = window.atob(n), a = new Uint8Array(t.length), i = 0; i < t.length; i++) a[i] = t.charCodeAt(i); return a.buffer } function En(e, n, t, a) { return yn(this, void 0, void 0, (function() { var i, r; return bn(this, (function(o) { switch (o.label) { case 0: if (n.startLoading(), !a) return n.showError(te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG)), mn("No challenge for post auth passkey enrol", "[Passkeys]"), [2]; o.label = 1; case 1: return o.trys.push([1, 4, , 5]), [4, On(a)]; case 2: return i = o.sent(), [4, dn({ action: pe, payload: { context: e, passkeys_enrol_data: i }, actions: n, history: t })]; case 3: return o.sent(), [3, 5]; case 4: return mn("Error getting post auth enrol passkey credential: " + (r = o.sent()), "[Passkeys]"), r.tag ? (n.showError(r.tag), [3, 5]) : [2]; case 5: return [2] } } )) } )) } function jn(e, n) { return yn(this, void 0, void 0, (function() { return bn(this, (function(t) { switch (t.label) { case 0: if (!booking.env.pk_enabled) return [2, !1]; t.label = 1; case 1: return t.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]), [4, dn({ action: _e, payload: {}, actions: e, history: n })]; case 2: return [2, t.sent()]; case 3: return mn("Error getting challenge for autofill: " + t.sent(), "[Passkeys]"), [3, 4]; case 4: return [2] } } )) } )) } function kn() { return yn(this, void 0, void 0, (function() { var e; return bn(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: if (e = { platformAuthenticator: !1, autoFill: !1 }, !booking.env.pk_enabled) return [2, Promise.resolve(e)]; n.label = 1; case 1: return n.trys.push([1, 5, , 6]), "undefined" == typeof PublicKeyCredential ? [3, 4] : [4, PublicKeyCredential.isUserVerifyingPlatformAuthenticatorAvailable().then((function(n) { e.platformAuthenticator = n } ))]; case 2: return n.sent(), [4, (t = window.PublicKeyCredential, void 0 === t.isConditionalMediationAvailable ? new Promise((function(e) { return e(!1) } )) : t.isConditionalMediationAvailable()).then((function(n) { e.autoFill = n } ))]; case 3: return n.sent(), [2, Promise.resolve(e)]; case 4: return [2, Promise.resolve(e)]; case 5: return mn("Error checking passkeys support: " + n.sent(), "[Passkeys]"), [2, Promise.resolve(e)]; case 6: return [2] } var t } )) } )) } function On(e) { return yn(this, void 0, void 0, (function() { var n, t, a, i, r, o, c, s, l; return bn(this, (function(u) { switch (u.label) { case 0: return u.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]), n = xn(e.challenge), [4, navigator.credentials.create({ publicKey: { rp: { name: e.rpId }, user: { id: wn.decode(e.userId), name: e.username, displayName: e.displayName }, pubKeyCredParams: [{ type: "public-key", alg: -7 }, { alg: -257, type: "public-key" }], challenge: n } })]; case 1: if (!((t = u.sent())instanceof PublicKeyCredential)) throw new TypeError("Unexpected PublicKeyCredential"); if (!(t.response instanceof AuthenticatorAttestationResponse)) throw new TypeError("Unexpected attestation response"); return a = t.response.clientDataJSON, i = t.response.attestationObject, r = wn.encode(a), o = wn.encode(i), c = wn.encode(t.rawId), s = [""], l = JSON.stringify({}), [2, { id: t.id, type: t.type, rawId: c, clientDataJson: r, attestationObject: o, clientExtensionJson: l, transports: s }]; case 2: return mn("Error getting enrol credential: " + u.sent(), "[Passkeys]"), [3, 3]; case 3: return [2] } } )) } )) } function An(e, n) { return yn(this, void 0, void 0, (function() { var t, a, i, r, o, c, s, l; return bn(this, (function(u) { switch (u.label) { case 0: return u.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]), t = xn(e.challenge), a = { challenge: t, rpId: e.rpId }, [4, navigator.credentials.get({ publicKey: a, signal: n, mediation: "conditional" })]; case 1: if (!((i = u.sent())instanceof PublicKeyCredential)) throw new TypeError; if (!(i.response instanceof AuthenticatorAssertionResponse)) throw new TypeError; return r = wn.encode(i.response.clientDataJSON), o = wn.encode(i.response.authenticatorData), c = wn.encode(i.response.signature), s = wn.encode(i.response.userHandle), l = wn.encode(i.rawId), [2, { id: i.id, type: i.type, rawId: l, clientDataJson: r, authenticatorData: o, signature: c, userHandler: s }]; case 2: return mn("Error getting autofill credential: " + u.sent(), "[Passkeys]"), [3, 3]; case 3: return [2] } } )) } )) } function Sn(e) { return yn(this, void 0, void 0, (function() { var n, t, a, i, r, o, c; return bn(this, (function(s) { switch (s.label) { case 0: return s.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]), n = xn(e.challenge), [4, navigator.credentials.get({ mediation: "optional", publicKey: { rpId: e.rpId, allowCredentials: [], challenge: n } })]; case 1: if (!((t = s.sent())instanceof PublicKeyCredential)) throw new TypeError; if (!(t.response instanceof AuthenticatorAssertionResponse)) throw new TypeError; return a = wn.encode(t.response.clientDataJSON), i = wn.encode(t.response.authenticatorData), r = wn.encode(t.response.signature), o = wn.encode(t.response.userHandle), c = wn.encode(t.rawId), [2, { id: t.id, type: t.type, rawId: c, clientDataJson: a, authenticatorData: i, signature: r, userHandler: o }]; case 2: return mn("Error getting auth credential: " + s.sent(), "[Passkeys]"), [3, 3]; case 3: return [2] } } )) } )) } function Pn(e, n, t, a) { return yn(this, void 0, void 0, (function() { var i, r; return bn(this, (function(o) { switch (o.label) { case 0: return o.trys.push([0, 5, , 6]), a ? [4, Sn(a)] : [3, 4]; case 1: return (i = o.sent()) ? [4, dn({ action: de, payload: { context: e, passkey_data: i }, actions: n, history: t, historyMethod: "replace" })] : [3, 3]; case 2: return [2, o.sent()]; case 3: return n.showError(te(ne.INVALID_PASSKEY)), mn("Failed to get PublicKeyCredential", "[Passkeys]"), [2, Promise.resolve()]; case 4: return [3, 6]; case 5: return r = o.sent(), n.showError(te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG)), mn("Error on sign-in passkey submit: " + r, "[Passkeys]"), [3, 6]; case 6: return [2] } } )) } )) } function Cn(e) { var n = an("/js-track"); return new Promise((function(t, a) { var i = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest" }; booking.env.ajax_headers && Object.assign(i, booking.env.ajax_headers), fetch(n, { method: "POST", cache: "no-cache", headers: i, body: JSON.stringify(e), credentials: "include" }).then((function(e) { return e.ok ? e.json().then((function(e) { return t(e) } )) : e.json().then((function(e) { return a(e) } )) } )) } )) } function In(e) { var n = an("/js-metric"); return new Promise((function(t, a) { var i = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest" }; booking.env.ajax_headers && Object.assign(i, booking.env.ajax_headers), fetch(n, { method: "POST", cache: "no-cache", headers: i, body: JSON.stringify({ path: e }), credentials: "include" }).then((function(e) { return e.ok ? e.json().then((function(e) { return t(e) } )) : e.json().then((function(e) { return a(e) } )) } )) } )) } var Nn, Tn, Rn = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { var n; e.done ? i(e.value) : (n = e.value, n instanceof t ? n : new t((function(e) { e(n) } ))).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) }, Dn = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } }, Ln = (null === (Nn = null === booking || void 0 === booking ? void 0 : booking.env) || void 0 === Nn ? void 0 : Nn.is_iframe) ? (0, U.sC)({ initialEntries: [window.location.pathname], initialIndex: 0 }) : (0, U.zR)(), Mn = (null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__) || u.Zz, Vn = (0, u.y$)((0, u.HY)({ router: (0, H.S6)(Ln), globals: q, access: p.default, cookies: w }), Mn((0, u.Tw)((0, z.A)(Ln)))); (null === (Tn = null === booking || void 0 === booking ? void 0 : booking.env) || void 0 === Tn ? void 0 : Tn.e2e_test) && (booking.getState = Vn.getState), Vn.dispatch((0, p.initialPath)(Ln.location.pathname)), booking.env.pk_enabled && Rn(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var e, n, t; return Dn(this, (function(a) { switch (a.label) { case 0: return [4, kn()]; case 1: return e = a.sent(), n = e.platformAuthenticator, t = e.autoFill, Vn.dispatch((0, p.setPasskeysSupported)(n)), Vn.dispatch((0, p.setPasskeysSupported)(t)), n ? [4, In("passkeys/supported/".concat(t ? "autofill" : "basic"))] : [3, 3]; case 2: return a.sent(), [3, 5]; case 3: return [4, In("passkeys/not_supported' }")]; case 4: a.sent(), a.label = 5; case 5: return [2] } } )) } )), (null === window || void 0 === window ? void 0 : window.is_local_server) && Rn(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var e, n, t, a; return Dn(this, (function(i) { switch (i.label) { case 0: return [4, fetch("/api/env".concat(window.location.search), { method: "GET", credentials: "include", cache: "no-cache" })]; case 1: case 3: return [4, i.sent().json()]; case 2: return e = i.sent(), Vn.dispatch(X(e.client_env)), Vn.dispatch((0, p.setOpToken)(null === (a = e.client_env) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.op_token)), e.client_env ? (booking.env = e.client_env, n = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest" }, [4, fetch("/translations".concat(window.location.search), { method: "POST", headers: n, cache: "no-cache", body: JSON.stringify({ bundle: "Index", lang: e.client_env.lang }), credentials: "include" })]) : (console.warn("The endpoint /api/env returned empty client_env, the localserver is not going to work."), [2]); case 4: return t = i.sent(), booking.env.translations = t.translations, Kn(t.translations), Vn.dispatch((0, p.changeLanguage)({ lang: t.lang, label: t.label, social_providers: t.social_providers || booking.env.social_providers, phone_countries: t.phone_countries || booking.env.social_providers })), document.documentElement.setAttribute("lang", t.lang), [2] } } )) } )); var Un = Vn , Hn = function() { return Hn = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Hn.apply(this, arguments) } , zn = Un.getState().globals , Wn = zn.env.translations; booking.jstmpl.translations.set(Wn); var Fn = zn.env.cc1 , Bn = { "start bold": "", "end bold": "", start_bold: "", start_strong: "", end_bold: "", end_strong: "", start_link: "", end_link: "", start_style_one: "", end_style_one: "", start_style_two: "", end_style_two: "", start_style_three: "", end_style_three: "" } , Gn = booking.jstmpl.translations; zn.env.show_translation_tags && (Gn = function(e, n, t) { for (var a, i = booking.jstmpl.translations(e, n, t), r = e, o = /<(\w+)>/g; a = o.exec(i); ) { var c = a[1]; r += " <".concat(c, ">").concat(c, "") } return r } ); var Yn = (0, o.Ng)((function(e) { return { access: e.access, globals: e.globals } } ), (function(e) { return { actions: (0, u.zH)(Hn({}, p), e) } } ))((function(e) { var n = function(t) { if (t.indexOf("<") < 0) return t; for (var a, i = [], r = /<(\w+)>([\s\S]*?)<\/\1>/g, o = 0, s = 0; a = r.exec(t); ) { var l = a[1] , u = a[2]; if (a.index > o && i.push(n(t.substring(o, a.index))), e.tags && e.tags[l]) { var d = e.tags[l]; i.push(d(n(u))) } else { var _ = Object.assign({}, e.htmlAttr, { key: s++ }); i.push(c.createElement(l, _, n(u))) } o = a.index + a[0].length } return o < t.length && (o > 0 ? i.push(n(t.substring(o))) : i.push(t.substring(o))), i } , t = e.globals , a = Object.assign({ b_companyname: "Booking.com" + (t.env.is_cn_domain ? "缤客" : "") }, Bn, e.values) , i = e.id; if ("terms" === e.group) { var o = Wn.terms[Fn]; i = o && o[i] ? "/terms/".concat(Fn, "/").concat(i) : "/terms/default/".concat(i) } if (e.tags) for (var s = 0, l = Object.keys(e.tags); s < l.length; s++) { var u = l[s]; a["".concat(u)] = "<".concat(u, ">"), a["".concat(u.replace("start", "end"))] = "") } var d = Gn(i, e.num, a); if (!d) { var _ = 'Missing copy for tag: "' + i + '"'; if (window.onBookingError.report(_, "[Translations]"), t.env.dev_or_dqs) return (0, r.jsx)("div", Hn({ className: "copy-tag copy-tag--error" }, { children: _ })) } return "2" === t.env.copywriter ? (0, r.jsx)("span", Hn({ className: "copy-tag" }, { children: n(d) })) : n(d) } )) , Xn = Gn , Kn = function(e) { if (zn.env.translations) { for (var n = {}, t = 0, a = Object.keys(zn.env.translations); t < a.length; t++) { var i = a[t]; n[i] = Object.assign({}, zn.env.translations[i], e[i]) } booking.jstmpl.translations.set(n) } else booking.jstmpl.translations.set(e) } , qn = t(60474) , Qn = t(78688) , Jn = function() { return Jn = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Jn.apply(this, arguments) } , Zn = function(e) { var n = e.title_tag , t = e.description_tags , a = e.values , i = e.htmlAttr , o = e.tags , s = e.showDevSkip , l = e.onSkipTFA , u = e.bottomMarginClass , d = e.children , _ = (0, qn.v4)() , p = (0, qn.v4)(); return (0, r.jsxs)("div", Jn({ tabIndex: -1, className: "page-header", "aria-labelledby": _, "aria-describedby": p }, { children: [!!n && (0, r.jsx)(Qn.EY, Jn({ variant: "headline_3", className: "nw-step-header", tagName: "h1", attributes: { id: _ } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: n, values: a }) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", Jn({ className: "".concat(u || "bui-spacer--largest") }, { children: c.Children.count(d) > 0 ? (0, r.jsx)("div", { children: d }) : (0, r.jsx)(c.Fragment, { children: !!t && (0, r.jsx)("div", { children: t && Array.isArray(t) ? t.map((function(e, n) { return (0, r.jsx)("p", Jn({ id: 0 === n ? p : "" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e, values: a, htmlAttr: i, tags: o }) }), n) } )) : (0, r.jsxs)("p", Jn({ className: "nw-step-description", id: p }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: t, values: a, htmlAttr: i, tags: o }), s && (0, r.jsx)("a", Jn({ className: "dev-link", onClick: l }, { children: "Skip verification on dev servers" }))] })) }) }) }))] })) } , $n = t(96515) , et = t(69127) , nt = t(67209) , tt = function() { return tt = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , tt.apply(this, arguments) } , at = c.memo((function(e) { var n = e.consentSubmitted , t = e.value , a = e.onChange , i = o.d4 , c = i((function(e) { return null == e ? void 0 : e.globals } )) , s = i((function(e) { return null == e ? void 0 : e.access } )); return (0, r.jsxs)(r.Fragment, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(nt.S, { submitted: n, value: t, setValue: a, consentType: "PIPL_REGISTER", disableRetries: !0, keys: ["consent"], labels: { consent: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "pcm_china_pipl_account_creation_consent_copy", tags: { start_link1: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, tt({ type: "external", className: "bui_color_action nw-terms-pipl", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "PIPL Terms ".concat("book" === c.env.features.enabled_integration ? "guest" : "partner"), to: P.A.terms }, { children: e }), "terms_link_pipl") }, start_link2: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, tt({ type: "external", className: "bui_color_action nw-privacy-pipl", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "PIPL Privacy ".concat("book" === c.env.features.enabled_integration ? "guest" : "partner"), to: P.A.privacy }, { children: e }), "privacy_link_pipl") } } }) } }), !!s.has_pipl_consent_error && (0, r.jsx)(et.A, tt({ variant: "body_2", color: "destructive" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "pcm_china_pipl_account_creation_consent_copy_checkbox_error" }) }))] }) } )) , it = function() { return it = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , it.apply(this, arguments) } , rt = function(e) { var n = e.children , t = e.onSubmit , a = e.name , i = e.titleTag , s = e.titleCssClass , l = e.descriptionTags , _ = e.copyValues , h = e.tags , f = e.copyHtmlAttr , v = e.slotAboveTitle , g = e.slotAboveFormStack , m = e.showDevSkip , y = e.onSkipTFA , b = o.d4 , w = (0, o.wA)() , x = (0, d.zy)() , E = (0, u.zH)(it({}, p), w) , j = b((function(e) { return null == e ? void 0 : e.access } )) , k = b((function(e) { return null == e ? void 0 : e.globals } )) , O = "cn" === k.env.cc1 && hn.includes(x.pathname) , A = (0, c.useState)(!1) , C = A[0] , I = A[1] , N = (0, c.useState)(null) , T = N[0] , R = N[1] , D = k.env.dDfPSYGaYPJUKBSWBaORbWcWeDZQNYT , L = (0, c.useCallback)((function(e) { var n; I(!1), R(e), E.setPiplConsent(null === (n = null == e ? void 0 : e.values) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.consent) } ), []); return (0, r.jsx)("div", it({ className: "transition bui-panel-body" }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)(Qn.BJ, it({ gap: 4 }, { children: [v || null, (0, r.jsx)("div", it({ className: s || "" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Zn, { title_tag: i, description_tags: l || "", values: _, htmlAttr: f, tags: h, showDevSkip: m, onSkipTFA: y }) })), t ? (0, r.jsxs)("form", it({ className: "nw-".concat(a), onSubmit: function(e) { if (e.preventDefault(), D) { if (I(!0), !(null == T ? void 0 : T.isSuccess())) return E.setPiplConsentError(!0), !1 } else if (O && !j.has_pipl_consent) return E.setPiplConsentError(!0), !1; t && "function" == typeof t && t(e) }, noValidate: !0 }, { children: [g || null, (0, r.jsxs)(Qn.BJ, it({ gap: 4 }, { children: [O && (0, r.jsx)("div", it({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: D ? (0, r.jsx)(at, { consentSubmitted: C, value: T, onChange: L }) : (0, r.jsx)($n.A, { label: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "pcm_china_pipl_account_creation_consent_copy", tags: { start_link1: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, it({ type: "external", className: "bui_color_action nw-terms-pipl", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "PIPL Terms ".concat("book" === k.env.features.enabled_integration ? "guest" : "partner"), to: P.A.terms }, { children: e }), "terms_link_pipl") }, start_link2: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, it({ type: "external", className: "bui_color_action nw-privacy-pipl", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "PIPL Privacy ".concat("book" === k.env.features.enabled_integration ? "guest" : "partner"), to: P.A.privacy }, { children: e }), "privacy_link_pipl") } } }), name: "pipl", value: "consent", className: "nw-pipl", checked: j.has_pipl_consent, onChange: function(e) { E.setPiplConsent(e.checked) }, error: j.has_pipl_consent_error, helper: !!j.has_pipl_consent_error && (0, r.jsx)(et.A, it({ variant: "body_2", color: "destructive" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "pcm_china_pipl_account_creation_consent_copy_checkbox_error" }) })) }) })), n] }))] })) : (0, r.jsx)("div", it({ className: "nw-".concat(a) }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.BJ, it({ gap: 4 }, { children: n })) }))] })) })) } , ot = function() { return ot = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , ot.apply(this, arguments) }; function ct() { var e = o.d4 , n = (0, o.wA)() , t = (0, d.W6)() , a = (0, d.zy)() , i = (0, u.zH)(ot({}, p), n) , r = e((function(e) { return null == e ? void 0 : e.access } )) , s = e((function(e) { return null == e ? void 0 : e.globals } )) , l = (0, c.useMemo)((function() { return new URLSearchParams(a.search) } ), [a.search]); return (0, c.useEffect)((function() { i.clearError(); var e = parseInt(l.get("error_code") || ""); (null == r ? void 0 : r.server_error) ? i.showError(null == r ? void 0 : r.server_error) : e > 0 && (i.showError(te(e)), function(e) { var n = window.location.href , t = new URL(n); t.searchParams.delete("error_code"); var a = t.href; window.history.replaceState({ path: a }, "", a) }()) } ), [a.pathname]), { Screen: rt, access: r, globals: s, actions: i, history: t, location: a, searchParams: l } } var st = function() { return st = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , st.apply(this, arguments) } , lt = function() { var e = ct() , n = e.globals , t = e.actions , a = e.history , i = (0, c.useState)((function() { return n.env.lang } )) , o = i[0] , s = i[1]; return n.env.features.is_mobile_app || n.env.is_iframe ? null : (0, r.jsx)("div", st({ className: "book" !== n.env.features.enabled_integration ? "partner-header" : "guest-header" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(A.A, { logo: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, st({ to: O.A.signIn.path }, { children: n.env.features.is_booking_for_business_flow ? (0, r.jsx)(k, { width: 172, height: 24, className: "icon-logo" }) : (0, r.jsx)(E, { width: 110, height: 24, className: "icon-logo" }) })), mobileMenu: { closeAriaLabel: Xn("a11y_traveller_header_close_menu"), title: Xn("traveller_header_account_more") }, languageSelection: { title: Xn("traveller_header_account_select_language"), closeAriaLabel: Xn("a11y_traveller_header_close_language"), onChoose: function(e) { t.startLoading(); var i = ["ar", "he"] , r = i.indexOf(e.id) >= 0 , o = i.indexOf(n.env.lang) >= 0; booking.env.js_extranet_tracking && Cn({ id: "dDfPWSUIQRWSdFAOZHcOTSLeNBLSRfdAHLT", type: "etcg", value: 1 }), r !== o ? C.reloadWithLanguage(e.id) : dn({ url: an("/translations"), payload: { bundle: n.env.bundle_name, lang: e.id, aid: n.env.aid }, actions: t, history: a, skipHandleResponse: !0 }).then((function(e) { Kn(e.translations), t.changeLanguage({ lang: e.lang, label: e.label, social_providers: e.social_providers || n.env.social_providers, phone_countries: e.phone_countries || n.env.phone_countries }), document.documentElement.setAttribute("lang", e.lang), s(e.lang), t.finishLoading() } )).catch((function() { C.reloadWithLanguage(e.id) } )) }, all: { title: Xn("traveller_header_account_lang_all"), items: n.env.is_iframe ? [] : n.env.available_languages.map((function(e) { return { id: e.code, title: e.text, flagUrl: "".concat(P.A.staticFlags).concat(e.flag, ".png") } } )) } }, selectedFlagUrl: "", selectedLanguageId: o, helpCenter: { title: Xn("traveller_header_account_header_help"), href: (0, P.q)(P.A.cs, o) } }) })) } , ut = (t(7849), t(78604), t(49790)); function dt(e) { return dt = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , dt(e) } var _t = ["routes", "history", "access", "location", "animation"]; function pt(e, n, t) { return (n = gt(n))in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, n, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[n] = t, e } function ht(e, n) { if (!(e instanceof n)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function ft(e, n) { for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) { var a = n[t]; a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value"in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, gt(a.key), a) } } function vt(e, n, t) { return n && ft(e.prototype, n), t && ft(e, t), Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), e } function gt(e) { var n = function(e, n) { if ("object" != dt(e) || !e) return e; var t = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== t) { var a = t.call(e, "string"); if ("object" != dt(a)) return a; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return String(e) }(e); return "symbol" == dt(n) ? n : String(n) } function mt(e, n, t) { return n = wt(n), function(e, n) { if (n && ("object" === dt(n) || "function" == typeof n)) return n; if (void 0 !== n) throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined"); return yt(e) }(e, bt() ? Reflect.construct(n, t || [], wt(e).constructor) : n.apply(e, t)) } function yt(e) { if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return e } function bt() { try { var e = !Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], (function() {} ))) } catch (e) {} return (bt = function() { return !!e } )() } function wt(e) { return wt = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e) { return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e) } , wt(e) } function xt(e, n) { if ("function" != typeof n && null !== n) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); e.prototype = Object.create(n && n.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), n && Et(e, n) } function Et(e, n) { return Et = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, n) { return e.__proto__ = n, e } , Et(e, n) } function jt() { return jt = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , jt.apply(this, arguments) } var kt = function(e) { var n = e.location , t = e.routes , a = e.access , i = e.rest , r = e.children; return c.createElement(d.dO, { location: n }, r || t && t.length && t.map((function(e, n) { return c.createElement(d.qh, { key: n, exact: !!e.exact, path: e.path, render: function(n) { return c.createElement(e.component, jt({}, n, i, { routes: e.routes, access: a })) } }) } )), c.createElement(d.qh, { render: function() { return c.createElement("div", null, "Not Found") } })) }; kt.propTypes = { routes: l().array, location: l().object, access: l().object, rest: l().object, children: l().oneOfType([l().arrayOf(l().node), l().node]) }; var Ot = function(e) { function n() { return ht(this, n), mt(this, n, arguments) } return xt(n, e), vt(n, [{ key: "shouldComponentUpdate", value: function(e) { return e.location.pathname !== this.props.location.pathname } }, { key: "render", value: function() { var e = this.props , n = e.transitionClassNames , t = e.animation , a = e.history , i = e.children; return c.createElement(ut.TransitionGroup, { className: "sliding-panel", childFactory: function(e) { return c.cloneElement(e, { classNames: "POP" === a.action ? n[t + "Back"] : n[t] }) } }, i) } }]), n }(c.Component); Ot.propTypes = { transitionClassNames: l().object, history: l().object, location: l().object, animation: l().string, rest: l().object, children: l().oneOfType([l().arrayOf(l().node), l().node]) }; var At = function(e) { function n(e) { var t; return ht(this, n), pt(yt(t = mt(this, n, [e])), "updateHeight", (function(e, n) { var a = t.outerHeight(e); t.setState(pt({}, n, a)) } )), pt(yt(t), "outerHeight", (function(e) { if (e) { var n = e.offsetHeight , t = getComputedStyle(e); return n + (parseInt(t.marginTop, 10) + parseInt(t.marginBottom, 10)) } return 0 } )), t.state = { formHeight: "auto", transitionSpeed: fn }, t } return xt(n, e), vt(n, [{ key: "render", value: function() { var e = this , n = this.props , t = n.routes , a = n.history , i = n.access , r = n.location , o = n.animation , s = function(e, n) { if (null == e) return {}; var t, a, i = function(e, n) { if (null == e) return {}; var t, a, i = {}, r = Object.keys(e); for (a = 0; a < r.length; a++) t = r[a], n.indexOf(t) >= 0 || (i[t] = e[t]); return i }(e, n); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var r = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); for (a = 0; a < r.length; a++) t = r[a], n.indexOf(t) >= 0 || Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, t) && (i[t] = e[t]) } return i }(n, _t) , l = this.state.transitionSpeed , u = { fade: "fade", fadeBack: "fade", slide: "slide", slideBack: "slide-back", animateHeight: "animate-height" }; return (booking.env.no_animations || r.noAnimations) && (l = 0, u = { fade: "", fadeBack: "", slide: "", slideBack: "", animateHeight: "" }), c.createElement("div", { className: "transition-container" }, c.createElement("div", { className: "fade" !== o.toString() ? u.animateHeight : "", style: { height: this.state.formHeight, overflow: this.state.loading ? "hidden" : "visible" } }, booking.env.no_animations ? c.createElement(Ot, { transitionClassNames: u, animation: o, history: a, location: r }, c.createElement(kt, { rest: s, routes: t, location: r, access: i }, this.props.children)) : c.createElement(Ot, { transitionClassNames: u, animation: o, history: a, location: r }, c.createElement(ut.CSSTransition, { key: r.key, timeout: l, onExit: function(n) { e.setState({ formHeight: e.outerHeight(n), loading: !0 }) }, onEntering: function(n) { e.updateHeight(n, "formHeight"), setTimeout((function() { e.setState({ formHeight: "auto", loading: !1 }) } ), l) } }, c.createElement(kt, { rest: s, routes: t, location: r, access: i }, this.props.children))))) } }]), n }(c.Component); At.propTypes = { routes: l().array, access: l().object, history: l().object, location: l().object, animation: l().oneOf(["fade", "slide"]), children: l().oneOfType([l().arrayOf(l().node), l().node]) }; var St = (0, d.y)((0, o.Ng)((function(e) { return { access: e.access } } ))(At)) , Pt = function() { return Pt = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Pt.apply(this, arguments) } , Ct = function(e) { var n = e.showTermsPrivacy , t = e.showCopyright , a = e.showOauthFooter , i = ct().globals , o = function(e) { switch (e) { case "cn": return "may22_web_pipl_account_terms_privacy_footer"; case "jp": return "account_terms_japan_appi_privacy_footer"; default: return "account_terms_privacy_footer" } }(i.env.cc1); return (0, r.jsx)("div", Pt({ className: "u-text-center bui_font_caption portal_footer" }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)(Qn.BJ, Pt({ gap: 2 }, { children: [n && (0, r.jsx)(Qn.EY, Pt({ variant: "small_1", align: "center" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: o, tags: { start_link1: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Pt({ type: "external", className: "bui_color_action nw-terms", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "Terms ".concat("book" === i.env.features.enabled_integration ? "guest" : "partner"), to: P.A.terms }, { children: e }), "terms_link") }, start_link2: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Pt({ type: "external", className: "bui_color_action nw-privacy", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "Privacy ".concat("book" === i.env.features.enabled_integration ? "guest" : "partner"), to: P.A.privacy }, { children: e }), "privacy_link") } } }) })), n && "us" === i.env.cc1 && (0, r.jsx)(Qn.EY, Pt({ variant: "small_1", align: "center" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Pt({ type: "external", className: "bui_color_action", to: P.A.ccpa, "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "CCPA" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "mm_ccpa_email_dec_19_footer_link_copy" }) }), "link-ccpa") })), !!a && (0, r.jsx)(Qn.EY, Pt({ variant: "small_1", align: "center" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_oauth_small_print_footer", values: { service_name: i.env.oauth_client_info && i.env.oauth_client_info.title || "", btn_label: Xn("account_oauth_allow_access") }, tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)("span", { children: e }) } } }) })), t && (0, r.jsxs)(Qn.EY, Pt({ variant: "small_1", align: "center" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_rights_reserved" }), ". ", (0, r.jsx)("br", {}), (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_copyright", values: { year: (new Date).getFullYear() } })] }))] })) })) } , It = function() { return It = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , It.apply(this, arguments) } , Nt = function() { var e = ct() , n = e.globals , t = e.location , a = "cn" === n.env.cc1 && hn.includes(t.pathname) , i = function(e) { if (e) { var n = "/" === t.pathname ? t.pathname : t.pathname.replace(/\/$/, ""); if (Array.isArray(e)) return e.includes(n); if ("string" == typeof e) return e === n } return !1 }; return n.env.features.is_mobile_app ? null : (0, r.jsx)("div", It({ className: "account-access__footer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Ct, { showTermsPrivacy: !a && !i([O.A.oauthConsent.path, O.A.oauthReview.path, O.A.pulseVersionDeprecated.path]), showCopyright: !n.env.is_iframe, showOauthFooter: i([O.A.oauthConsent.path, O.A.oauthReview.path]) }) })) }; function Tt(e) { return Tt = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , Tt(e) } function Rt(e, n) { (null == n || n > e.length) && (n = e.length); for (var t = 0, a = new Array(n); t < n; t++) a[t] = e[t]; return a } function Dt(e, n) { for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) { var a = n[t]; a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value"in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, Ht(a.key), a) } } function Lt(e, n, t) { return n = Vt(n), function(e, n) { if (n && ("object" === Tt(n) || "function" == typeof n)) return n; if (void 0 !== n) throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined"); return function(e) { if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return e }(e) }(e, Mt() ? Reflect.construct(n, t || [], Vt(e).constructor) : n.apply(e, t)) } function Mt() { try { var e = !Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], (function() {} ))) } catch (e) {} return (Mt = function() { return !!e } )() } function Vt(e) { return Vt = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e) { return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e) } , Vt(e) } function Ut(e, n) { return Ut = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, n) { return e.__proto__ = n, e } , Ut(e, n) } function Ht(e) { var n = function(e, n) { if ("object" != Tt(e) || !e) return e; var t = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== t) { var a = t.call(e, "string"); if ("object" != Tt(a)) return a; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return String(e) }(e); return "symbol" == Tt(n) ? n : String(n) } t(95853), t(70489), t(93863); var zt, Wt, Ft, Bt = function(e) { function n(e) { var t; return function(e, n) { if (!(e instanceof n)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, n), (t = Lt(this, n, [e])).width = 0, t.height = 0, t.subscriptions = [], t } var t, a; return function(e, n) { if ("function" != typeof n && null !== n) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); e.prototype = Object.create(n && n.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), n && Ut(e, n) }(n, e), t = n, (a = [{ key: "render", value: function() { return null } }, { key: "componentDidMount", value: function() { booking.env.is_iframe && (this._observePageSize(), this._listenToMessages()) } }, { key: "componentWillUnmount", value: function() { if (booking.env.is_iframe) { var e, n = function(e, n) { var t = "undefined" != typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator] || e["@@iterator"]; if (!t) { if (Array.isArray(e) || (t = function(e, n) { if (e) { if ("string" == typeof e) return Rt(e, n); var t = Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1); return "Object" === t && e.constructor && (t = e.constructor.name), "Map" === t || "Set" === t ? Array.from(e) : "Arguments" === t || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t) ? Rt(e, n) : void 0 } }(e)) || n && e && "number" == typeof e.length) { t && (e = t); var a = 0 , i = function() {}; return { s: i, n: function() { return a >= e.length ? { done: !0 } : { done: !1, value: e[a++] } }, e: function(e) { throw e }, f: i } } throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to iterate non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") } var r, o = !0, c = !1; return { s: function() { t = t.call(e) }, n: function() { var e = t.next(); return o = e.done, e }, e: function(e) { c = !0, r = e }, f: function() { try { o || null == t.return || t.return() } finally { if (c) throw r } } } }(this.subscriptions); try { for (n.s(); !(e = n.n()).done; ) (0, e.value)() } catch (e) { n.e(e) } finally { n.f() } } } }, { key: "_observePageSize", value: function() { if (window.MutationObserver) { var e = document.getElementById("root") , n = new MutationObserver(this._modified.bind(this)); n.observe(e, { attributes: !0, characterData: !0, childList: !0, subtree: !0 }), this.subscriptions.push((function() { return n.disconnect() } )) } else { var t = setInterval(this._modified, 100); this.subscriptions.push((function() { return clearInterval(t) } )) } this._modified() } }, { key: "_modified", value: function() { var e = document.body.getBoundingClientRect() , n = e.width , t = e.height; n === this.width && t === this.height || (this.width = n, this.height = t, this._notify()) } }, { key: "_notify", value: function() { try { window.top.postMessage(JSON.stringify({ message: "iam-ifr-size", width: this.width, height: this.height }), "*") } catch (e) {} } }, { key: "_listenToMessages", value: function() { var e = this , n = function(n) { var t = n.data; "string" == typeof t && (t = JSON.parse(t)); var a = e.props , i = a.actions , r = a.history; if ("set-step" === t.message) { var o; switch (t.step) { case "signin": o = O.A.signIn.path; break; case "register": o = O.A.register.path } o && (i.initialPath(o), r.push({ pathname: o, search: window.location.search, noAnimations: !0 })) } }; window.addEventListener("message", n), this.subscriptions.push((function() { return window.removeEventListener("message", n) } )) } }]) && Dt(t.prototype, a), Object.defineProperty(t, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), n }(c.Component); zt = Bt, Wt = "propTypes", Ft = { history: l().object.isRequired, actions: l().object.isRequired }, (Wt = Ht(Wt))in zt ? Object.defineProperty(zt, Wt, { value: Ft, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : zt[Wt] = Ft; var Gt = Bt; function Yt(e) { return Yt = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , Yt(e) } function Xt(e, n) { var t = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var a = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); n && (a = a.filter((function(n) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, n).enumerable } ))), t.push.apply(t, a) } return t } function Kt(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = null != arguments[n] ? arguments[n] : {}; n % 2 ? Xt(Object(t), !0).forEach((function(n) { na(e, n, t[n]) } )) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : Xt(Object(t)).forEach((function(n) { Object.defineProperty(e, n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, n)) } )) } return e } function qt(e, n) { for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) { var a = n[t]; a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value"in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, ta(a.key), a) } } function Qt(e, n, t) { return n = Zt(n), function(e, n) { if (n && ("object" === Yt(n) || "function" == typeof n)) return n; if (void 0 !== n) throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined"); return $t(e) }(e, Jt() ? Reflect.construct(n, t || [], Zt(e).constructor) : n.apply(e, t)) } function Jt() { try { var e = !Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], (function() {} ))) } catch (e) {} return (Jt = function() { return !!e } )() } function Zt(e) { return Zt = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e) { return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e) } , Zt(e) } function $t(e) { if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return e } function ea(e, n) { return ea = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, n) { return e.__proto__ = n, e } , ea(e, n) } function na(e, n, t) { return (n = ta(n))in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, n, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[n] = t, e } function ta(e) { var n = function(e, n) { if ("object" != Yt(e) || !e) return e; var t = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== t) { var a = t.call(e, "string"); if ("object" != Yt(a)) return a; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return String(e) }(e); return "symbol" == Yt(n) ? n : String(n) } var aa = window.is_local_server || booking.env.dev_or_dqs ? c.lazy((function() { return t.e(63).then(t.bind(t, 3597)) } )) : function() { return null } , ia = function(e) { function n() { var e; !function(e, n) { if (!(e instanceof n)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, n); for (var t = arguments.length, a = new Array(t), i = 0; i < t; i++) a[i] = arguments[i]; return na($t(e = Qt(this, n, [].concat(a))), "renderError", (function(e) { return c.createElement("div", { className: "bui-spacer--large ap-alert" }, c.createElement(_.A, { variant: "error", className: "nw-alert", text: c.createElement(Yn, { id: e }) })) } )), na($t(e), "renderHtmlError", (function(e) { return c.createElement("div", { className: "bui-spacer--large ap-alert" }, c.createElement(_.A, { variant: "error", className: "nw-alert", text: c.createElement(Yn, { id: null == e ? void 0 : e.copy_tag, values: null == e ? void 0 : e.values, tags: null == e ? void 0 : e.tags }) })) } )), e } var t, a; return function(e, n) { if ("function" != typeof n && null !== n) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); e.prototype = Object.create(n && n.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), n && ea(e, n) }(n, e), t = n, a = [{ key: "render", value: function() { var e = this.props , n = e.access , t = e.globals , a = e.actions , i = e.history; return t.env.translations ? c.createElement("div", { className: t.env.is_iframe ? "iframe-container" : "" }, !(!window.is_local_server && !t.env.dev_or_dqs) && c.createElement(c.Suspense, { fallback: c.createElement("div", null, "Loading...") }, c.createElement(aa, null)), c.createElement("div", { className: (window.is_local_server || t.env.dev_or_dqs) && n.showDevLinks ? "show-dev-links" : "" }, c.createElement(lt, null), c.createElement("div", { className: n.loading ? "app--loading nw-loader" : "app" }, c.createElement("div", { className: "access-container bui_font_body" }, c.createElement("div", { className: "access-panel-container" }, n.error && this.renderError(n.error), n.htmlError && this.renderHtmlError(n.htmlError), c.createElement("div", { className: "access-panel nw-access-panel" }, c.createElement(St, { routes: this.props.routes, animation: "slide" })))), c.createElement(Nt, null), !!t.env.is_iframe && c.createElement(Gt, { history: i, actions: a })))) : null } }], a && qt(t.prototype, a), Object.defineProperty(t, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), n }(c.PureComponent); ia.propTypes = { access: l().object.isRequired, globals: l().object.isRequired, history: l().object.isRequired, location: l().object.isRequired, actions: l().object.isRequired, cookies: l().object, routes: l().array }; var ra, oa = (0, d.y)((0, o.Ng)((function(e) { return { access: e.access, globals: e.globals, router: e.router, cookies: e.cookies } } ), (function(e) { return { actions: (0, u.zH)(Kt(Kt({}, p), a), e) } } ))(ia)), ca = t(74882), sa = function() { return sa = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , sa.apply(this, arguments) }, la = function() { return la = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , la.apply(this, arguments) }, ua = t(69517), da = t.n(ua), _a = "iux", pa = t(29285), ha = t.n(pa), fa = t(2056), va = t.n(fa), ga = t(72576), ma = t.n(ga), ya = /^\+?[\d() -]{5,}$/, ba = /^\+?[\d() -]{7,}$/, wa = function(e) { return ya.test(e) }, xa = { isEmail: da(), isEmpty: va(), isLength: ha(), matches: ma() }, Ea = { isAnyMobilePhone: wa, validName: function(e) { return !!(e.title && e.first_name && e.surname) }, validDob: function(e) { return !!(e.day && e.month && e.year) }, validAddress: function(e) { return !!(e.address && e.city && e.country && e.postcode) }, validCreditCard: function(e) { return !!(e.type && e.number && e.holder && e.expiry_date) }, passwordsMatch: function(e, n) { return n.new_password === e }, isChineseMobilePhone: function(e) { return ba.test(e) }, isChecked: function(e) { return !!e }, isUserName: function(e) { return "username" === booking.env.features.loginname_type || xa.isEmail(e) || wa(e) } }, ja = function() { setTimeout((function() { var e = document.querySelector(".bui-has-error input"); e && e.focus() } ), 100) }, ka = function() { return ka = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , ka.apply(this, arguments) }, Oa = function(e, n, t) { if (t || 2 === arguments.length) for (var a, i = 0, r = n.length; i < r; i++) !a && i in n || (a || (a = Array.prototype.slice.call(n, 0, i)), a[i] = n[i]); return e.concat(a || Array.prototype.slice.call(n)) }, Aa = function() { function e(e) { this.validations = e } return e.prototype.validate = function(e, n) { void 0 === n && (n = !0); for (var t = this.valid(), a = 0, i = this.validations; a < i.length; a++) { var r = i[a]; if (!t[r.field].isInvalid) { var o = e[r.field] ? e[r.field] : ""; if (r.metaTags) { if (r.metaTags.includes(_a)) { if (!r.method || "function" != typeof r.method) throw new Error("Validation method is not properly defined"); var c = r.method.apply(r, Oa([o], r.args || [], !1)); "boolean" != typeof c && (c.isValid || (t[r.field] = { isInvalid: !0, message: c.error, gaLabel: r.gaLabel }, t.isValid = !1)) } } else { var s = r.args || []; ("string" == typeof r.method ? xa[r.method] : r.method).apply(void 0, Oa(Oa([o], s, !1), [e], !1)) !== r.validWhen && (t[r.field] = { isInvalid: !0, message: "function" == typeof r.message ? r.message(o) : r.message, gaLabel: r.gaLabel }, t.isValid = !1, n && ja()) } } } return t } , e.prototype.valid = function() { var e = {}; return this.validations.map((function(n) { return e[n.field] = { isInvalid: !1, message: "" } } )), ka({ isValid: !0 }, e) } , e.isMobilePhone = function(e) { return Ea.isAnyMobilePhone(e) } , e.isValidChineseMobilePhone = function(e) { return Ea.isChineseMobilePhone(e) } , e }(), Sa = Aa, Pa = function() { return Pa = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Pa.apply(this, arguments) }, Ca = "iux-phone-validation", Ia = "register-extranet-contact-details", Na = "sign-in-email", Ta = "account-recovery", Ra = "register-extranet-login", Da = "sign-in-login", La = "sign-in-password", Ma = "register-password", Va = "register-password-korea", Ua = "register-password-korea-skip-add-password", Ha = "register-password-colombia", za = "confirm-date-of-birth", Wa = "tfa-pin", Fa = t(48292), Ba = t(24176), Ga = function() { return Ga = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Ga.apply(this, arguments) }, Ya = function(e, n, t) { if (t || 2 === arguments.length) for (var a, i = 0, r = n.length; i < r; i++) !a && i in n || (a || (a = Array.prototype.slice.call(n, 0, i)), a[i] = n[i]); return e.concat(a || Array.prototype.slice.call(n)) }, Xa = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = (0, Fa.Q7)(e, n); return o.isValid && (null === (a = null === (t = window.booking) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.env) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.is_cn) && !(null === (r = null === (i = window.booking) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.env) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r.allow_any_phone) && !e.startsWith("+86") ? { isValid: !1, error: Ba.B6.INVALID } : o }, Ka = function() { return [{ field: "login_name", method: "isEmpty", validWhen: !1, gaLabel: "Empty username", message: "username" === booking.env.features.loginname_type ? (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_no_username_input" }) : (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_no_input" }) }] }, qa = function() { return [{ field: "sms_code", method: "isEmpty", validWhen: !1, gaLabel: "2FA code empty", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_sms_code_empty" }) }, { field: "sms_code", method: "matches", args: [/^\d{6}$/], validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "2FA code not 6 digits", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_2fa_verification_screen_error_length" }) }] }, Qa = function() { return [{ field: "korea_pipa_consent1", method: Ea.isChecked, validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "korea pipa consent 1", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "pcm_china_pipl_account_creation_consent_copy_checkbox_error" }) }, { field: "korea_pipa_consent2", method: Ea.isChecked, validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "korea pipa consent 2", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "pcm_china_pipl_account_creation_consent_copy_checkbox_error" }) }] }, Ja = function(e, n) { void 0 === n && (n = !0); var t = [{ field: "confirmed_password", method: "isEmpty", validWhen: !1, gaLabel: "Repeat password empty", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_create_password_repeat_no_pw_error" }) }, { field: "confirmed_password", method: Ea.passwordsMatch, validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "Repeat password does not match", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_create_password_different_pw_error" }) }]; return Ya([{ field: e, method: "isEmpty", validWhen: !1, gaLabel: "Empty password", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_new_password_empty" }) }, { field: e, method: "isLength", args: [{ min: 10, max: void 0 }], validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "Password too short", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_password_compliance_error_characters" }) }, { field: e, method: "matches", args: [/\d/], validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "Password has no number", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_password_compliance_error_number" }) }, { field: e, method: "matches", args: [/[A-Z]/], validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "Password has no uppercase letter", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_password_compliance_error_uppercase" }) }, { field: e, method: "matches", args: [/[a-z]/], validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "Password has no lowercase letter", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_password_compliance_error_lowercase" }) }, { field: "confirmed_password", method: "isEmpty", validWhen: !1, gaLabel: "Repeat password empty", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_create_password_repeat_no_pw_error" }) }, { field: "confirmed_password", method: Ea.passwordsMatch, validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "Repeat password does not match", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_create_password_different_pw_error" }) }], n ? t : [], !0) }, Za = ((ra = {})[Ca] = [{ field: "iuxPhone", args: [!0], method: Xa, metaTags: [_a] }], ra[Ia] = [{ field: "iuxPhone", args: [!0], method: Xa, metaTags: [_a] }, { field: "iuxFirstName", args: [!0], method: Fa.u4, metaTags: [_a] }, { field: "iuxLastName", args: [!0], method: Fa.gF, metaTags: [_a] }], ra[Na] = Ya(Ya([], Ka(), !0), [{ field: "login_name", method: "isEmail", validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "Invalid email", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_invalid_email" }) }], !1), ra[Ta] = Ya(Ya([], Ka(), !0), [{ field: "login_name", method: Ea.isUserName, validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "Invalid email", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_recover_invalid_email" }) }], !1), ra[Ra] = [{ field: "login_name", method: "isEmpty", validWhen: !1, gaLabel: "Empty email", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_no_input" }) }, { field: "login_name", method: "isEmail", validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "Invalid email", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_invalid_email" }) }], ra[Da] = Ya(Ya([], Ka(), !0), [{ field: "login_name", method: Ea.isUserName, validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "Invalid email", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_invalid_email" }) }], !1), ra[La] = [{ field: "password", method: "isEmpty", validWhen: !1, gaLabel: "Empty password", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_password_validation_no_pw" }) }], ra.signinChinaEmail = Ya(Ya([], Ka(), !0), [{ field: "login_name", method: "isEmail", validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "Invalid email", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_invalid_email" }) }], !1), ra.chinaPhone = [{ field: "phone", method: "isEmpty", validWhen: !1, gaLabel: "Empty phone", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_sms_phone_empty" }) }, { field: "phone", method: Ea.isChineseMobilePhone, validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "Invalid phone", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_sms_phone_invalid" }) }], ra.chinaEmailAndTFA = Ya(Ya(Ya([], Ka(), !0), [{ field: "login_name", method: "isEmail", validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "Invalid email", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_invalid_email" }) }], !1), qa(), !0), ra.signInTfaViaSMS = Ya([], qa(), !0), ra[Wa] = Ya([], qa(), !0), ra.registerLogin = [{ field: "login_name", method: "isEmpty", validWhen: !1, gaLabel: "Empty username", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_no_input" }) }, { field: "login_name", method: Ea.isUserName, validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "Invalid username", message: function(e) { return booking.env.features.phone_signup_allowed && Ea.isAnyMobilePhone(e) ? (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_invalid_phone" }) : (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_invalid_email" }) } }], ra[za] = [{ field: "date_of_birth_consent", method: Ea.isChecked, validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "date of birth consent", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "pcm_china_pipl_account_creation_consent_copy_checkbox_error" }) }, { field: "date_of_birth", args: [!0], method: Fa.F1, metaTags: [_a] }], ra[Ma] = Ya([], Ja("new_password", !0), !0), ra[Va] = Ya(Ya([], Ja("new_password", !0), !0), Qa(), !0), ra[Ua] = Ya([], Qa(), !0), ra[Ha] = Ya(Ya([], Ja("new_password", !0), !0), [{ field: "colombia_consent", method: Ea.isChecked, validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "colombia consent", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "pcm_cdpl_colombia_creating_account_using_services_partner_consent_required", tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Ga({ type: "external", className: "bui_color_action nw-privacy-co", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "colombia privacy partner", to: P.A.privacy }, { children: e }), "privacy_link_colombia_consent") } } }) }], !0), ra.registerPhonePassword = Ya([], Ja("new_password", !1), !0), ra.registerAddPassword = Ya([], Ja("new_password", !1), !0), ra.registerContactDetails = [{ field: "first_name", method: "isEmpty", validWhen: !1, gaLabel: "First name empty", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_first_name_empty" }) }, { field: "last_name", method: "isEmpty", validWhen: !1, gaLabel: "Last name empty", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_last_name_empty" }) }, { field: "phone", method: "isEmpty", validWhen: !1, gaLabel: "Phone empty", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_phone_empty" }) }, { field: "phone", method: Ea.isAnyMobilePhone, validWhen: !0, gaLabel: "Phone invalid", message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_recovery_web_2fa_error_phone" }) }], ra.registerConfirmPhone = Ya([], qa(), !0), ra.resetPassword = Ya([], Ja("new_password", !0), !0), ra.settings = [{ field: "name", method: Ea.validName, validWhen: !0, message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_settings_name_empty" }) }, { field: "dob", method: Ea.validDob, validWhen: !0, message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_settings_dob_empty" }) }, { field: "address", method: Ea.validAddress, validWhen: !0, message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_settings_address_invalid" }) }, { field: "email", method: "isEmpty", validWhen: !1, message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_settings_email_empty" }) }, { field: "email", method: Ea.isUserName, validWhen: !0, message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_settings_email_invalid" }) }, { field: "phone", method: "isEmpty", validWhen: !1, message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_settings_phone_empty" }) }, { field: "phone", method: Ea.isAnyMobilePhone, validWhen: !0, message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_settings_phone_invalid" }) }], ra.settingsPayments = [{ field: "credit_card", method: Ea.validCreditCard, validWhen: !0, message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_settings_credit_card_invalid" }) }], ra.settingsSecurity = Ya([{ field: "phone", method: "isEmpty", validWhen: !1, message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_validation_phone_empty" }) }, { field: "phone", method: Ea.isAnyMobilePhone, validWhen: !0, message: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_recovery_web_2fa_error_phone" }) }], qa(), !0), ra); function $a(e, n) { return function(e, n) { var t = new Sa(n) , a = (0, c.useState)((function() { return !1 } )) , i = a[0] , r = a[1] , o = (0, c.useState)((function() { return t.valid() } )) , s = o[0] , l = o[1]; (0, c.useEffect)((function() { t && l(t.validate(e, !1)) } ), Object.keys(e).map((function(n) { return e[n] } ))); var u = (0, c.useCallback)((function(n, a) { var i; void 0 === n && (n = void 0), void 0 === a && (a = void 0), n && a && (e = Pa(Pa({}, e), ((i = {})[a] = n, i))); var o = t.validate(e); return l(o), r(!0), o.isValid } ), Object.keys(e).map((function(n) { return e[n] } ))) , d = function(e, n) { var t; l(((t = { isValid: !1 })[e] = { message: n, isInvalid: !0 }, t)), n && n.props && n.props.id && (se.trackValidationEvent(n.props.id, !0), gn(".bui-has-error input")) } , _ = function() { t && l(t.valid()), r(!1) }; return { validation: i ? s : void 0, isValid: u, handleServerError: d, clearValidation: _, useValidatorArray: [i ? s : void 0, u, d, _] } }(e, Za[n]) } var ei, ni = function() { var e = ct() , n = e.access , t = e.globals; return "extranet" === t.env.features.enabled_integration && t.env.urls && "" !== t.env.urls.partner_help_center ? c.createElement("div", { className: "ext_partner_links u-text-center bui-spacer" }, c.createElement("hr", null), "en-gb" === n.lang || "en-us" === n.lang || "it" === n.lang ? c.createElement(Yn, { id: "iam_ext_help_links_old", tags: { start_link1: function(e) { return c.createElement(S.A, { type: "external", key: "partner_centre", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "Partner help centre", to: P.A.partnerHelpCenter }, e) }, start_link2: function(e) { return c.createElement(S.A, { type: "external", key: "partner_forum", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "Partner forum", to: P.A.partnerForum }, e) } } }) : c.createElement(Yn, { id: "iam_ext_partner_hep_centre_link", tags: { start_link: function(e) { return c.createElement(S.A, { type: "external", key: "partner_centre", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "Partner help centre", to: P.A.partnerHelpCenter }, e) } } })) : null }; function ti(e) { return ti = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , ti(e) } function ai(e, n) { for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) { var a = n[t]; a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value"in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, ci(a.key), a) } } function ii(e, n, t) { return n && ai(e.prototype, n), t && ai(e, t), Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), e } function ri(e, n) { if (!(e instanceof n)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") } function oi(e, n, t) { return (n = ci(n))in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, n, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[n] = t, e } function ci(e) { var n = function(e, n) { if ("object" != ti(e) || !e) return e; var t = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== t) { var a = t.call(e, "string"); if ("object" != ti(a)) return a; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return String(e) }(e); return "symbol" == ti(n) ? n : String(n) } var si = ii((function e() { ri(this, e) } )); oi(si, "REQUESTED", "1"), oi(si, "ERROR", "2"), oi(si, "SUCCESS", "3"), oi(si, "UNEXPECTED_ERROR", "4"); var li = ii((function e() { ri(this, e) } )); oi(li, "UNEXPECTED_ERROR", "1"), oi(li, "SUCCESS", "2"); var ui = ii((function e() { ri(this, e) } )); oi(ui, "SUCCESS", "1"), oi(ui, "ERROR", "2"); var di = function() { function e() { ri(this, e), oi(this, "version", 1), oi(this, "apiConstructState", "0"), oi(this, "sdkLoadState", "0"), oi(this, "fastTokenState", "0"), oi(this, "realTokenState", "0"), oi(this, "nativeTokenState", "0") } return ii(e, [{ key: "build", value: function() { return [this.version, this.apiConstructState, this.sdkLoadState, this.fastTokenState, this.realTokenState, this.nativeTokenState] } }]), e }() , _i = function() { function e() { ri(this, e) } return ii(e, null, [{ key: "sendEmail", value: function(e, n, t, a, i) { var r = this; this.isDatavisorIntegrationEnabled() && this.soylentize({ email: e }, n, t).then((function(e) { r.postManualEvent(a, { page_title: i, entered_email_address: e.email }) } )) } }, { key: "sendLoginname", value: function(e, n, t, a, i) { var r = this; this.isDatavisorIntegrationEnabled() && this.soylentize({ login_name: e }, n, t).then((function(e) { r.postManualEvent(a, { page_title: i, entered_username_hashed: e.login_name }) } )) } }, { key: "sendRegistrationData", value: function(e, n, t, a, i) { var r = this; this.isDatavisorIntegrationEnabled() && this.soylentize({ first_name: e, last_name: n, phone: t }, a, i).then((function(e) { r.postManualEvent("reportContactDetails_createAccountContactDetails", { page_title: "createAccountContactDetails", firstName: e.first_name, lastName: e.last_name, phoneNumber: e.phone }) } )) } }, { key: "soylentize", value: function(e, n, t) { return dn({ url: "/soylentize", payload: e, skipHandleResponse: !0, disableLoading: !0, actions: n, history: t }) } }, { key: "idFor", value: function(e) { return this.stringIdsToIntIds[e] } }, { key: "createIdMappings", value: function() { var e = this; Object.keys(this.eventPayloads).forEach((function(n, t) { e.intIdsToStringIds[t] = n, e.stringIdsToIntIds[n] = t } )) } }, { key: "isDatavisorIntegrationEnabled", value: function() { return "extranet" === booking.env.features.enabled_integration } }, { key: "init", value: function() { this.isDatavisorIntegrationEnabled() && (this.createIdMappings(), document.addEventListener("click", this.trackClickEvents), this.loadSdk()) } }, { key: "postManualEvent", value: function(e, n) { var t = window.dvZhengdao; this.isDatavisorIntegrationEnabled() && t && t.postManualEvent(e, JSON.stringify(n)) } }, { key: "onLoadSdk", value: function() { var e, n = this; this.monitoringData.sdkLoadState = ui.SUCCESS; try { e = window.raphael(), this.monitoringData.apiConstructState = li.SUCCESS } catch (e) { return void (this.monitoringData.apiConstructState = li.UNEXPECTED_ERROR) } var t = e.setAccessKey("com.booking.hotelmanager-pq1YrZo"); "success" !== t && mn("Error setting the access key " + t, "[DatavisorIntegration]"); var a = e.setEnv("https://booking.gw-dv.vip"); "success" !== a && mn("Error setting the env " + a, "[DatavisorIntegration]"); var i = e.setZdEnv("https://booking-ec.gw-dv.vip"); "success" !== i && mn("Error setting the zdenv " + i, "[DatavisorIntegration]"); try { this.monitoringData.nativeTokenState = si.REQUESTED, e.getNativeToken((function(e) { n.monitoringData.nativeTokenState = si.SUCCESS; var t = e; if (n.isEmptyToken(t)) { var a = new URLSearchParams(location.search).get("dv_native_token"); n.isEmptyToken(a) || (t = a) } Un.dispatch((0, p.setDvNativeToken)(t)) } )) } catch (e) { this.monitoringData.nativeTokenState = si.UNEXPECTED_ERROR } try { this.monitoringData.fastTokenState = si.REQUESTED, this.monitoringData.realTokenState = si.REQUESTED, e.initToken({ fastCb: function(e, t) { n.monitoringData.fastTokenState = t ? si.ERROR : si.SUCCESS, Un.dispatch((0, p.setDvFastToken)(e)) }, realCb: function(e, t) { n.monitoringData.realTokenState = t ? si.ERROR : si.SUCCESS, Un.dispatch((0, p.setDvRealToken)(e)) } }) } catch (e) { this.monitoringData.fastTokenState = si.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, this.monitoringData.realTokenState = si.UNEXPECTED_ERROR } } }]), e }(); ei = _i, oi(_i, "intIdsToStringIds", {}), oi(_i, "stringIdsToIntIds", {}), oi(_i, "monitoringData", new di), oi(_i, "eventPayloads", { buttonClick_havingTroubleSigningIn_signInUserName: { page_title: "signInUserName", button: "havingTroubleSigningIn" }, buttonClick_next_signInUserName: { page_title: "signInUserName", button: "next" }, buttonClick_createAnAccount_signInUserName: { page_title: "signInUserName", button: "createAnAccount" }, buttonClick_backToSignIn_checkYourInbox: { page_title: "checkYourInbox", button: "backToSignIn" }, buttonClick_contactSupport_contactSupport: { page_title: "contactSupport", button: "contactSupport" }, buttonClick_backToSignIn_contactSupport: { page_title: "contactSupport", button: "backToSignIn" }, buttonClick_sendResetLink_forgotPassword: { page_title: "forgotPassword", button: "sendResetLink" }, buttonClick_forgotYourUsername_forgotPassword: { page_title: "forgotPassword", button: "forgotYourUsername" }, buttonClick_continue_createAccount: { page_title: "createAccount", button: "continue" }, buttonClick_signIn_createAccount: { page_title: "createAccount", button: "signIn" }, buttonClick_signIn_signInPassword: { page_title: "signInPassword", button: "signIn" }, buttonClick_signIn_forgotPassword: { page_title: "signInPassword", button: "forgotPassword" }, buttonClick_next_createAccountContactDetails: { page_title: "createAccountContactDetails", button: "next" }, buttonClick_createAccount_createPassword: { page_title: "createPassword", button: "createAccount" }, buttonClick_forgotYourPassword_signInTrouble: { page_title: "signInTrouble", button: "forgotYourPassword" }, buttonClick_forgotYourUsername_signInTrouble: { page_title: "signInTrouble", button: "forgotYourUsername" }, buttonClick_goToSignIn_signInTrouble: { page_title: "signInTrouble", button: "goToSignIn" } }), oi(_i, "isEmptyToken", (function(e) { return !e || "not_supported" == e } )), oi(_i, "onErrorLoadingSdk", (function(e) { var n = e && e.type || "no-error-type"; ei.monitoringData.sdkLoadState = ui.ERROR, mn("Error loading datavisor sdk: " + n, "[DatavisorIntegration]") } )), oi(_i, "loadSdk", (function() { var e = "dv_sdk_script" , n = document.getElementById(e); n || ((n = document.createElement("script")).onload = function() { return ei.onLoadSdk() } , n.onerror = function(e) { return ei.onErrorLoadingSdk(e) } , n.id = e, n.src = "https://xx.bstatic.com/libs/datavisor/20231228/sdk.js", n.async = !0, document.body.appendChild(n)) } )), oi(_i, "trackClickEvents", (function(e) { var n = null; if (Element.prototype.closest && (n = e.target.closest("[data-dv-event-id]")), n && n.dataset) { var t = n.dataset.dvEventId , a = ei.intIdsToStringIds[t] , i = ei.eventPayloads[a]; ei.postManualEvent(a, i) } } )); var pi = _i , hi = t(53520) , fi = t(61119) , vi = function() { return vi = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , vi.apply(this, arguments) } , gi = c.forwardRef((function(e, n) { var t = e.id , a = e.label , i = e.type , o = e.value , c = e.validation , s = e.onChange , l = e.onKeyDown , u = e.focus , d = e.placeholder , _ = e.disabled , p = e.success , h = e.autoComplete , f = e.helper; return (0, r.jsx)("div", vi({ className: "input-wrapper-email bui-spacer--large nw-login-name" }, { children: "text" === i ? (0, r.jsx)(hi.A, { label: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: a }), id: t, name: t, type: i, onChange: s, value: o, error: c && c.message, placeholder: d ? Xn(d) : "", disabled: _, success: p, inputAttributes: { ref: n, onKeyDown: l, autoComplete: h || "username", autoCapitalize: "off", autoCorrect: "off", spellCheck: "false", "data-focus": u, "data-ga-action": "start typing", "data-ga-label": "username" } }) : (0, r.jsx)(fi.A, { id: t, name: t, value: o, onChange: s, error: c && c.message, disabled: _, helper: f ? Xn(f) : "", copy: { label: Xn(a), errorInvalid: "", errorRequired: "", badgeVerified: "" }, success: p, inputAttributes: { ref: n, onKeyDown: l, autoCapitalize: "off", autoCorrect: "off", spellCheck: "false", autoComplete: h || "username", placeholder: d ? Xn(d) : "", "data-focus": u, "data-ga-action": "start typing", "data-ga-label": "username" }, disableHint: !0 }) })) } )) , mi = gi , yi = t(79382) , bi = function() { return bi = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , bi.apply(this, arguments) } , wi = "IDENTIFIER_TYPE__EMAIL" , xi = "IDENTIFIER_TYPE__PHONE" , Ei = "AUTHENTICATOR_TYPE__PASSWORD" , ji = "AUTHENTICATOR_TYPE__ONE_TIME_PIN" , ki = function(e) { var n = e.state; return c.createElement("input", { type: "text", defaultValue: n.login_name, autoComplete: "username", className: "hidden-input", "aria-hidden": "true", focusable: "false" }) }; ki.propTypes = { state: l().object.isRequired }; var Oi = ki , Ai = t(66598) , Si = function() { return Si = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Si.apply(this, arguments) } , Pi = function(e) { var n = e.id , t = e.label , a = e.value , i = e.error , o = e.onChange , s = e.className , l = e.autoComplete , u = e.focus , d = e.capsLockWarning , _ = (e.ariaLabelHide, e.ariaLabelShow) , p = e.placeholder , h = (0, c.useState)(!1) , f = h[0] , v = h[1] , g = (0, c.useState)(!1) , m = g[0] , y = g[1]; return (0, r.jsx)("div", Si({ className: "password-input-container bui-spacer--large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Ai.A, { id: n, name: n, value: a, className: s || "nw-password", onChange: o, onFocus: function() { return y(!0) }, onBlur: function() { return y(!1) }, error: i, helper: m && f && a && a.length ? d : "", inputAttributes: { onKeyDown: function(e) { "extranet" === booking.env.features.enabled_integration && v(e.getModifierState("CapsLock")) }, autoComplete: l, autoCapitalize: "off", autoCorrect: "off", spellCheck: !1, "data-focus": !!u, "data-ga-action": "start typing", "data-ga-label": "password" }, copy: { label: t, placeholder: p ? Xn(p) : "", ariaLabelShow: _, errorRequired: "", errorInvalid: "", errorTooShort: "" } }) })) } , Ci = function() { return Ci = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Ci.apply(this, arguments) } , Ii = function(e) { var n = e.id , t = e.label , a = e.value , i = e.validation , o = e.onChange , c = e.className , s = e.isNewPassword , l = e.focus , u = e.placeholder; return (0, r.jsx)("div", Ci({ className: "password-input-container bui-spacer--large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Pi, { id: n, value: a, className: c || "nw-password", onChange: o, error: null == i ? void 0 : i.message, autoComplete: s ? "new-password" : "off", focus: l, capsLockWarning: Xn("asi_scalability_login_form_capslock_key_hint"), label: Xn(t), ariaLabelShow: Xn("iux_password_aria_label_show"), ariaLabelHide: Xn("iux_password_aria_label_hide"), placeholder: u }) })) }; function Ni(e) { return Ni = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , Ni(e) } function Ti(e, n, t) { return (n = Di(n))in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, n, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[n] = t, e } function Ri(e, n) { for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) { var a = n[t]; a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value"in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, Di(a.key), a) } } function Di(e) { var n = function(e, n) { if ("object" != Ni(e) || !e) return e; var t = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== t) { var a = t.call(e, "string"); if ("object" != Ni(a)) return a; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return String(e) }(e); return "symbol" == Ni(n) ? n : String(n) } function Li(e, n, t) { return n = Vi(n), function(e, n) { if (n && ("object" === Ni(n) || "function" == typeof n)) return n; if (void 0 !== n) throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined"); return function(e) { if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return e }(e) }(e, Mi() ? Reflect.construct(n, t || [], Vi(e).constructor) : n.apply(e, t)) } function Mi() { try { var e = !Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], (function() {} ))) } catch (e) {} return (Mi = function() { return !!e } )() } function Vi(e) { return Vi = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e) { return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e) } , Vi(e) } function Ui(e, n) { return Ui = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, n) { return e.__proto__ = n, e } , Ui(e, n) } var Hi = { "zh-tw": "zh-TW", "zh-cn": "zh-CN" } , zi = function(e) { function n() { var e; return function(e, n) { if (!(e instanceof n)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, n), (e = Li(this, n)).challengeRef = c.createRef(), e.state = { loading: !0, failures: 0 }, e } var t, a; return function(e, n) { if ("function" != typeof n && null !== n) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); e.prototype = Object.create(n && n.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), n && Ui(e, n) }(n, e), t = n, (a = [{ key: "componentDidMount", value: function() { var e = this , n = this.props , t = n.pxData , a = n.lang , i = Hi[a] || a.split("-")[0]; window._pxAppId = t.appId, window._pxJsClientSrc = t.jsClientSrc, window._pxHostUrl = t.hostUrl, window._pxFirstPartyEnabled = !!t.firstPartyEnabled, window._pxVid = t.vid, window._pxUuid = t.uuid, window["_" + window._pxAppId] = { locale: i, challenge: { translation: Ti({}, i, { btn: Xn("account_create_bot_challenge_cta"), ac_1: Xn("account_create_bot_challenge_cta_aria"), ac_2: Xn("account_create_bot_challenge_cta_done"), failed: Xn("account_create_bot_challenge_try_again") }), view: { textColor: "#fff", height: 48, width: "100%", backgroundColor: "#0071c2", fillColor: "#003580", texSize: 16, textFont: "BlinkMacSystemFont,-apple-system,Segoe UI,Roboto,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif", animation: !0, borderWidth: 0, borderRadius: 2, buttonBorderWidthOnFocus: 2, pressableAreaPadding: "0", pressableAreaWidth: "100%", margin: "0 auto 0 auto", fontWeight: 500, textTransform: "none", targetColor: "#fff", checkmarkThickness: "3px", checkmarkHeight: "20px", checkmarkWidth: "7px" } } }, window._pxOnCaptchaSuccess = function(n) { try { var t, a; n ? (e.props.onSuccess(), e.trackChallengeGA("success"), e.trackChallengeApi(2)) : (null === (t = (a = e.props).onFail) || void 0 === t || t.call(a), e.setState({ loading: !0, failures: e.state.failures + 1 }), e.trackChallengeGA("fail"), e.trackChallengeApi(3)) } catch (e) { var i, r; null === (i = window.onBookingError) || void 0 === i || null === (r = i.report) || void 0 === r || r.call(i, e.stack, "PX HC callback error") } } , this.embedCaptchaScript(t.blockScript) } }, { key: "trackChallengeApi", value: function(e) { var n = this.props.pxData; return new Promise((function(t, a) { var i = n.op_token ? V + "?op_token=".concat(n.op_token) : V; return fetch(i, { method: "POST", headers: { Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest" }, body: JSON.stringify({ id: n.px_captcha_id, action: e, token: n.op_token, url: n.blocked_url }) }).then((function(e) { e.ok ? t(e) : a(e.statusText) } )) } )) } }, { key: "trackChallengeGA", value: function(e) { se.trackEvent({ gaAction: "botchallenge", gaLabel: e }) } }, { key: "embedCaptchaScript", value: function(e) { var n = this , t = document.createElement("script"); t.src = e, document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(t), t.onload = function() { n.setState({ loading: !1 }), window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight), n.trackChallengeGA("shown"), n.trackChallengeApi(1) } , t.onerror = function(e) { var t, a; n.props.onLoadingError(), null === (t = window.onBookingError) || void 0 === t || null === (a = t.report) || void 0 === a || a.call(t, e.stack, "PX HC loading error") } } }, { key: "render", value: function() { return c.createElement("div", { className: "bui-spacer--large bui-u-margin-top--24" }, c.createElement("h3", null, c.createElement(Yn, { id: "account_create_bot_challenge_title" })), c.createElement("div", { className: "bui-spacer--largest" }, c.createElement(Yn, { id: "account_create_bot_challenge_desc" })), this.state.loading && c.createElement("div", { className: "bui-spinner bui-spinner--size-large" }, c.createElement("div", { className: "bui-spinner__inner" })), c.createElement("div", { id: "px-captcha", className: "bui-spacer--large", ref: this.challengeRef }), this.state.failures >= 1 && c.createElement("div", { className: "bui-spacer--medium" }, c.createElement("h4", null, c.createElement(Yn, { id: "account_bot_challenge_help_heading" })), c.createElement("p", null, c.createElement(Yn, { id: "account_bot_challenge_help_body1" })), c.createElement("ul", null, c.createElement("li", null, c.createElement(Yn, { id: "account_bot_challenge_help_reason1" })), c.createElement("li", null, c.createElement(Yn, { id: "account_bot_challenge_help_reason2" }))), c.createElement("p", null, c.createElement(Yn, { id: "account_bot_challenge_help_body2" })), c.createElement("p", null, c.createElement("b", null, c.createElement(Yn, { id: "account_bot_challenge_help_ref_id" })), " ", "#", this.props.pxData.uuid))) } }]) && Ri(t.prototype, a), Object.defineProperty(t, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), n }(c.Component); zi.propTypes = { pxData: l().object, lang: l().string, onSuccess: l().func.isRequired, onLoadingError: l().func.isRequired, onFail: l().func }; var Wi = zi , Fi = function() { return Fi = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Fi.apply(this, arguments) } , Bi = t(71069) , Gi = t(3685) , Yi = function(e) { if (!e) return ""; if ("string" == typeof e) return e; if (!e.number) return ""; var n = e.number || "" , t = "dialCode"in e ? e.dialCode : e.dial_code; return "".concat(function(e) { return e ? e.startsWith("+") ? e : "+".concat(e) : "" }(t)).concat(n) } , Xi = function(e) { var n = "" , t = "" , a = ""; try { var i = (0, Gi.L)(e) , r = i.nationalNumber , o = i.countryCallingCode , c = i.country; n = r, t = o ? "+".concat(o) : "", a = (null == c ? void 0 : c.toLowerCase()) || "" } catch (e) {} return { number: n, dialCode: t, countryCode: a } } , Ki = function() { return Ki = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Ki.apply(this, arguments) } , qi = function(e) { var n = {}; return e.forEach((function(e) { var t = e.name , a = e.country_code; n[a] = t } )), n } , Qi = function(e) { var n = e.onChange , t = e.defaultValues , a = e.validation , i = e.inputAttributes , o = void 0 === i ? {} : i , s = e.caption , l = void 0 === s ? "" : s , u = (0, c.useState)() , d = u[0] , _ = u[1] , p = ct() , h = p.globals , f = p.access , v = (0, c.useRef)(0); (0, c.useEffect)((function() { _(qi(f.phone_countries)), v.current = v.current + 1 } ), []), (0, c.useEffect)((function() { h.env.is_cn && !h.env.allow_any_phone && v.current > 1 && (_(void 0), setTimeout((function() { _(qi(f.phone_countries)) } ))) } ), [f.lang]); var g = {}; return h.env.is_cn && !h.env.allow_any_phone && (g.includeOptionsCountryCode = ["cn"]), d ? (0, r.jsx)("div", Ki({ className: "nw-phone phone-wrapper" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Bi.A, Ki({ id: "phone", name: "phone", nameNumber: "number", nameCountryCode: "countryCode", onChange: n, defaultValue: Yi(t), defaultValueCountryCode: t.countryCode, helper: l, error: null == a ? void 0 : a.message, copy: { label: Xn("iux_phone_number_label"), errorRequired: Xn("iux_phone_number_required"), errorInvalid: Xn("iux_phone_number_invalid"), errorTooLong: Xn("iux_phone_number_invalid"), errorTooShort: Xn("iux_phone_number_invalid"), badgeVerified: "" }, inputAttributes: Ki({ autoComplete: "tel", autoCapitalize: "off", autoCorrect: "off", spellCheck: "false", type: "tel", "data-focus": !0, "data-ga-action": "start typing", "data-ga-label": "phone" }, o), countryNames: d }, g)) })) : null } , Ji = function(e) { return e.provider_name_localized ? e.provider_name_localized : e.provider && e.provider.length > 1 ? "".concat(e.provider.charAt(0).toUpperCase()).concat(e.provider.substr(1).toLowerCase()) : "" } , Zi = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o, c, s, l = n.env.phone_countries.find((function(e) { return e.country_code === (n.env.is_cn && !n.env.allow_any_phone ? "cn" : n.env.cc1) } )); return { countryCode: (null === (t = e.phoneObject) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.countryCode) ? null === (a = e.phoneObject) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.countryCode : (null == l ? void 0 : l.country_code) || n.env.cc1, dialCode: (null === (i = e.phoneObject) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.dialCode) ? null === (r = e.phoneObject) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r.dialCode : (null == l ? void 0 : l.prefix) || "", number: (null === (o = e.phoneObject) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.number) ? null === (c = e.phoneObject) || void 0 === c ? void 0 : c.number : (null === (s = null == e ? void 0 : e.phoneObject) || void 0 === s ? void 0 : s.number) || "" } } , $i = function(e, n) { n.hasPassword && e.setHasPassword(!!n.hasPassword), n.hasEmail && e.setHasEmail(!!n.hasEmail), n.provider && e.setProvider(n.provider) } , er = t(49834) , nr = t(24714) , tr = function() { return tr = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , tr.apply(this, arguments) }; function ar(e) { return ar = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , ar(e) } function ir(e, n) { for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) { var a = n[t]; a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value"in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, dr(a.key), a) } } function rr(e, n, t) { return n = cr(n), function(e, n) { if (n && ("object" === ar(n) || "function" == typeof n)) return n; if (void 0 !== n) throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined"); return sr(e) }(e, or() ? Reflect.construct(n, t || [], cr(e).constructor) : n.apply(e, t)) } function or() { try { var e = !Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], (function() {} ))) } catch (e) {} return (or = function() { return !!e } )() } function cr(e) { return cr = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e) { return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e) } , cr(e) } function sr(e) { if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return e } function lr(e, n) { return lr = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, n) { return e.__proto__ = n, e } , lr(e, n) } function ur(e, n, t) { return (n = dr(n))in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, n, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[n] = t, e } function dr(e) { var n = function(e, n) { if ("object" != ar(e) || !e) return e; var t = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== t) { var a = t.call(e, "string"); if ("object" != ar(a)) return a; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return String(e) }(e); return "symbol" == ar(n) ? n : String(n) } var _r = function(e) { function n(e) { var t; return function(e, n) { if (!(e instanceof n)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, n), ur(sr(t = rr(this, n, [e])), "averageCodeSendTime", booking.env.is_cn ? 60 : 30), ur(sr(t), "startCounter", (function() { t.countdown && clearInterval(t.countdown), t.setState({ code_countdown: t.averageCodeSendTime }), t.countdown = setInterval((function() { t.state.code_countdown > 0 ? t.decrementCounter() : (clearInterval(t.countdown), "function" == typeof t.props.onCountdownEnd && t.props.onCountdownEnd()) } ), 1e3) } )), ur(sr(t), "decrementCounter", (function() { t.setState((function(e) { return { code_countdown: --e.code_countdown } } )) } )), t.state = { code_countdown: t.props.showByDefault ? 0 : t.averageCodeSendTime }, t } var t, a; return function(e, n) { if ("function" != typeof n && null !== n) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); e.prototype = Object.create(n && n.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), n && lr(e, n) }(n, e), t = n, (a = [{ key: "componentDidMount", value: function() { this.props.showByDefault || this.startCounter() } }, { key: "componentWillUnmount", value: function() { clearInterval(this.countdown) } }, { key: "render", value: function() { return this.state.code_countdown > 0 ? c.createElement("div", { className: "timed-link bui_font_caption bui_color_grayscale nw-timed-link" }, c.createElement(Qn.EY, { variant: "small_1", align: "center" }, c.createElement(Yn, { id: this.props.timer_tag ? this.props.timer_tag : "identity_signin_2fa_verification_screen_countdown_label", values: { tfa_timer: this.state.code_countdown, num_seconds: this.state.code_countdown } }))) : this.props.children } }]) && ir(t.prototype, a), Object.defineProperty(t, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), n }(c.Component); _r.propTypes = { timer_tag: l().string, showByDefault: l().bool, children: l().oneOfType([l().arrayOf(l().node), l().node]), onCountdownEnd: l().func }; var pr, hr = _r, fr = function() { return fr = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , fr.apply(this, arguments) }, vr = function(e) { var n = e.id , t = e.label , a = e.value , i = e.validation , o = e.onChange , c = e.focus , s = e.showInlineSendCodeBtn , l = e.codeSent , u = e.onSendCode , d = e.showByDefault , _ = e.onCountdownEnd; return (0, r.jsx)("div", fr({ className: "bui-spacer--large" }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)("div", fr({ className: "input-wrapper-sms-code input-no-decoration nw-sms-code".concat(s ? " has-inline-btn" : "") }, { children: [!0 === s && (0, r.jsx)(hr, fr({ showByDefault: d, onCountdownEnd: _, timer_tag: "account_tfa_verification_code_sent_mini_timer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, fr({ variant: "secondary", onClick: u, className: "inline-send-code-btn bui_color_action nw-send-code", attributes: { "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "resend code" } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: l ? "account_tfa_resend_sms" : "account_tfa_send_sms" }) })) })), (0, r.jsx)(hi.A, { id: n, name: n, label: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: t }), type: "number", onChange: o, value: a, error: null == i ? void 0 : i.message, inputAttributes: { pattern: "\\d{6}", maxLength: "6", inputMode: "numeric", autoComplete: "one-time-code", "data-focus": !!c, "data-ga-action": "start typing", "data-ga-label": "2FA Code" } })] })) })) }, gr = function() { return gr = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , gr.apply(this, arguments) }, mr = function() { return mr = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , mr.apply(this, arguments) }; function yr(e) { return yr = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , yr(e) } function br(e, n) { for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) { var a = n[t]; a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value"in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, xr(a.key), a) } } function wr(e, n, t) { return (n = xr(n))in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, n, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[n] = t, e } function xr(e) { var n = function(e, n) { if ("object" != yr(e) || !e) return e; var t = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== t) { var a = t.call(e, "string"); if ("object" != yr(a)) return a; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return String(e) }(e); return "symbol" == yr(n) ? n : String(n) } var Er = function() { function e() { !function(e, n) { if (!(e instanceof n)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, e) } var n, t; return n = e, t = [{ key: "init", value: function() { this.isLnIntegrationEnabled() && this.loadSdk() } }, { key: "isLnIntegrationEnabled", value: function() { return booking.env.lnrs_profiling_id && booking.env.as_token && booking.env.lnrs_page_id } }], null && br(n.prototype, null), t && br(n, t), Object.defineProperty(n, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), e }(); pr = Er, wr(Er, "onErrorLoadingSdk", (function(e) { mn("Error loading LN profiling: " + (e && e.type || "no-error-type"), "[LNIntegration]") } )), wr(Er, "loadSdk", (function() { var e = "clientlib_script" , n = document.getElementById(e); n || ((n = document.createElement("script")).onload = function() { return pr.onLoadSdk() } , n.onerror = function(e) { return pr.onErrorLoadingSdk(e) } , n.id = e, n.src = "https://xx.bstatic.com/libs/acc-clientlib/v5/clientlib.js", n.async = !0, document.body.appendChild(n)) } )); var jr = Er , kr = function() { return kr = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , kr.apply(this, arguments) } , Or = function() { return Or = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Or.apply(this, arguments) } , Ar = function() { return Ar = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Ar.apply(this, arguments) } , Sr = function(e) { var n = e.onChange; return c.createElement("div", { className: "hidden-password-input-container" }, c.createElement("input", { id: "hidden-password", type: "password", name: "password", autoComplete: "current-password", onChange: n, "aria-hidden": "true", focusable: "false", tabIndex: "-1" })) }; Sr.propTypes = { onChange: l().func }; var Pr = Sr , Cr = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = n.globals, c = n.access, s = n.actions, l = n.history; return t = void 0, a = void 0, r = function() { var n, t; return function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } }(this, (function(a) { switch (a.label) { case 0: n = o.env.idpapi, a.label = 1; case 1: return a.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]), [4, dn({ action: n ? Re : null, url: "/account/request-magic-link", payload: n ? { context: c.idpapi_context, identifier: { type: da()(e) ? wi : xi, value: e } } : { op_token: c.op_token, login_name: e }, actions: s, history: l })]; case 2: return a.sent(), [3, 4]; case 3: return (t = a.sent()) && s.showError(t.tag), [3, 4]; case 4: return [2] } } )) } , new ((i = void 0) || (i = Promise))((function(e, n) { function o(e) { try { s(r.next(e)) } catch (e) { n(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(r.throw(e)) } catch (e) { n(e) } } function s(n) { n.done ? e(n.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof i ? e : new i((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(n.value).then(o, c) } s((r = r.apply(t, a || [])).next()) } )) }; function Ir(e, n) { (null == n || n > e.length) && (n = e.length); for (var t = 0, a = new Array(n); t < n; t++) a[t] = e[t]; return a } t(87146); var Nr = { openPopupInCenter: function(e, n, t) { var a = void 0 !== window.screenLeft ? window.screenLeft : window.screenX , i = void 0 !== window.screenTop ? window.screenTop : window.screenY , r = { width: n, height: t, left: (window.innerWidth ? window.innerWidth : document.documentElement.clientWidth ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : window.screen.width) / 2 - n / 2 + a, top: (window.innerHeight ? window.innerHeight : document.documentElement.clientHeight ? document.documentElement.clientHeight : window.screen.height) / 2 - t / 2 + i, toolbar: 0, scrollbars: 0, location: 0, statusbar: 0, menubar: 0, resizable: 1 } , o = Object.entries(r).map((function(e) { var n, t, a = (t = 2, function(e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return e }(n = e) || function(e, n) { var t = null == e ? null : "undefined" != typeof Symbol && e[Symbol.iterator] || e["@@iterator"]; if (null != t) { var a, i, r, o, c = [], s = !0, l = !1; try { if (r = (t = t.call(e)).next, 0 === n) { if (Object(t) !== t) return; s = !1 } else for (; !(s = (a = r.call(t)).done) && (c.push(a.value), c.length !== n); s = !0) ; } catch (e) { l = !0, i = e } finally { try { if (!s && null != t.return && (o = t.return(), Object(o) !== o)) return } finally { if (l) throw i } } return c } }(n, t) || function(e, n) { if (e) { if ("string" == typeof e) return Ir(e, n); var t = Object.prototype.toString.call(e).slice(8, -1); return "Object" === t && e.constructor && (t = e.constructor.name), "Map" === t || "Set" === t ? Array.from(e) : "Arguments" === t || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t) ? Ir(e, n) : void 0 } }(n, t) || function() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.") }()), i = a[0], r = a[1]; return "".concat(i, "=").concat(r) } )).join(","); return window.open(e, "popup", o) } } , Tr = Nr; function Rr() { return Rr = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , Rr.apply(this, arguments) } var Dr = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", Rr({ xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", width: "24", height: "24", viewBox: "0 0 24 24" }, n), c.createElement("path", { d: "M22.675 0H1.325C.593 0 0 .593 0 1.325v21.351C0 23.407.593 24 1.325 24H12.82v-9.294H9.692v-3.622h3.128V8.413c0-3.1 1.893-4.788 4.659-4.788 1.325 0 2.463.099 2.795.143v3.24l-1.918.001c-1.504 0-1.795.715-1.795 1.763v2.313h3.587l-.467 3.622h-3.12V24h6.116c.73 0 1.323-.593 1.323-1.325V1.325C24 .593 23.407 0 22.675 0z" })) }; function Lr() { return Lr = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , Lr.apply(this, arguments) } var Mr = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", Lr({ viewBox: "0 0 262 262", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid" }, n), c.createElement("path", { d: "M255.878 133.451c0-10.734-.871-18.567-2.756-26.69H130.55v48.448h71.947c-1.45 12.04-9.283 30.172-26.69 42.356l-.244 1.622 38.755 30.023 2.685.268c24.659-22.774 38.875-56.282 38.875-96.027", fill: "#4285F4" }), c.createElement("path", { d: "M130.55 261.1c35.248 0 64.839-11.605 86.453-31.622l-41.196-31.913c-11.024 7.688-25.82 13.055-45.257 13.055-34.523 0-63.824-22.773-74.269-54.25l-1.531.13-40.298 31.187-.527 1.465C35.393 231.798 79.49 261.1 130.55 261.1", fill: "#34A853" }), c.createElement("path", { d: "M56.281 156.37c-2.756-8.123-4.351-16.827-4.351-25.82 0-8.994 1.595-17.697 4.206-25.82l-.073-1.73L15.26 71.312l-1.335.635C5.077 89.644 0 109.517 0 130.55s5.077 40.905 13.925 58.602l42.356-32.782", fill: "#FBBC05" }), c.createElement("path", { d: "M130.55 50.479c24.514 0 41.05 10.589 50.479 19.438l36.844-35.974C195.245 12.91 165.798 0 130.55 0 79.49 0 35.393 29.301 13.925 71.947l42.211 32.783c10.59-31.477 39.891-54.251 74.414-54.251", fill: "#EB4335" })) }; function Vr() { return Vr = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , Vr.apply(this, arguments) } var Ur = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", Vr({ xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 128 128" }, n), c.createElement("path", { fill: "#fff", d: "M71.5 23.3a47.2 47.2 0 0 0-38.6-3 39.4 39.4 0 0 0-20.3 16 30 30 0 0 0-3.7 23c2 8.6 8 15.8 15.2 20.6l-4 12 13.7-7.4a50.7 50.7 0 0 0 17 2.4 29.4 29.4 0 0 1-1.1-13.8A29.4 29.4 0 0 1 59 56.5c8-7.5 19.5-10.7 30.3-10-2-10-9-18.3-17.8-23.2zm-31.1 18c-.9 4-6 5.9-9.1 3.2-3.6-2.5-2.6-8.7 1.6-9.9 4-1.6 8.7 2.6 7.5 6.8zm28.2-1c0 4.4-6 7.2-9.3 4.2-3.5-2.5-2.5-8.6 1.6-9.9a5.8 5.8 0 0 1 7.7 5.6zM118 67.4a30.9 30.9 0 0 0-14.5-14.7 39.7 39.7 0 0 0-35.6.1c-7.6 4-14 11-15.7 19.5a25 25 0 0 0 3.1 18.5c5 8.2 14 13.4 23.2 15.1 6.8 1.4 13.7.6 20.3-1.3 3.9 1.5 7.4 4 11.2 5.8l-3.1-9.8c4.2-3 8.1-6.9 10.4-11.6a25.1 25.1 0 0 0 .6-21.6zM79.5 70a4.6 4.6 0 0 1-7.5 1.6c-2.4-2.1-1.4-6.6 1.6-7.6 3.5-1.4 7.4 2.5 6 6zm22.4.4a4.6 4.6 0 0 1-7.3 1.3c-1-1-1.2-2.3-1.6-3.4.5-2.2 2-4.4 4.4-4.5 3.3-.5 6.3 3.6 4.5 6.6z" })) }; function Hr() { return Hr = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , Hr.apply(this, arguments) } var zr = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", Hr({ xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", width: "501.429", height: "442.857", viewBox: "0 0 500 500" }, n), c.createElement("path", { d: "M1.429 0L0 441.429l173.571.714.715-178.572-11.429-55.714L327.143 441.43l174.286 1.428-.715-441.428L326.43.714 330 182.857l11.429 65L174.286.714 1.429 0z", fill: "#4fa42b" })) }; function Wr() { return Wr = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , Wr.apply(this, arguments) } var Fr = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", Wr({ xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 128 128" }, n), c.createElement("path", { d: "M90.6 62.8L87 61l3.2-2.7c3.5-3 8.8-9.7 8.8-21.3C99 19.3 84.2 8 63 8H35c-6.3.2-11 5.7-11 12v100h39c23.6 0 41-13.1 41-33a27 27 0 0 0-13.4-24.3zM45 34c0-5 2-7 7-7h12c10 0 14 6 14 13 0 6-4.5 13-14 13H45zm23 67H45V79c0-5 2-7 7-7h17c6 0 13 4.7 13 14 0 9.6-4.7 15-14 15z", fill: "#1279C9" })) }; function Br() { return Br = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , Br.apply(this, arguments) } var Gr = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", Br({ xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", width: "800.073", height: "678.559", viewBox: "-352.037 -291.281 800.073 678.559" }, n), c.createElement("path", { fill: "#333", d: "M261.789 134.426c-16.679-22.826-34.57-41.397-34.57-83.872v-141c0-59.759 4.331-114.619-40.186-155.732-35.041-33.34-93.25-45.103-137.767-45.103-87.066 0-184.192 32.13-204.56 138.599-2.156 11.309 6.146 17.229 13.672 18.893l88.655 9.493c8.302-.417 14.297-8.491 15.904-16.623 7.602-36.688 38.654-54.313 73.545-54.313 18.817 0 40.186 6.808 51.324 23.507 12.822 18.589 11.101 44.138 11.101 65.602v11.819c-53.025 5.863-122.39 9.759-172.051 31.298-57.281 24.546-97.505 74.491-97.505 147.903 0 94.082 59.854 141.114 136.916 141.114 65.035 0 100.626-15.186 150.796-65.791 16.643 23.865 22.089 35.363 52.441 60.345 6.807 3.594 15.583 3.252 21.614-2.155l.021-.02.207.227c18.268-16.074 51.438-44.592 70.141-60.098 7.469-6.071 6.145-15.886.302-24.093zM81.794 93.767c-14.522 25.53-37.652 41.15-63.352 41.15-35.042 0-55.618-26.476-55.618-65.641 0-77.1 69.933-91.094 136.065-91.094v19.535h.019c0 35.269.852 64.637-17.114 96.05z" }), c.createElement("g", { fill: "#FF9201" }, c.createElement("path", { d: "M371.129 288.284c-87.572 64.613-214.569 98.99-323.941 98.99-153.228 0-291.25-56.637-395.69-150.927-8.191-7.414-.88-17.538 8.963-11.782 112.696 65.578 252.037 105.053 395.95 105.053 97.095 0 203.806-20.13 301.993-61.804 14.813-6.264 27.226 9.785 12.725 20.47z" }), c.createElement("path", { d: "M407.57 246.664c-11.193-14.325-74.066-6.787-102.261-3.381-8.577.995-9.896-6.448-2.19-11.91 50.135-35.213 132.29-25.023 141.846-13.252 9.629 11.934-2.514 94.286-49.51 133.572-7.23 6.063-14.095 2.87-10.902-5.13 10.57-26.435 34.25-85.549 23.017-99.899z" }))) }; function Yr() { return Yr = Object.assign ? 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Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , to.apply(this, arguments) } var ao = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", to({ width: "48", height: "48", viewBox: "0 0 48 48", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, n), c.createElement("path", { fill: "#fff", d: "M0 0h48v48H0z" }), c.createElement("path", { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", d: "M49 24.005C49 37.265 38.262 48 25.007 48 11.75 48 1 37.264 1 24.005S11.75 0 25.007 0C38.263 0 49 10.746 49 24.005zM23.138 11.573c-3.76 0-6.199.207-7.965.863-2.967 1.156-5.016 3.579-5.016 6.762 0 2.652 1.235 4.572 4.808 6.78 3.813 2.312 4.573 3.076 4.573 4.468 0 1.525-1.493 3.26-5.336 3.26-1.34 0-3.361-.186-4.652-.502l-.616-.155c-.343.921-1.123 3.1-1.361 3.89l.61.18c1.16.37 3.917.66 5.89.66 6.568 0 10.487-3.969 10.487-8.123 0-2.553-1.16-4.494-5.077-6.938-1.965-1.21-2.966-1.993-3.575-2.6-.492-.633-.547-1.105-.547-1.603 0-.475.106-1.023.42-1.424.338-.497.96-.813 1.802-1.074.865-.287 2.467-.294 4.963-.294h2.325l1.66-4.15h-3.393zm5.886 0h11.68c.548 0 .653.388.442.81-.764 1.893-7.97 19.947-7.97 19.947H28.36s5.691-14.503 6.636-16.663c-.219 0-.42.006-.689.014-.535.017-1.336.042-3.072.042h-3.871l1.66-4.15z", fill: "#C4D600" })) }; function io() { return io = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , io.apply(this, arguments) } var ro = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", io({ xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 24 24" }, n), c.createElement("path", { d: "M22.5 12v6a.75.75 0 0 1-.75.75H2.25A.75.75 0 0 1 1.5 18V6a.75.75 0 0 1 .75-.75h19.5a.75.75 0 0 1 .75.75v6zm1.5 0V6a2.25 2.25 0 0 0-2.25-2.25H2.25A2.25 2.25 0 0 0 0 6v12a2.25 2.25 0 0 0 2.25 2.25h19.5A2.25 2.25 0 0 0 24 18v-6zm-8.822-1.474l3.813 3.525a.75.75 0 1 0 1.018-1.102l-3.813-3.525a.75.75 0 1 0-1.018 1.102zM7.804 9.424L3.99 12.95a.75.75 0 1 0 1.018 1.102l3.813-3.525a.75.75 0 1 0-1.018-1.102zm14.65-5.027l-9.513 6.56a1.656 1.656 0 0 1-1.882 0l-9.513-6.56A.75.75 0 1 0 .694 5.63l9.513 6.56a3.156 3.156 0 0 0 3.586 0l9.513-6.56a.75.75 0 1 0-.852-1.234z", fill: "var(--bui_color_action_foreground)" })) }; function oo() { return oo = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , oo.apply(this, arguments) } var co = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", oo({ xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 24 24" }, n), c.createElement("path", { d: "M14.25 15.75v4.768a1.982 1.982 0 0 1-1.982 1.982H5.732a1.982 1.982 0 0 1-1.983-1.981V4.983A1.985 1.985 0 0 1 5.733 3H7.5a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.5H5.733A3.483 3.483 0 0 0 2.25 4.983v15.536A3.482 3.482 0 0 0 5.733 24h6.535a3.482 3.482 0 0 0 3.482-3.482V15.75a.75.75 0 0 0-1.5 0zM3 19.5h12a.75.75 0 0 0 0-1.5H3a.75.75 0 0 0 0 1.5zM20.25 6.75a5.25 5.25 0 1 1-10.5 0 5.25 5.25 0 0 1 10.5 0zm1.5 0a6.75 6.75 0 1 0-13.5 0 6.75 6.75 0 0 0 13.5 0zm-4.676-2.194l-2.9 3.873h-.002l-1.499-1.5a.75.75 0 1 0-1.06 1.061l1.5 1.5a1.502 1.502 0 0 0 2.26-.16l2.901-3.874a.75.75 0 0 0-1.2-.9z" })) }; function so() { return so = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , so.apply(this, arguments) } var lo = function(e) { var n = e.provider , t = e.width , a = e.height , i = e.className , r = function(e) { switch (n) { case "facebook": return c.createElement(Dr, e); case "google": return c.createElement(Mr, e); case "apple": return c.createElement(Xr, e); case "wechat": return c.createElement(Ur, so({}, e, { className: "wechat-icon" })); case "naver": return c.createElement(zr, e); case "mock": return c.createElement(Fr, e); case "amazon": return c.createElement(Gr, e); case "grab": return c.createElement(qr, e); case "opentable": return c.createElement(Jr, e); case "uber": return c.createElement($r, e); case "line": return c.createElement(no, e); case "s7": return c.createElement(ao, e); case "email": return c.createElement(ro, e); case "phone": return c.createElement(co, e); default: return c.createElement("img", { alt: "" }) } }; return c.createElement(r, { "aria-hidden": !0, focusable: !1, width: t, height: a, className: i, role: "img" }) }; lo.propTypes = { provider: l().string, width: l().oneOfType([l().string, l().number]), height: l().oneOfType([l().string, l().number]), className: l().string }; var uo = lo , _o = function() { return _o = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , _o.apply(this, arguments) } , po = function(e) { var n = e.focus , t = e.navigateTo , a = e.href , i = e.sp , s = e.onClick , l = o.d4 , d = (0, o.wA)() , _ = (0, u.zH)(_o({}, p), d) , h = l((function(e) { return null == e ? void 0 : e.access } )) , f = "cn" === l((function(e) { return null == e ? void 0 : e.globals } )).env.cc1 && hn.includes(location.pathname); (0, c.useEffect)((function() { n && setTimeout((function() { var e = document.querySelector('[data-focus-on="true"]'); e && e.focus() } ), 100) } ), []); var v, g = ["access-panel__social-button", "access-panel__social-button-".concat(i.name), "bui-button bui-button--secondary", "nw-social-btn-".concat(i.name)].join(" "), m = function(e) { var n = "access-panel__social-button-image"; return "grab" === e || "opentable" === e || "uber" === e ? n + " access-panel__social-button-image--no-width" : n }, y = "grab" === (v = i.name) ? { width: 50, height: 24 } : "opentable" === v ? { width: 36, height: 28 } : "uber" === v ? { width: 69, height: 24 } : { width: 24, height: 24 }, b = _o(_o({}, y), { provider: i.name }), w = function(e) { if (f && !h.has_pipl_consent) return e.preventDefault(), _.setPiplConsentError(!0), !1; s && "function" == typeof s && s(e) }; return t ? (0, r.jsx)(S.A, _o({ to: t, onClick: w, title: Xn(i.buttonText), "data-provider-name": i.name, "data-focus-on": n, "data-ga-action": "click", "aria-label": Xn(i.buttonText), "data-ga-label": "Sign in with ".concat(i.name) }, { children: (0, r.jsx)("button", _o({ className: g }, { children: (0, r.jsx)("div", _o({ className: "access-panel__social-button-content" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)("div", _o({ className: m(i.name) }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(uo, _o({}, b)) })) })) })) })) : (0, r.jsx)("a", _o({ href: a, className: g, onClick: w, title: Xn(i.buttonText), "data-provider-name": i.name, "data-focus-on": n, "data-ga-action": "click", "aria-label": Xn(i.buttonText), "data-ga-label": "Sign in with ".concat(i.name) }, { children: (0, r.jsx)("div", _o({ className: "access-panel__social-button-content" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)("div", _o({ className: m(i.name) }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(uo, _o({}, b)) })) })) })) } , ho = function() { return ho = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , ho.apply(this, arguments) } , fo = { buttonText: "identity_account_signin_phone_aria", name: "phone", shortButtonText: "identity_phone_button_aria" } , vo = { buttonText: "identity_account_signin_email_aria", name: "email", shortButtonText: "identity_email_button_aria" } , go = c.memo((function() { var e = ct() , n = e.globals , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history , o = e.location , s = (0, c.useState)(!1) , l = s[0] , u = s[1]; (0, c.useEffect)((function() { window.handleSocialProviderResult = d, n.env.features.social_login_enabled && t.social_providers && t.social_providers.find((function(e) { return "amazon" === e.name } )) && Cn({ id: "ELSXPeJIPLHIdFUVdCSZHT", type: "ets", value: 1 }) } ), []); var d = function(e) { var n, r, o, c; if (e) switch ("string" == typeof e && (e = JSON.parse(e)), e.status) { case "success": "amazon" === e.provider && Cn({ id: "ELSXPeJIPLHIdFUVdCSZHT", type: "ets", value: 3 }), a.startLoading(), _n({ response: e, actions: a, history: i }); break; case "user_rejected": break; case "account_not_linked_no_password": if (!e.login_name || !e.provider) return void a.showError("settings_page_error_message"); if (!e.social_context) return void a.showError("settings_page_error_message"); if (a.setIdpApiContext({ value: e.social_context }), a.setLoginName(e.login_name), a.setProvider(e.provider), e.me_outbound_messages) { var s = e.me_outbound_messages; window.sessionStorage.me_outbound_messages = JSON.stringify(s.map((function(e) { return e.id } ))), delete e.me_outbound_messages, null === (r = null === (n = window.apDebug) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.showEmailMessages) || void 0 === r || r.call(n, s) } _n({ response: { next_step: O.A.signInConnectSocialWithMagicLink.path }, actions: a, history: i }); break; case "account_not_linked": if (!e.login_name || !e.provider) return void a.showError("settings_page_error_message"); if (!e.social_context) return void a.showError("settings_page_error_message"); a.setIdpApiContext({ value: e.social_context }), a.setLoginName(e.login_name), a.setProvider(e.provider), _n({ response: { next_step: O.A.signInConnectSocial.path }, actions: a, history: i }); break; case "confirmation_required": e.social_context && a.setIdpApiContext({ value: e.social_context }), a.setLoginName(e.login_name), a.setProvider(e.provider), _n({ response: { next_step: O.A.signInConfirmSocial.path }, actions: a, history: i }); break; case "relay_email_confirmation_required": e.social_context && a.setIdpApiContext({ value: e.social_context }), a.setLoginName(e.login_name), a.setProvider(e.provider), _n({ response: { next_step: O.A.signInConfirmProviderRelay.path }, actions: a, history: i }); break; case "no_email": if (!e.social_context) return void a.showError("settings_page_error_message"); a.setIdpApiContext({ value: e.social_context }), a.setProvider(e.provider), _n({ response: { next_step: O.A.signInSocialLoginName.path }, actions: a, history: i }); break; case "confirmed_phone_required": if (!e.social_context) return void a.showError("settings_page_error_message"); a.setIdpApiContext({ value: e.social_context }), _n({ response: { next_step: O.A.signInAddPhone.path }, actions: a, history: i }); break; case "2fa_required": if (!e.payload_2fa_step) return void a.showError("settings_page_error_message"); a.setPayload2FAStep(e.payload_2fa_step), _n({ response: { next_step: O.A.signInTfaVerification.path }, actions: a, history: i }); break; case "contact_details_required": if (!e.social_context) return void a.showError("settings_page_error_message"); a.setIdpApiContext({ value: e.social_context }), a.setUserInfo(ho(ho({}, t.user_info), { first_name: (null === (o = e.contact_details) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.firstName) || "", last_name: (null === (c = e.contact_details) || void 0 === c ? void 0 : c.lastName) || "" })), _n({ response: { next_step: O.A.socialContactDetails.path }, actions: a, history: i }); break; case "account_disabled": _n({ response: { next_step: O.A.accountDisabled.path }, actions: a, history: i }); break; case "account_locked": e.social_context && a.setIdpApiContext({ value: e.social_context }), a.setLoginName(e.login_name), a.setProvider(e.provider), _n({ response: { next_step: O.A.accountLocked.path }, actions: a, history: i }); break; default: a.showError("settings_page_error_message") } } , _ = function(e, a) { return void 0 === a && (a = !1), e.map((function(e, i) { var c = ho({}, n.env.link_params); if (t.op_token && (c.op_token = t.op_token), !n.env.dDfPWSSIVaXROZdHUHe) { if ("email" === e.name) return o.pathname === O.A.signInChinaEmail.path && n.env.is_cn ? (0, r.jsx)(po, { focus: a && 0 === i, navigateTo: O.A.signIn.path, sp: fo }, "phone") : (0, r.jsx)(po, { focus: a && 0 === i, navigateTo: O.A.signInChinaEmail.path, sp: e }, e.name); if ("phone" === e.name) return o.pathname !== O.A.signInPhone.path && o.pathname !== O.A.oauthLowPhone.path || n.env.is_cn ? (0, r.jsx)(po, { focus: a && 0 === i, navigateTo: O.A.signInPhone.path, sp: e }, e.name) : (0, r.jsx)(po, { focus: a && 0 === i, navigateTo: O.A.signIn.path, sp: vo }, "email") } var s = Object.entries(c).map((function(e) { var n = e[0] , t = e[1]; return "".concat(n, "=").concat(encodeURIComponent(t)) } )).join("&") , l = "/social/consent/".concat(e.name).concat(s ? "?" + s : ""); return (0, r.jsx)(po, { focus: a && 0 === i, sp: e, href: l, onClick: function(e) { return function(e, t) { var a, i; (["mobile", "tablet"].indexOf(n.env.device_class) < 0 && !n.env.is_popup || n.env.is_iframe) && (e.preventDefault(), Tr.openPopupInCenter(t, 600, 600)), "amazon" === (null === (i = null === (a = e.currentTarget) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.dataset) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.providerName) && Cn({ id: "ELSXPeJIPLHIdFUVdCSZHT", type: "etcg", value: 1 }) }(e, l) } }, e.name) } )) }; if (n.env.features.social_login_enabled && t.social_providers && t.social_providers.length) { var p = t.social_providers , h = p.length; return (0, r.jsxs)("div", ho({ className: "access-panel__social" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(yo, { isMany: h > 2 }), p.length <= 3 ? (0, r.jsx)("div", ho({ className: "access-panel__social-buttons" }, { children: _(p) })) : (0, r.jsxs)(c.Fragment, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", ho({ className: "access-panel__social-buttons" }, { children: _(p.slice(0, 3)) })), !0 === l && (0, r.jsx)("div", ho({ className: "access-panel__social-buttons" }, { children: _(p.slice(3, p.length), !0) }))] }), p.length > 3 && !l && (0, r.jsx)(Qn.EY, ho({ className: "social-expand-link", align: "center" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)("button", ho({ className: "bui-button bui-button--link bui_font_strong bui_color_action bui-button--secondary nw-social-expand", onClick: function() { u((function(e) { return !e } )) } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_landing_screen_see_more_options" }) })) }))] })) } return null } )) , mo = go , yo = function(e) { return (0, r.jsxs)("div", ho({ className: "access-panel__social-divider" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Qn.cG, { className: "access-panel__social-divider-line" }), (0, r.jsx)("span", ho({ className: "access-panel__social-divider-text" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.isMany ? "identity_signin_landing_screen_use_other_option" : e.copyTag ? e.copyTag : "identity_signin_landing_screen_single_social_option" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(Qn.cG, { className: "access-panel__social-divider-line" })] })) } , bo = function() { return bo = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , bo.apply(this, arguments) } , wo = function(e) { var n = e.clickHandler , t = e.useDivider , a = void 0 === t || t; return (0, r.jsxs)(r.Fragment, { children: [a ? (0, r.jsx)(yo, { isMany: !1, copyTag: "account_sign_in_or" }) : null, (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, bo({ className: "nw-link-sign-in-without-pass", type: "button", wide: !0, size: "large", variant: "secondary", onClick: n }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_screen_magic_link_cta" }) }))] }) } , xo = function() { return xo = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , xo.apply(this, arguments) } , Eo = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { e.done ? i(e.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof t ? e : new t((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(e.value).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) } , jo = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } } , ko = function() { return ko = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , ko.apply(this, arguments) } , Oo = function(e) { var n = e.panels , t = e.triggers , a = e.onTabChange , i = e.activeTabId , o = (0, c.useState)(void 0) , s = o[0] , l = o[1]; return (0, c.useEffect)((function() { l(i) } ), []), (0, r.jsxs)("nav", { children: [(0, r.jsx)("ul", ko({ className: "M3nBQFTgrRZ1i_o4aYCE", role: "tablist" }, { children: t.map((function(e, n) { return (0, r.jsx)("li", ko({ role: "presentation", style: { width: "50%" } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, ko({ className: "ZkzRsCaxskwLyBheIQsS", onClick: function() { return n = e.id, l(n), void a(n); var n }, attributes: { "aria-selected": s === e.id, "aria-controls": e.id + "-tab", role: "tab", tabIndex: n }, type: "button", size: "large", variant: "tertiary-neutral", wide: !0 }, { children: e.text })) }), e.id) } )) })), n.map((function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)("div", ko({ role: "tabpanel", id: e.id + "-tab", hidden: s !== e.id }, { children: (0, r.jsx)("div", ko({ className: "DbaOr0MFR8hiJsicVX3P" }, { children: e.children })) }), e.id) } ))] }) } , Ao = function() { return Ao = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Ao.apply(this, arguments) } , So = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { e.done ? i(e.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof t ? e : new t((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(e.value).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) } , Po = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } } , Co = function() { return Co = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Co.apply(this, arguments) } , Io = function() { return Io = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Io.apply(this, arguments) } , No = t(64525) , To = t(87670) , Ro = t(84686) , Do = t(73220) , Lo = t(14409) , Mo = t(76641) , Vo = function() { return Vo = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Vo.apply(this, arguments) } , Uo = function() { return Uo = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Uo.apply(this, arguments) } , Ho = function() { return Ho = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Ho.apply(this, arguments) } , zo = function() { return zo = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , zo.apply(this, arguments) } , Wo = function() { return Wo = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Wo.apply(this, arguments) } , Fo = t(53478) , Bo = booking.env.b_action , Go = booking.env.pageview_id , Yo = booking.env.lang , Xo = { "X-Booking-AID": booking.env.aid || "", "X-Booking-CSRF": "", "X-Booking-Info": function() { return Fo.A.tracked() }, "X-Booking-Client-Info": function() { return Fo.A.tracked() }, "X-Booking-Label": "", "X-Booking-Language-Code": Yo, "X-Booking-OAuth-Client-Id": booking.env.oauth.client_id, "X-Booking-Pageview-Id": Go, "X-Booking-Session-Id": "", "X-Booking-SiteType-Id": "", "X-Partner-Channel-Id": "3", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest" }; Fo.A.configure({ url: "/js_tracking?ver=".concat("2", "&ref_action=").concat(Bo, "&pid=").concat(Go, "&stype=").concat("", "&lang=").concat(Yo), jset: booking.env.jset || { r: {}, t: {}, f: {} }, noJqueryAjax: !0, noJqueryOn: !0, isDevServer: booking.env.dev_server, ajaxHeaders: Xo }), booking.env.js_frontend_tracking, booking.env.js_extranet_tracking; var Ko = Fo.A; function qo(e) { return qo = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , qo(e) } function Qo(e, n) { for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) { var a = n[t]; a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value"in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, Jo(a.key), a) } } function Jo(e) { var n = function(e, n) { if ("object" != qo(e) || !e) return e; var t = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== t) { var a = t.call(e, "string"); if ("object" != qo(a)) return a; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return String(e) }(e); return "symbol" == qo(n) ? n : String(n) } function Zo(e, n, t) { return n = ec(n), function(e, n) { if (n && ("object" === qo(n) || "function" == typeof n)) return n; if (void 0 !== n) throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined"); return function(e) { if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return e }(e) }(e, $o() ? Reflect.construct(n, t || [], ec(e).constructor) : n.apply(e, t)) } function $o() { try { var e = !Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], (function() {} ))) } catch (e) {} return ($o = function() { return !!e } )() } function ec(e) { return ec = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e) { return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e) } , ec(e) } function nc(e, n) { return nc = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, n) { return e.__proto__ = n, e } , nc(e, n) } var tc = booking.env.no_animations ? 1 : fn , ac = function(e) { function n() { var e; !function(e, n) { if (!(e instanceof n)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, n), e = Zo(this, n); var t = {}; return Object.keys(O.A).map((function(e) { t[O.A[e].path] = O.A[e].title } )), e.state = { pathToTitleMapping: t }, e } var t, a; return function(e, n) { if ("function" != typeof n && null !== n) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); e.prototype = Object.create(n && n.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), n && nc(e, n) }(n, e), t = n, (a = [{ key: "componentDidMount", value: function() { Ko.initAttributesTracking(), this.focusInput() } }, { key: "componentDidUpdate", value: function(e) { var n = this.props.location; n.pathname !== e.location.pathname && (window.scrollTo(0, 0), this.updatePageTitle(n.pathname), this.focusInput(), setTimeout((function() { se.trackPageView(n.pathname), Ko.initAttributesTracking() } ), tc)) } }, { key: "updatePageTitle", value: function(e) { var n = this.state.pathToTitleMapping[e] ? this.state.pathToTitleMapping[e] : null , t = booking.env.oauth_client_info && booking.env.oauth_client_info.title || "" , a = this.props.access && this.props.access.provider ? this.props.access.provider : ""; document.title = n ? Xn(n, void 0, { service_name: t, social_provider: a }) + " | Booking.com" : "Booking.com" } }, { key: "focusInput", value: function() { setTimeout((function() { var e = document.querySelector('[data-focus="true"]'); if (e) e.focus(); else { var n = document.querySelector(".page-header"); n && n.focus() } } ), tc) } }, { key: "render", value: function() { return this.props.children } }]) && Qo(t.prototype, a), Object.defineProperty(t, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), n }(c.Component); ac.propTypes = { location: l().object, access: l().object, children: l().oneOfType([l().arrayOf(l().node), l().node]) }; var ic = (0, d.y)((0, o.Ng)((function(e) { return { access: e.access } } ))(ac)); function rc() { return rc = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , rc.apply(this, arguments) } var oc = function(e) { return c.createElement(ic, null, c.createElement(d.dO, null, e.routes.map((function(e) { return c.createElement(d.qh, { key: e.path, exact: !!e.exact, path: e.path, render: function(n) { return c.createElement(e.component, rc({}, n, { routes: e.routes })) } }) } )), c.createElement(d.qh, { render: function() { return c.createElement("div", null, "Not Found") } }))) }; oc.propTypes = { routes: l().array }; var cc = oc , sc = t(1801) , lc = function() { return lc = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , lc.apply(this, arguments) }; function uc() { return uc = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , uc.apply(this, arguments) } var dc = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", uc({ width: "64", height: "64", viewBox: "0 0 64 64", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, n), c.createElement("g", { fill: "#707070" }, c.createElement("path", { d: "M36.998 24.192L52.2 34.567a4.892 4.892 0 0 1 .082 8.029L37.12 53.403a7.37 7.37 0 0 1-8.554 0L7.691 38.523l21-14.331a7.37 7.37 0 0 1 8.307 0z", opacity: ".23" }), c.createElement("path", { d: "M36.998 18.07L52.2 28.443a4.892 4.892 0 0 1 .082 8.03L37.12 47.28a7.37 7.37 0 0 1-8.554 0L7.691 32.4l21-14.332a7.37 7.37 0 0 1 8.307 0z", opacity: ".6" }), c.createElement("path", { d: "M36.998 10.947L52.2 21.322a4.892 4.892 0 0 1 .082 8.03L37.12 40.158a7.37 7.37 0 0 1-8.554 0L7.691 25.278l21-14.33a7.37 7.37 0 0 1 8.307 0z" }))) } , _c = function(e) { var n = e.title , t = e.image , a = e.width , i = e.height; return t ? (0, r.jsx)("img", { alt: n, src: t, width: a, height: i, role: "presentation" }) : (0, r.jsx)(dc, { width: a, height: i, className: "default-client-img", role: "presentation" }) }; function pc() { return pc = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , pc.apply(this, arguments) } var hc = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", pc({ xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 128 128" }, n), c.createElement("path", { d: "M104 56H72V24a8 8 0 0 0-16 0v32H24a8 8 0 0 0 0 16h32v32a8 8 0 0 0 16 0V72h32a8 8 0 0 0 0-16z" })) }; function fc() { return fc = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , fc.apply(this, arguments) } var vc = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", fc({ width: "72", height: "72", viewBox: "0 0 72 72", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, n), c.createElement("path", { d: "M0 11C0 4.925 4.925 0 11 0h50c6.075 0 11 4.925 11 11v50c0 6.075-4.925 11-11 11H11C4.925 72 0 67.075 0 61V11z", fill: "#003680" }), c.createElement("path", { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", d: "M61.647 34.081l-.066.126-.108-.094c-.379-.33-1.057-.719-2.158-.719-2.191 0-3.666 1.653-3.666 4.112 0 2.442 1.548 4.144 3.685 4.144.745 0 1.336-.174 1.802-.531l.182-.136v.23c0 1.103-.71 1.712-1.998 1.712a4.717 4.717 0 0 1-1.575-.293c-.499-.151-.79-.026-.99.474l-.187.464-.262.674.162.087c.824.444 1.916.666 2.874.666 1.995 0 4.15-1.026 4.15-3.913l.008-7.57h-.895c-.445 0-.787.242-.958.567zm-3.61 3.363c0-.464.118-1.974 1.615-1.974.744 0 1.769.222 1.769 2.052-.033 1.725-.944 2.095-1.681 2.095l.036.002c-1.282 0-1.738-1.123-1.738-2.175zM52.152 33.412c-1.2 0-1.967.536-2.395.987l-.143.147-.05-.198c-.127-.485-.551-.752-1.192-.752h-1.03l.007 8.256h2.18v-3.805c0-.373.048-.696.146-.99.26-.891.851-1.446 1.76-1.446.731 0 1.18.37 1.18 1.39v3.596c0 .888.515 1.258 1.4 1.255h.803v-5.2c-.043-2.067-.753-3.251-2.67-3.251M46.302 31.408c0 .777-.634 1.407-1.417 1.407-.782 0-1.416-.63-1.416-1.407 0-.778.634-1.408 1.416-1.408.783 0 1.417.63 1.417 1.408zm-.3 3.446v7.064h-2.15l-.006-1.935h.006l-.006-6.384.924.003c.832 0 1.233.41 1.233 1.252zM40.953 37.92a2.04 2.04 0 0 0-.324-.46l-.075-.08.079-.077c.114-.12.23-.263.342-.43l2.194-3.272h-2.663l-1.647 2.56c-.093.138-.282.207-.563.207h-.57v-4.84c0-.97-.661-1.46-1.31-1.46h-.875l.002 11.788h2.184v-3.429h.415c.269 0 .442 0 .515.178l1.302 2.442c.363.666.737.814 1.4.784h1.808l-1.347-2.238-.867-1.674zM26.102 37.705c0 2.442 1.769 4.292 4.275 4.292 2.493 0 4.307-1.797 4.307-4.275.018-2.471-1.772-4.321-4.278-4.321-2.488 0-4.304 1.828-4.304 4.304zm4.292 2.276c-1.174 0-1.992-.936-1.992-2.276 0-1.338.818-2.274 1.992-2.274 1.18 0 1.99.962 1.99 2.274.018 1.394-.8 2.282-1.979 2.282l-.011-.006zM16.715 37.705c0 2.442 1.769 4.292 4.275 4.292 2.494 0 4.306-1.797 4.306-4.275.014-2.471-1.818-4.321-4.324-4.321-2.486 0-4.257 1.828-4.257 4.304zm4.29 2.276c-1.175 0-1.991-.936-1.991-2.276 0-1.338.816-2.274 1.99-2.274 1.183 0 1.99.962 1.99 2.274.018 1.394-.769 2.282-2.022 2.282l.032-.006zM14.18 35.8l.302-.259c.35-.302.938-.981.938-2.156 0-1.796-1.388-2.88-3.536-2.88H9.312c-.638.01-1.312.676-1.312 1.317v10.096h3.932c2.387 0 3.93-1.41 3.93-3.43 0-1.09-.492-2.053-1.302-2.497l-.38-.192zm-3.998-2.092v-.603c0-.527.222-.779.71-.81h.976c.837 0 1.326.518 1.326 1.345 0 .642-.343 1.254-1.308 1.254h-1.704v-1.186zm0 6.016v-2.13c0-.49.189-.744.607-.802h1.3c.93 0 1.548.592 1.548 1.554-.02.975-.59 1.378-1.547 1.378H10.18z", fill: "#fff" })) } , gc = function() { return gc = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , gc.apply(this, arguments) } , mc = function() { return mc = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , mc.apply(this, arguments) } , yc = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { e.done ? i(e.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof t ? e : new t((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(e.value).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) } , bc = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } } , wc = function() { var e, n, t = ct(), a = t.Screen, i = t.access, o = t.globals, s = t.actions, l = t.history, u = (0, c.useState)((function() { return i.login_name || "" } )), d = u[0], _ = u[1], p = (0, c.useState)((function() { return i.password || "" } )), h = p[0], f = p[1], v = (0, c.useState)((function() { return null } )), g = v[0], m = v[1], y = $a({ login_name: d }, Da), b = y.validation, w = y.isValid, x = y.handleServerError, E = (0, c.useRef)(null), j = (0, c.useRef)(null), k = "login_name", A = "identity_signin_enter_email_screen_email_field_label", C = "email"; "username" === o.env.features.loginname_type && (C = "text", A = "account_sign_in_username_lbl"), "zh-cn" === o.env.lang && "username" !== o.env.features.loginname_type && (A = "account_sign_in_email_or_phone_lbl"), (0, c.useEffect)((function() { var e; if (o.env.pk_autofill && i.passkeys_autofill_supported) return j.current = new AbortController, function(e, n, t, a) { yn(this, void 0, void 0, (function() { var i, r, o; return bn(this, (function(c) { switch (c.label) { case 0: return booking.env.pk_autofill ? (n.startLoading(), [4, jn(n, t)]) : [2]; case 1: return i = c.sent(), n.finishLoading(), i ? [4, An(i, a)] : [3, 8]; case 2: if (!(r = c.sent())) return [3, 7]; o = { context: e.idpapi_context, passkey_data: r }, c.label = 3; case 3: return c.trys.push([3, 5, , 6]), [4, dn({ action: de, payload: o, actions: n, history: t, historyMethod: "replace" }).catch((function(e) { e && n.showError(e.tag) } ))]; case 4: return c.sent(), [3, 6]; case 5: return mn("Error on autofill passkey submit: " + c.sent(), "[Passkeys]"), [3, 6]; case 6: return [3, 8]; case 7: mn("Failed to get PublicKeyCredential for autofill", "[Passkeys]"), c.label = 8; case 8: return [2] } } )) } )) }(i, s, l, null === (e = null == j ? void 0 : j.current) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.signal), function() { var e; return null === (e = null == j ? void 0 : j.current) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.abort() } } ), [i.passkeys_autofill_supported]); var N = function(e) { return yc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var n; return bc(this, (function(t) { switch (t.label) { case 0: return e.preventDefault(), i.loading ? [2] : E.current && E.current.value && !d ? (n = E.current.value, _(n), w(n, k) ? [4, D(n)] : [3, 2]) : [3, 3]; case 1: t.sent(), t.label = 2; case 2: return [3, 5]; case 3: return w() ? [4, D(d)] : [3, 5]; case 4: t.sent(), t.label = 5; case 5: return [2] } } )) } )) } , T = function(e) { return { context: i.idpapi_context, identifier: { type: wi, value: e } } } , R = function(e) { var n = { login_name: e, client_id: i.client_id, state: i.state, scope: i.scope, op_token: i.op_token }; return jr.isLnIntegrationEnabled() && (n.as_token = i.as_token), pi.isDatavisorIntegrationEnabled() ? mc(mc({}, n), { dv_monitoring_data: pi.monitoringData.build(), dv_fast_token: i.dv_fast_token, dv_real_token: i.dv_real_token, dv_native_token: i.dv_native_token }) : n } , D = function(e) { return yc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var n, t, a, c; return bc(this, (function(u) { switch (u.label) { case 0: s.saveControl({ login_name: e }), s.saveControl({ password: h }), null === (c = null == j ? void 0 : j.current) || void 0 === c || c.abort(), u.label = 1; case 1: return u.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]), [4, dn({ action: o.env.idpapi ? le : null, url: I, payload: o.env.idpapi ? T(e) : R(e), actions: s, history: l, onBeforeRedirect: function(e, n) { return yc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return bc(this, (function(t) { switch (t.label) { case 0: return booking.env.pk_enabled && e.pkChallenge ? (s.setPasskeysChallenge(e.pkChallenge), booking.env.pk_v2 ? (n.skipNextStep = !0, s.setPasskeysFallbackStep(e.nextStep), l.push({ pathname: O.A.signInPasskey.path, search: window.location.search }), [3, 3]) : [3, 1]) : [3, 3]; case 1: return [4, Pn(e.context, s, l, e.pkChallenge)]; case 2: t.sent(), t.label = 3; case 3: return [2] } } )) } )) } })]; case 2: return (n = u.sent()).appId && n.jsClientSrc && n.blockScript ? m(mc(mc({}, n), { op_token: i.op_token, blocked_url: o.env.idpapi ? le : I })) : m(null), pi.sendLoginname(e, s, l, "reportUsername_signInUserName", "signInUserName"), [3, 4]; case 3: return (t = u.sent()) ? (t.errors && t.errors.includes(ne.UNKNOWN_USERNAME) && pi.postManualEvent("warning_noAccountAssociated_signInUserName", { page_title: "signInUserName" }), void 0, a = "extranet" === o.env.features.enabled_integration ? t.errors && t.errors.includes(ne.USER_HAS_NO_PASSWORD) ? function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, mc({ to: O.A.accountRecovery.path, className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action" }, { children: e }), "account_recovery_link") } : function(e) { var n, t; return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, mc({ type: (null === (n = o.env.features) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.create_account_enabled) ? "" : "external", to: (null === (t = o.env.features) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.create_account_enabled) ? O.A.register.path : P.A.join, "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_createAnAccount_signInUserName"), className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action" }, { children: e }), "create_account_link1") } : function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, mc({ to: O.A.register.path, className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action" }, { children: e }), "register_link") } , x(k, (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: t.tag, tags: { start_link: a } })), [3, 4]) : [2]; case 4: return [2] } } )) } )) }; return (0, r.jsxs)(a, mc({ name: "signin", titleTag: "extranet" === o.env.features.enabled_integration ? o.env.copy_tags["sign-in"].title || "ext_admin_login_page_sign_in_to_manage" : o.env.idpapi ? "identity_signin_landing_screen_signin_create_heading" : "account_sign_in_header_new", descriptionTags: "extranet" === o.env.features.enabled_integration ? o.env.copy_tags["sign-in"].description || "" : o.env.idpapi ? "" : "account_sign_in_inform", onSubmit: N, slotAboveFormStack: (0, r.jsx)(Pr, { onChange: function(e) { f(e.target.value) } }) }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(mi, { id: "extranet" === o.env.features.enabled_integration ? "loginname" : "username", label: A, type: C, value: d, validation: null == b ? void 0 : b.login_name, onChange: function(e) { f(""), _(e.value) }, onKeyDown: function(e) { 32 === e.which && "email" === o.env.features.loginname_type && e.preventDefault() }, placeholder: "username" === o.env.features.loginname_type ? "account_ext_username_tooltip" : "iam_account_sign_in_email_hint", focus: !0, ref: E, autoComplete: o.env.pk_autofill ? "username webauthn" : "username" }), (0, r.jsx)("div", { children: g ? (0, r.jsx)(Wi, { pxData: g, lang: i.lang, onSuccess: function() { return yc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return bc(this, (function(e) { switch (e.label) { case 0: return m(null), [4, N(null)]; case 1: return e.sent(), [2] } } )) } )) }, onLoadingError: function() { m(null), s.showError(te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG)) } }) : (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, mc({ attributes: { "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_next_signInUserName") }, type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "book" === o.env.features.enabled_integration && o.env.idpapi ? "identity_signin_landing_screen_continue_with_email" : "account_sign_in_next_cta" }) })) }), !!o.env.dDfPDeLZBePCOOLfMO && (0, r.jsx)("div", mc({ className: "u-text-center bui-spacer--top" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, mc({ to: O.A.qrCode.path, "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "Sign in with QR code", className: "nw-qr-code-link" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, mc({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "secondary" }, { children: "Sign in with your Booking.com App" })) })) })), (0, r.jsx)(mo, {}), !!o.env.features.forgot_username_allowed && (0, r.jsx)("div", mc({ className: "u-text-center link-recovery-options" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, mc({ to: O.A.accountRecoveryOptions.path, "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "Having trouble signing in?", className: "nw-ext-login-trouble" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, mc({ attributes: { "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_havingTroubleSigningIn_signInUserName") }, wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_recover_options_header" }) })) })) })), (0, r.jsx)(ni, {}), !o.env.features.is_mobile_app && "extranet" === o.env.features.enabled_integration && (0, r.jsx)(S.A, mc({ className: "nw-link-register", type: (null === (e = o.env.features) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.create_account_enabled) ? "" : "external", to: (null === (n = o.env.features) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.create_account_enabled) ? O.A.register.path : P.A.join, "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_createAnAccount_signInUserName"), "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "Create account" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, mc({ type: "button", wide: !0, variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_joinapp_create_account_header" }) })) }))] })) } , xc = function() { return xc = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , xc.apply(this, arguments) } , Ec = function() { return Ec = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Ec.apply(this, arguments) } , jc = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { e.done ? i(e.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof t ? e : new t((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(e.value).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) } , kc = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } } , Oc = { "zh-tw": "zh-TW", "zh-cn": "zh-CN" } , Ac = function(e) { var n = e.pxData , t = e.lang , a = e.onSuccess , i = e.onLoadingError , o = e.onFail , s = (0, c.useState)(!1) , l = s[0] , u = s[1] , d = (0, c.useState)(0) , _ = d[0] , p = d[1] , h = (0, c.useRef)(null); (0, c.useEffect)((function() { var e, i = Oc[t] || t.split("-")[0]; window._pxAppId = n.appId, window._pxJsClientSrc = n.jsClientSrc, window._pxHostUrl = n.hostUrl, window._pxFirstPartyEnabled = !!n.firstPartyEnabled, window._pxVid = n.vid, window._pxUuid = n.uuid, window["_" + n.appId] = { locale: i, challenge: { translation: (e = {}, e[i] = { btn: Xn("account_create_bot_challenge_cta"), ac_1: Xn("account_create_bot_challenge_cta_aria"), ac_2: Xn("account_create_bot_challenge_cta_done"), failed: Xn("account_create_bot_challenge_try_again") }, e), view: { textColor: "#fff", height: 48, width: "100%", backgroundColor: "#0071c2", fillColor: "#003580", texSize: 16, textFont: "BlinkMacSystemFont,-apple-system,Segoe UI,Roboto,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif", animation: !0, borderWidth: 0, borderRadius: 2, buttonBorderWidthOnFocus: 2, pressableAreaPadding: "0", pressableAreaWidth: "100%", margin: "0 auto 0 auto", fontWeight: 500, textTransform: "none", targetColor: "#fff", checkmarkThickness: "3px", checkmarkHeight: "20px", checkmarkWidth: "7px" } } }, window._pxOnCaptchaSuccess = function(e) { return jc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var n, t, i; return kc(this, (function(r) { switch (r.label) { case 0: return r.trys.push([0, 5, , 6]), e ? (a(), v("success"), [4, f(2)]) : [3, 2]; case 1: return r.sent(), [3, 4]; case 2: return null == o || o(), u(!0), p(_ + 1), v("fail"), [4, f(3)]; case 3: r.sent(), r.label = 4; case 4: return [3, 6]; case 5: return n = r.sent(), null === (i = null === (t = window.onBookingError) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.report) || void 0 === i || i.call(t, n.stack, "PX HC callback error"), [3, 6]; case 6: return [2] } } )) } )) } , g(n.blockScript) } ), []); var f = function(e) { return new Promise((function(t, a) { var i = n.op_token ? V + "?op_token=".concat(n.op_token) : V; return fetch(i, { method: "POST", headers: { Accept: "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json", "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest" }, body: JSON.stringify({ id: n.px_captcha_id, action: e, token: n.op_token, url: n.blocked_url }) }).then((function(e) { e.ok ? t(e) : a(e.statusText) } )) } )) } , v = function(e) { se.trackEvent({ gaAction: "botchallenge", gaLabel: e }) } , g = function(e) { var n = document.createElement("script"); n.src = e, document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(n), n.onload = function() { return jc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return kc(this, (function(e) { switch (e.label) { case 0: return u(!1), window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight), v("shown"), [4, f(1)]; case 1: return e.sent(), [2] } } )) } )) } , n.onerror = function(e) { var n, t; i(), null === (t = null === (n = window.onBookingError) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.report) || void 0 === t || t.call(n, e.stack, "PX HC loading error") } }; return (0, r.jsxs)("div", Ec({ className: "bui-spacer--large bui-u-margin-top--24" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("h3", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_create_bot_challenge_title" }) }), (0, r.jsx)("div", Ec({ className: "bui-spacer--largest" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_create_bot_challenge_desc" }) })), l && (0, r.jsx)("div", Ec({ className: "bui-spinner bui-spinner--size-large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)("div", { className: "bui-spinner__inner" }) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", { id: "px-captcha", className: "bui-spacer--large", ref: h }), _ >= 1 && (0, r.jsxs)("div", Ec({ className: "bui-spacer--medium" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("h4", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_bot_challenge_help_heading" }) }), (0, r.jsx)("p", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_bot_challenge_help_body1" }) }), (0, r.jsxs)("ul", { children: [(0, r.jsx)("li", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_bot_challenge_help_reason1" }) }), (0, r.jsx)("li", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_bot_challenge_help_reason2" }) })] }), (0, r.jsx)("p", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_bot_challenge_help_body2" }) }), (0, r.jsxs)("p", { children: [(0, r.jsx)("b", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_bot_challenge_help_ref_id" }) }), " ", "#", n.uuid] })] }))] })) } , Sc = function() { return Sc = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Sc.apply(this, arguments) } , Pc = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { e.done ? i(e.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof t ? e : new t((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(e.value).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) } , Cc = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } } , Ic = function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.globals , i = e.actions , o = e.history , s = (0, c.useState)((function() { return t.login_name && da()(t.login_name) ? t.login_name : "" } )) , l = s[0] , u = s[1] , d = (0, c.useState)((function() { return t.password || "" } )) , _ = d[0] , p = d[1] , h = Zi(t, a) , f = (0, c.useState)(Yi(h)) , v = f[0] , g = f[1] , m = (0, c.useState)((function() { return a.env.is_cn || t.login_name && !da()(t.login_name) ? "phone" : "email" } )) , y = m[0] , b = m[1] , w = (0, c.useState)(null) , x = w[0] , E = w[1] , j = (0, c.useRef)(null) , k = $a({ login_name: l }, Na) , A = k.validation , P = k.isValid , C = k.handleServerError , I = k.clearValidation , N = $a({ iuxPhone: v }, Ca) , T = N.validation , R = N.isValid , D = N.clearValidation , L = function() { return Pc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var e; return Cc(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return "phone" !== y ? [3, 3] : R() ? (i.saveControl({ phoneObject: Xi(v) }), [4, U(v)]) : [3, 2]; case 1: n.sent(), n.label = 2; case 2: return [3, 8]; case 3: return P() ? (i.setLoginName(l), j.current && j.current.value && !l ? (e = j.current.value, u(e), P() ? [4, H(e)] : [3, 5]) : [3, 6]) : [3, 8]; case 4: n.sent(), n.label = 5; case 5: return [3, 8]; case 6: return P() ? [4, H(l)] : [3, 8]; case 7: n.sent(), n.label = 8; case 8: return [2] } } )) } )) } , M = function(e) { pi.sendLoginname(e, i, o, "reportUsername_signInUserName", "signInUserName") } , V = function(e) { e.errors && e.errors.includes(ne.UNKNOWN_USERNAME) && pi.postManualEvent("warning_noAccountAssociated_signInUserName", { page_title: "signInUserName" }) } , U = function(e) { return Pc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var n, a; return Cc(this, (function(c) { switch (c.label) { case 0: i.saveControl({ phone: e }), c.label = 1; case 1: return c.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]), [4, dn({ action: De, payload: { identifier: { type: xi, value: e } }, actions: i, history: o })]; case 2: return (null == (n = c.sent()) ? void 0 : n.appId) && (null == n ? void 0 : n.jsClientSrc) && (null == n ? void 0 : n.blockScript) ? E(Sc(Sc({}, n), { op_token: t.op_token, blocked_url: De })) : M(e), [3, 4]; case 3: return (a = c.sent()) ? (V(a), i.showHtmlError({ copy_tag: a.tag, values: { phone: e }, tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Sc({ className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action nw-link-signin", to: O.A.signIn.path, "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "Sign in" }, { children: e }), "sign_in_link") } } }), [3, 4]) : [2]; case 4: return [2] } } )) } )) } , H = function(e) { return Pc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var n; return Cc(this, (function(t) { switch (t.label) { case 0: i.saveControl({ login_name: e }), i.saveControl({ password: _ }), t.label = 1; case 1: return t.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]), [4, dn({ action: le, payload: { identifier: { type: wi, value: e } }, actions: i, history: o })]; case 2: return t.sent(), M(e), [3, 4]; case 3: return (n = t.sent()) ? (V(n), C("login_name", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: n.tag })), [3, 4]) : [2]; case 4: return [2] } } )) } )) } , z = [{ id: "email", text: Xn("account_tabs_email_lbl"), href: "#email" }, { id: "phone", text: Xn("iux_phone_number_label"), href: "#phone" }] , W = [{ id: "email", children: (0, r.jsx)("div", Sc({ className: "bui-spacer--large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(mi, { id: "username", label: "account_tabs_email_lbl", type: "email", value: l, validation: null == A ? void 0 : A.login_name, onChange: function(e) { p(""), u(e.value) }, onKeyDown: function(e) { 32 === e.which && "email" === a.env.features.loginname_type && e.preventDefault() }, focus: !0, ref: j }) })) }, { id: "phone", children: (0, r.jsx)("div", Sc({ className: "bui-spacer--large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qi, { onChange: function(e) { p(""), g(e.value) }, defaultValues: h, validation: null == T ? void 0 : T.iuxPhone }) })) }]; return a.env.is_cn && (z.sort((function() { return -1 } )), W.sort((function() { return -1 } ))), (0, r.jsxs)(n, Sc({ name: "signin", titleTag: "identity_signin_landing_screen_signin_create_heading", onSubmit: function(e) { return Pc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return Cc(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return e.preventDefault(), t.loading ? [2] : (i.saveControl({ login_type: y }), [4, L()]); case 1: return n.sent(), [2] } } )) } )) } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Pr, { onChange: function(e) { p(e.target.value) } }), (0, r.jsx)("div", Sc({ className: "iam-tab", "data-lang": t.lang }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Oo, { panels: W, triggers: z, onTabChange: function(e) { i.saveControl({ login_type: e }), b(e), D(), I(), gn("phone" === e ? "#phone" : "#username", 0) }, activeTabId: y }) })), x && (0, r.jsx)(Ac, { pxData: x, lang: t.lang, onSuccess: function() { return Pc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return Cc(this, (function(e) { switch (e.label) { case 0: return E(null), [4, L()]; case 1: return e.sent(), [2] } } )) } )) }, onLoadingError: function() { E(null), i.showError(te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG)) } }), x ? null : (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Sc({ attributes: { "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_next_signInUserName") }, type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "email" === y ? "identity_signin_landing_screen_continue_with_email" : "identity_continue_with_phone" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(mo, {})] })) } , Nc = function() { return Nc = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Nc.apply(this, arguments) } , Tc = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { e.done ? i(e.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof t ? e : new t((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(e.value).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) } , Rc = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } } , Dc = function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.globals , i = e.actions , o = e.history , s = Zi(t, a) , l = (0, c.useState)(Yi(s)) , u = l[0] , d = l[1] , _ = (0, c.useState)(null) , p = _[0] , h = _[1] , f = $a({ iuxPhone: u }, Ca) , v = f.validation , g = f.isValid , m = function(e) { return Tc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var n, a; return Rc(this, (function(r) { switch (r.label) { case 0: return r.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]), [4, dn({ action: De, payload: { context: t.idpapi_context, identifier: { type: xi, value: e } }, actions: i, history: o })]; case 1: return (null == (n = r.sent()) ? void 0 : n.appId) && (null == n ? void 0 : n.jsClientSrc) && (null == n ? void 0 : n.blockScript) ? h(Nc(Nc({}, n), { op_token: t.op_token, blocked_url: De })) : $i(i, n), [3, 3]; case 2: return (a = r.sent()) ? (i.showError(a.tag), [3, 3]) : [2]; case 3: return [2] } } )) } )) }; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, Nc({ name: "signin-phone", titleTag: "identity_signin_landing_screen_signin_create_heading", descriptionTags: "", onSubmit: function(e) { return Tc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return Rc(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return e.preventDefault(), t.loading ? [2] : g() ? (i.saveControl({ phoneObject: Xi(u) }), i.saveControl({ phone: u }), [4, m(u)]) : [3, 2]; case 1: n.sent(), n.label = 2; case 2: return [2] } } )) } )) } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", Nc({ className: "bui-spacer--large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qi, { onChange: function(e) { return d(e.value) }, defaultValues: s, validation: null == v ? void 0 : v.iuxPhone }) })), p && (0, r.jsx)(Ac, { pxData: p, lang: t.lang, onSuccess: function() { return Tc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return Rc(this, (function(e) { switch (e.label) { case 0: return h(null), [4, m(u)]; case 1: return e.sent(), [2] } } )) } )) }, onLoadingError: function() { h(null), i.showError(te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG)) } }), p ? null : (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Nc({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_continue_with_phone" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(mo, {})] })) } , Lc = t(194) , Mc = t(79080) , Vc = function() { return Vc = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Vc.apply(this, arguments) } , Uc = function() { return Uc = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Uc.apply(this, arguments) } , Hc = function() { return Hc = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Hc.apply(this, arguments) } , zc = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { e.done ? i(e.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof t ? e : new t((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(e.value).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) } , Wc = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } } , Fc = t(77455) , Bc = function() { return Bc = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Bc.apply(this, arguments) } , Gc = function() { return Gc = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Gc.apply(this, arguments) } , Yc = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { e.done ? i(e.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof t ? e : new t((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(e.value).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) } , Xc = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } } , Kc = function() { return Kc = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Kc.apply(this, arguments) } , qc = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { e.done ? i(e.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof t ? e : new t((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(e.value).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) } , Qc = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } }; function Jc() { return Jc = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , Jc.apply(this, arguments) } var Zc = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", Jc({ version: "1", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", width: "666.667", height: "666.667", viewBox: "0 0 500.000000 500.000000" }, n), c.createElement("path", { d: "M199 33.4c-34.1 7.1-62.6 35-71.3 69.6-3 12-3 32 0 44 8.8 35.1 37.1 62.4 72.1 69.6 5.7 1.2 11.3 1.5 22.7 1.2 12.8-.5 16.2-.9 23.5-3.3 20.2-6.5 35.2-16.9 47-32.7 7.5-9.9 12.1-19 15.7-30.5 2.5-8.1 2.7-10.1 2.7-26.3 0-16.2-.2-18.2-2.7-26.3-9.5-30.8-31.6-53.1-62.7-63.2-7.6-2.5-10.2-2.8-24.5-3.1-10.7-.2-18.1.1-22.5 1zM381 147.4c-14.3 3-26.8 10-37.5 21.1-19.8 20.3-25.8 51.2-15 77.7 5.5 13.6 17.9 27.8 30.3 34.8l6.1 3.5.1 56v56l15.3 15.2 15.3 15.3 25.9-26 26-26-15.5-15.5-15.5-15.5 15.3-15.3c8.3-8.4 15.2-15.7 15.2-16.2s-5.5-6.5-12.2-13.2c-6.7-6.7-12-12.4-11.8-12.6.3-.2 4.1-2.3 8.5-4.8 16.6-9.2 29.9-26.4 34.5-44.5 2.4-9.4 2.7-26.9.5-35.9-5.9-25.2-26.3-46.1-51.7-53.1-7.7-2.1-25.9-2.6-33.8-1zm26.3 33.2c4.9 3.4 9.7 11.9 9.7 17.3 0 5.1-4.2 13.4-8.3 16.5-4.6 3.5-12.9 5.2-18.2 3.8-8.6-2.4-15.4-11.2-15.5-20-.1-16.6 18.8-26.9 32.3-17.6zM168.5 251.6c-46.2 7.1-85 40.1-99.6 84.7-5 15.4-5.9 23.2-5.9 52.8V416h270V302l-8-7.6c-9-8.6-16.1-17.8-21.2-27.4l-3.4-6.5-11-3.7c-17.9-6-26.4-6.8-72-6.7-28.5.1-42.5.5-48.9 1.5z" })) } , $c = function() { return $c = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , $c.apply(this, arguments) } , es = function() { return es = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , es.apply(this, arguments) } , ns = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { e.done ? i(e.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof t ? e : new t((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(e.value).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) } , ts = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } } , as = function() { return as = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , as.apply(this, arguments) } , is = function() { return is = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , is.apply(this, arguments) } , rs = function() { return rs = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , rs.apply(this, arguments) } , os = function() { return os = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , os.apply(this, arguments) }; function cs() { return cs = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , cs.apply(this, arguments) } var ss = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", cs({ width: "72", height: "72", viewBox: "0 0 72 72", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, n), c.createElement("path", { d: "M0 11C0 4.925 4.925 0 11 0h50c6.075 0 11 4.925 11 11v50c0 6.075-4.925 11-11 11H11C4.925 72 0 67.075 0 61V11z", fill: "#1877F2" }), c.createElement("path", { d: "M57 36c0-11.598-9.402-21-21-21s-21 9.402-21 21c0 10.481 7.68 19.17 17.719 20.745V42.07h-5.332V36h5.332v-4.627c0-5.263 3.135-8.17 7.932-8.17 2.297 0 4.7.41 4.7.41v5.168h-2.647c-2.609 0-3.423 1.62-3.423 3.28V36h5.825l-.932 6.07h-4.893v14.675C49.321 55.17 57 46.48 57 36z", fill: "#fff" })) }; function ls() { return ls = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , ls.apply(this, arguments) } var us = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", ls({ width: "72", height: "72", viewBox: "0 0 72 72", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, n), c.createElement("path", { d: "M0 11C0 4.925 4.925 0 11 0h50c6.075 0 11 4.925 11 11v50c0 6.075-4.925 11-11 11H11C4.925 72 0 67.075 0 61V11z", fill: "#fff" }), c.createElement("path", { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", d: "M56.16 36.478c0-1.49-.134-2.921-.382-4.296H35.999v8.123h11.302c-.486 2.625-1.966 4.85-4.19 6.339v5.269h6.787c3.97-3.656 6.261-9.04 6.261-15.435z", fill: "#4285F4" }), c.createElement("path", { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", d: "M36 57c5.67 0 10.424-1.88 13.899-5.087l-6.787-5.27c-1.88 1.26-4.286 2.005-7.112 2.005-5.47 0-10.099-3.694-11.75-8.658h-7.016v5.441C20.69 52.295 27.791 57.001 36 57.001z", fill: "#34A853" }), c.createElement("path", { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", d: "M24.25 39.99a12.623 12.623 0 0 1-.66-3.99c0-1.384.24-2.73.66-3.99v-5.44h-7.016A20.992 20.992 0 0 0 15 36c0 3.39.811 6.596 2.234 9.431l7.015-5.44z", fill: "#FBBC05" }), c.createElement("path", { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", d: "M36 23.353c3.084 0 5.852 1.06 8.028 3.14l6.023-6.023c-3.637-3.389-8.39-5.47-14.05-5.47-8.21 0-15.311 4.706-18.767 11.57l7.016 5.44c1.651-4.963 6.28-8.657 11.75-8.657z", fill: "#EA4335" })) }; function ds() { return ds = Object.assign ? 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7.36-10.37a41.39 41.39 0 0 0 7.24-21.75 64 64 0 0 0-2.31-19.49c-4.55-16.37-15-26.68-31-31.61a70 70 0 0 0-13.4-3.11 57.45 57.45 0 0 0-10.33 0c-10.62 1.89-19.28 7.55-26.9 14.87a100.5 100.5 0 0 0-18.25 23.09 205.35 205.35 0 0 0-13.58 29.08c-2.593 6.94-5.237 13.86-7.93 20.76-2 5.22-4.39 10.33-6.36 15.58-5.39 14.35-10.62 28.76-16 43.14-5.11 13.77-10.34 27.49-15.37 41.29-3.21 8.83-6.09 17.78-9.25 26.64a13159.28 13159.28 0 0 1-20.42 56.82c-1.06 2.94-1.78 6.15-3.47 8.7-2.65 4-3.5 8.44-4.66 12.92-1.43 5.56-2.85 11.26-5.33 16.39-4.21 8.68-6.69 17.84-9.38 27-1.83 6.28-2 13.1-5.86 18.78a6.48 6.48 0 0 0-.64 3.35c-.09 4.07.43 8.26-2.66 11.66-.19.21-.18.62-.26.94-1.37 5.42-2.66 10.86-4.13 16.25-2.34 8.6-4.83 17.15-7.19 25.74-2.23 8.1-4.47 16.2-6.49 24.36-1 4-1.18 8.15-2.24 12.1-1.41 5.22-3.59 10.24-5 15.47-4.87 18.48-9.54 37-14.29 55.54-.65 2.54-1.43 5.05-2 7.6-1.94 8-3.853 16-5.74 24-.84 3.53-1.74 7-2.43 10.61-3.22 16.49-6.1 33.06-9.65 49.48-3 13.87-5.83 27.74-7.83 41.81-1.86 13.06-4.58 26-6.88 39-.83 4.71-1.56 9.43-2.28 14.16-1 6.52-1.9 13.06-2.91 19.58-2.38 15.32-4.88 30.62-7.15 45.95-1.4 9.45-2.35 19-3.75 28.41-.42 2.79-1.7 5.46-2.65 8.36-1.75-1.42-3.15-2.2-4-3.37a7.7 7.7 0 0 1-1.37-3.89c-.2-3.39 0-6.81-.17-10.21a2.59 2.59 0 0 0-1.18-2c-2-.86-1.76-2.56-1.82-4.16-.19-5.92 0-11.84-1.95-17.61-.59-1.74 0-3.9.13-5.86.2-3.26.63-6.51.6-9.76 0-1.56-.35-3.68-1.38-4.56-3.92-3.34-4-8.35-5-12.52s0-9.2 1.52-13.33c1.44-3.88 1.82-7.12 0-10.72a20.19 20.19 0 0 1-1.12-2.72c-1.76-5.13-4.23-10.11-3.92-15.73.23-4.21-.87-8-2.22-12-1.43-4.26-3.4-8.88-.44-13.12-1.1-2.36-3.21-4.7-3-6.74 1-7.58-3.09-13.63-5.41-20.16-.87-2.43-1.79-4.5-.87-6.22-1.16-2.14-2.5-3.66-2.81-5.37-.79-4.38-.77-8.83-1.87-13.27-1.59-6.43-1.86-13.17-3-19.74-1.18-6.92-4.1-13.65-2-20.89a2.24 2.24 0 0 0-.17-1.46c-1.4-2.73.86-6.69-2.91-8.69-.31-.17 0-1.5 0-2.29a10.45 10.45 0 0 0-.28-3.61c-2-4.71-1.23-10.08-3.63-14.69-.33-.64 0-1.61 0-2.43a15.71 15.71 0 0 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.82-8.42c-.37-4.86-3.51-8-5.54-11.62-2-.25-3.89-.13-5.51-.75-5.5-2.1-11-1.72-16.53-.38a50.75 50.75 0 0 0-25.87 15.64c-8.79 9.64-14.11 20.64-9.46 34.13a12.61 12.61 0 0 0 3.24 5.34z" }), c.createElement("path", { d: "M1900 1050a7.45 7.45 0 0 1-1.3-1.84 35.61 35.61 0 0 0-9.6-15.79 16.7 16.7 0 0 0-6.89-3.32c-2.12-.58-4.57.06-6.74-.43-13.5-3-26.22-.84-38.32 5.51-12.1 6.35-24 13.09-36.21 19.2-8.09 4.05-16.51 7.5-24.93 10.82-5.92 2.34-9.33 1.15-13-3.44a4.11 4.11 0 0 0-1.8-1.52c-2.74-.68-2.72-3.11-3.48-5.07-.31-.82-.52-2.28-1-2.36-3.78-.65-2.52-2.15-.86-3.92.517-.68.97-1.406 1.35-2.17-1.88-1.79-5-2.82-3.51-6.24.08-.18-.5-.83-.88-1-2.42-1.08-1.3-2.93-1.15-4.64.28-3.19.35-3.58 1.79-5l-2.92-2.78 2.94-5.32c-2.56-.62-3.51-2.15-2-3.71 1.76-1.78 1.47-3.43 1.22-5.39a4.68 4.68 0 0 1 .16-2.8c1.09-1.74.88-3.28.32-5.13-.33-1.07.34-2.44.6-3.91-2.62-1.07-3.45-3.07-2.37-5.87a3.17 3.17 0 0 0 .19-2.22c-1.35-2.66.15-4.59 1.09-5.69-.71-2.75-1.62-4.7-1.66-6.66-.13-7.74-.07-15.48.12-23.22 0-1.21 1.09-2.39 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2.41-6.17-.46-12.25 1.84-18-2.74-6 2.24-12 .2-18.08-.09-.26.7-.73.77-1.15a7.83 7.83 0 0 0 0-2.51 23.239 23.239 0 0 1-.8-3.27 76.308 76.308 0 0 1 .28-9.92 20 20 0 0 0-18-22.43c-7.4-.9-14.64-.4-21.72 2.92-9.69 4.54-16.91 11.08-18.93 21.8a219.789 219.789 0 0 0-2.77 24.06c-1 12.32-1.49 24.68-2.35 37-.57 8.06-1.35 16.1-2.1 24.15-.41 4.47.26 9.18-2.62 13.18a1.41 1.41 0 0 0-.13 1.25c1.85 4.37.47 8.88.26 13.22-.42 8.55-2 17-2.73 25.57-1.23 14.28-3.47 28.42-5.75 42.55-1.58 9.87-4.47 19.13-11.83 26.68-7.83 8-16.85 13-28 14-6.25.57-11.18-2-14-7.39-2.2-4.14-4.16-8.81-4.58-13.4-.81-8.79-2.17-17.71.18-26.55a15.77 15.77 0 0 0 0-3.44c.06-2.64 0-5.29.25-7.91.36-3.92.86-7.83 1.42-11.72a18.54 18.54 0 0 1 1.32-5.7c1.55-3.13 1.36-5.86-.07-9a12.23 12.23 0 0 1-1.07-7.06c.78-4.78 1-9.64 2.83-14.32s2.58-9.86 4-14.75c.59-2 1.29-4.3 2.68-5.76 2.24-2.35 2.62-5.18 3.4-8a28.73 28.73 0 0 1 2.42-6.34c1.65-2.91 3.51-5.84 4.83-8.75 1.32-2.91 2.19-5.6 4.92-7.52a6.75 6.75 0 0 0 2-3.3 15 15 0 0 1 5.69-7.27c1.57-1.19 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7.85-21.74 15.43-32.51 23.28-2.65 1.92-4.8 4.5-7.33 6.59-3.16 2.63-6.49 5-9.71 7.6-4.76 3.78-9.49 7.61-14.23 11.43a8880.535 8880.535 0 0 0-19.62 15.89c-7.93 6.44-15.82 12.93-23.77 19.34-4.2 3.39-8.64 6.49-12.71 10-6.35 5.48-12.34 11.36-18.72 16.78-7.91 6.72-16.14 13.07-24.11 19.72-9.62 8-19.173 16.1-28.66 24.3-8.37 7.2-16.74 14.41-24.91 21.83-7.69 7-15.11 14.27-22.69 21.37-9.14 8.57-18.4 17-27.47 25.65-12.77 12.18-26 23.89-36.83 38a1657.6 1657.6 0 0 0-11.92 15.79c-2.71 3.62-3.36 8.15-3.16 12.22a44.19 44.19 0 0 0 4.37 18.1 27.79 27.79 0 0 0 10.48 11.39c8.56 5.23 17.84 6.24 27.58 5.89a20.87 20.87 0 0 0 14.3-6.38c4.25-4.09 8.62-8 12.86-12.14 4.24-4.14 8.65-8.57 13-12.85 1-1 2.19-2 3.24-3.06 2.3-2.32 4.583-4.653 6.85-7 1.37-1.42 2.72-2.87 4-4.34 3.807-4.273 7.6-8.557 11.38-12.85 1.4-1.59 2.64-3.33 4.13-4.83 11-11.07 22.13-22.08 33.17-33.15 2.54-2.54 5-5.18 7.44-7.82 1.65-1.78 3.28-3.58 4.82-5.46 1.54-1.88 2.82-4 4.51-5.8 3.07-3.16 6.42-6 9.55-9.16 5.35-5.31 10.46-10.87 16-16 5.17-4.78 10.82-9 16.08-13.7 2.31-2.06 4.11-4.68 6.25-6.93 4.52-4.76 9.11-9.46 13.69-14.17.367-.33.754-.638 1.16-.92 8.3-6.74 16.65-13.41 24.88-20.22 11.68-9.68 23.22-19.53 34.93-29.17 7.76-6.39 15.83-12.41 23.58-18.82 11.3-9.34 22.36-19 33.68-28.29 6.49-5.33 13.34-10.24 20-15.42s12.83-10.31 19.3-15.4c9.053-7.12 18.137-14.2 27.25-21.24 8.73-6.73 17.41-13.53 26.35-20a68 68 0 0 1 15.61-8.75c.252 1.233.405 2.483.46 3.74-.16 3.91-.59 7.82-.63 11.73-.11 11.71-.09 23.42-.11 35.13 0 14.827-.02 29.653-.06 44.48 0 17.79 0 35.59-.11 53.39 0 3.15 1.22 6.59-1.51 9.42-.35.36.14 1.51.2 2.3.254 2.08.394 4.174.42 6.27-.19 5.24-.77 10.48-.79 15.73 0 4.59.66 9.19.73 13.79.09 5.9-.06 11.8-.22 17.7-.18 6.71-.55 13.42-.73 20.13-.21 7.73-.2 15.47-.5 23.19-.32 8.56-1 17.11-1.31 25.67-.39 11.35-.24 22.73-.89 34.06-.9 15.6-.37 31 4.64 45.94 1.72 5.1 3 10.36 7 14.57a38.92 38.92 0 0 0 19 11c1.23.33 2.41.87 3.61 1.32a29.75 29.75 0 0 0 11.33.84 21.24 21.24 0 0 0 8.93-2.8c4.26-2.41 8.56-4.78 12.57-7.56 2.63-1.81 4.66-4.63 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0-3.81-2.57c0-2.1-.43-4.28.12-6.18.55-1.9 2.08-3.34 3.25-5.11a89.757 89.757 0 0 1-.79-10c.08-3.77.82-7.52 1.23-11.28a1.91 1.91 0 0 0-.3-1.4c-1.34-1.32-1.25-2.69-.9-4.46.37-2.55.543-5.124.52-7.7.32-8.88.617-17.76.89-26.64a20.64 20.64 0 0 0-.85-6.06c-.75-2.16-1.17-4.21 1.26-6.13a2.45 2.45 0 0 0 .14-2.35c-1.57-2.46-1-5.23-1.12-7.8a163.528 163.528 0 0 1 .26-20c.25-2.89 1.66-5.57-.28-8.39a2.65 2.65 0 0 1 .18-2.31c1.6-2.74 1.31-5.23-.36-7.84a5.53 5.53 0 0 1-.59-2.35c1.23-1.58 2.75-3.21 2.6-3.38-3.34-3.81-.72-7.6.17-11.15.83-3.32 1-6.09-1.55-8.36.37-3.45 3.22-6.57.21-9.91-.29-.33.4-1.84 1-2.58 1.2-1.63 2.51-3.09.78-5.19-.32-.4-.1-1.28-.06-1.93.34-5.42 1.2-10.88.89-16.27-.28-4.84 2.25-7 5.73-9.1 3-1.83 6.62-3 7.74-7 .14-.53.91-.92 1.45-1.3 5.08-3.61 10.12-7.3 15.29-10.79 11.24-7.61 22.28-15.53 34.4-21.82 4.86-2.53 9-6.39 13.64-9.43 10.61-7 21.19-14 32-20.62 12.21-7.52 24.65-14.69 37-22 14.45-8.55 28.8-17.28 43.41-25.56 21.47-12.18 43.08-24.12 64.72-36 14.44-7.92 29-15.55 43.58-23.3 11.63-6.19 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0-.24-.91c-.57-1.54-1.17-3.06-1.83-4.55-.32-.75-.66-1.48-1-2.21-.34-.73-.72-1.46-1.09-2.17-.08-.13-.15-.26-.22-.39l-.23-.39a4.49 4.49 0 0 0-2-1.83 8.6 8.6 0 0 1-2.14-1.21 6.53 6.53 0 0 1-1.27-1.67l-.15-.26a4.751 4.751 0 0 0-.5-.76h-.05a1.11 1.11 0 0 1-.38-.21l-1.49-1.27a1.32 1.32 0 0 0-.2-.12 6.26 6.26 0 0 1-2.67-2.36v-.06l-2.22-2a29 29 0 0 1-6.74-4.3c-.34-.29-.69-.61-1-1a14.42 14.42 0 0 0-3.77-1.36c-3.33-2-9.07-3.33-13.42-4.15-4-.75-10.06-3.9-17.18-1.51h.5a23.48 23.48 0 0 0-8.54 3.73 26.11 26.11 0 0 0-11.64 3.11c-6.18 3.51-17 7-16.94 18.52a1.9 1.9 0 0 0 .06.68c0 6 5.8 10.85 5.8 10.85l-3.29 45.32s-1 26-2.65 40.18-3.61 29.21 6.27 34.88c8.2 4.72 18.48-.5 20.13-1.48 1.65-.98 12-7.22 19.5-11.49.78-.44 1.55-.9 2.31-1.36l.12-.08c1.46-.88 4.41-3.52 5.86-4.43l.32-.2a9.26 9.26 0 0 1 3.13-2.81l.21-.1a4.89 4.89 0 0 1 2.7-.62c2.56.27 4.17-1.9 4.73-5l.29-.25c1.28.35 2.27-2.43 3-2 4.39-3.19 4.46-3.74 7.86-5a4.05 4.05 0 0 1 .8-3 9.37 9.37 0 0 0 2.7-.65 3.25 3.25 0 0 0 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5.84-1.21l.49-.22c1-.44 2-.89 3-1.32l.93-.39c.72-.29 1.11-1.93 1.82-2.28.93-.46 1.61-.56 2.52-1.09l2.42-1.38c1.87-1.06 6.57-3.71 8.39-4.86 1.3-.82 2.48-1.6 3.61-2.37a1.76 1.76 0 0 0 1.43-1c1.15-.83 2.65-.33 3.69-1.16a5.07 5.07 0 0 0 1-1.08c.62-.19 1.19-.54 1.79-.78.6-.24.93-.38 1.44-.59 0-.22 8.74-4.51 8.74-4.51.68-.36 1.31-.72 1.94-1.08a.78.78 0 0 0 .41.24c.11-.21.21-.44.32-.66 1-.57 1.86-1.15 2.72-1.72.33-.22.65-.45 1-.68l.86.31c.601-.7 1.239-1.367 1.91-2 .62-.52 1.77-.77 2-1.35.42-1.27 1.3-.76 2-1a2.9 2.9 0 0 0 1.25-1.06c1-1.5 1.93-3 2.88-4.58 0-.06 0-.14.1-.17 2.54-1.93 2.3-4.76 2.52-7.33.03-.55.03-1.1 0-1.65 0-1.61-.4-1-.5-2.55a10.57 10.57 0 0 0-3-6.42c-2.07-2.31-4.5-2.27-8-.74-1.55.69-15.45 7.89-21.09 11.65-1.49 1-3 2-4.51 2.93a82.002 82.002 0 0 0-7.33 4.56s-5.82 2.55-6.65 2.68a8.29 8.29 0 0 1-3.45-.55c-2.31-4.34 1.2-5.73.54-8.57a4.36 4.36 0 0 1 1-.38c-.64-1.14-2.91-2.58-3.59-3.79v-.41c.69-.66 3.57-.45 4.16-1 .19-2.3-2.66-2.61-2.85-4.86-.044-.366-.107-.73-.19-1.09l-.74-1.15a1.87 1.87 0 0 1 .88-.7c.27-.12.67-.57.62-.7-1-2.41 1.15-3.14 2.47-4.39a9.461 9.461 0 0 0-1-1.53c-1.17-1.25-3.21-9.41-.55-9.86.31-.06.46-1.09.68-1.67a11.05 11.05 0 0 1 1-2.66l1.21-.83c.07 0 .13-.06.22-.08h-.12l1.49-1.05c.45-.33.9-.62 1.36-.91.77-.49 1.54-1 2.28-1.56a13.08 13.08 0 0 1 1.7-1c.65-.34 1.3-.67 1.93-1.05l2.5-1.52.21-.12.93 1.15a1.8 1.8 0 0 0 1.6-1.47c.15-.54.347-1.065.59-1.57l2.44-1.49c1.06.18 1.93-.46 2.86-.82l1.43-.6c0-.33.2-.81-.14-1.07 2.75-1.65 5.13-3 6-3.52l.24-.13c1.41-.74 2.82-1.48 4.24-2.19.5-.25 1-.47 1.5-.7.72-.33 1.45-.66 2.16-1 1.2-.62 2.38-1.28 3.56-2l.68-.38a17.79 17.79 0 0 0 2.17-1.51c.27-.227.554-.437.85-.63a7.43 7.43 0 0 0 4.76-6.16v-.2c.24-.713.418-1.446.53-2.19 1.44-1.83 1.32-4.15 1.51-6.3a41.631 41.631 0 0 0-.25-6.31c-.16-2.54-1.54-2.38-3.15-4.17-1.93-2.16-4.19-2.27-7.31-1a23.27 23.27 0 0 0-4.13 2.25c-6 4-11.87 8-17.82 11.94-2.58 1.72-5.21 3.34-7.79 5.06-1.45 1-2.89 1.94-4.34 2.91-.84.44-1.67.89-2.52 1.29-2.46 1.19-4.85 2.5-7.31 3.95a15.68 15.68 0 0 1 2-3.28c-.51-.57-1.45-.43-1.94-.87v-.33c.14-2.35.45-9 .31-13.41.256-1.483.59-2.952 1-4.4l-.89.44c0-.56-.07-1.08-.12-1.52-.05-.44 0 .83 0-.46-.13-1.59 6.41-3.89 7.55-4.68l4.11-2.85s39.43-24.22 41.2-26.33c0-.05 0-.13.1-.17a6.25 6.25 0 0 0 2.33-4.78l.72-1.4-.59-.24c0-.3 0-.59.06-.88 1.19-.86 1.56-3.24 1.74-3.7z" }), c.createElement("path", { d: "M1548.6 1479.56c-6.34.1-8 .39-8.91.06-.91-.33-4.29-.56-5.57-.77-1.28-.21-4.32-.42-5-.78a12 12 0 0 0-5.51-1.41 7.3 7.3 0 0 1-1.41-.26 16.6 16.6 0 0 0-4.83-.55c-2.4-.64-4.79-1-7.12-1.43-1.5-.26-3-.51-4.48-.83-3.14-.68-6.2-1.53-9.43-2.43-1.47-.41-2.93-.82-4.4-1.21a21.48 21.48 0 0 1-4.88-2.28 7.86 7.86 0 0 1 4.38-3.18c1.48-.5-.2-4.26-.1-5.47.2-2.45 3.31-3.24 6.86-3.63.51-.05.16-.59.06-1.17-.45-2.54-.5-8.32 1.63-8.39 7-.23 1.84-9.41 4.89-14.07 1.33-2 5.49-2.07 4.84-5.06-.12-.53-.4-3.42.16-3.71 2.47-1.3 3.17-3.28 2.68-6a3.84 3.84 0 0 1 .37-2c1.69-.61 5.2.25 5.14.06-1.52-4.35 1.1-7 2.87-9.58a10.65 10.65 0 0 0 1.81-6.91 17.87 17.87 0 0 0 1.12-2.13 1.79 1.79 0 0 0 .21-.47c1.63-3.59 3.78-9.61 4.28-13.74 2.88-13.44-5.65-21.27-11.38-23.65a22.92 22.92 0 0 0-11.75-2.1c-3.36.342-6.698.866-10 1.57a117.361 117.361 0 0 0-16.49 4.88c-2.47.92-6.59 2.81-9.64 4.25a4.43 4.43 0 0 1-5.45-1.29 9.59 9.59 0 0 0-6.16-3.61 16.27 16.27 0 0 0-3.6-.14h-.89c-3.48-.09-4.23-.8-7.44 2.22a11.55 11.55 0 0 0-3.25 5.14c-.25 1-.55 1.91-.84 2.86-1 3.22-2.78 5.41-4.94 9.36-2.16 3.95-6 10.57-11.41 15.6-4.48 4.2-10.7 8.12-13.32 14.35-3.45 5.58-2.55 9.88-1.25 12.44 0 . 3.25 4.57 1.68c1.26 0 2.49-.09 3.74-.19a12.45 12.45 0 0 0 8.85-5 24.32 24.32 0 0 1 3.7-3.8 33.81 33.81 0 0 0 3.17-3.17l-4.36 75.11c-1.52 26.92-2 38.93-1.6 44.23.1 1.45-.12 7 3.24 10.42a17 17 0 0 0 10.51 4.71c5.22.13 10.79-2.67 11.18-2.92 3.72-2.45 5.83-7 5.75-8.53a3.35 3.35 0 0 1 .31-.74c.56-1.1-.44-3.18-.42-5 0-1.64 2.54-1.76 1.14-3.52-1.4-1.76-2.27-2.07-2.27-2.07s2.25-4 2.15-5.13c-.07-.89-2.32-3.6-2.38-4.61-.07-1.3 2-.56 2.12-1.06.12-.5-1.91-3.34-1.83-4.2.12-1.32-1.22-2.22-1.69-2.61l1.19-1.14c-2.53-2.38 1.44-7.45 2.77-9.49-.71-.79-3.78-1.21-3.62-2.94.29-3 2-3.39 2.27- 6.59 2.24 14.46 4 21.3 4.75 49.32 9.66 53.07 10.11 12.63 1.52 23.53 9.13 33.09 3.59 3.5-2.63 5.36-2.55 6.89-9.38 1.53-6.83-3-12.2-6-15.6-2.16-2.32-9.03-4.86-15.36-4.76zm-71.09-46.09c-.73 1.26-13.58 23-14.61 23-.85-.73-.27-8.85-.27-8.85s.13-4.3 0-4.58c-1.09-2.19 1.27-11.8 1.1-12 0-1.14-.72-2.31-.71-3.45.16-1.73.3-2.06 1.23-3l-1.24-1.18c0-.82 0-1.68.07-2.54l1.19-2.15a4 4 0 0 1-1-.39c.06-.76.11-1.5.18-2.28 0-.3 0-.59.07-.89a4.7 4.7 0 0 0 .24-3v-.11l.06-.64c0-.38.07-.86.09-1.35a4.11 4.11 0 0 0 .19-3.62c-.24-.77.25-1.76.44-2.83a4.33 4.33 0 0 1-.85-.5c0-.79.09-1.59.14-2.42.07-1.07.14-2.13.19-3.19 11.66-8.3 17.41-10.55 25.79-13.67.82-.31 1.64-.6 2.48-.88 4.9-1.91 11.86 3 5.39 12.86-.56.86-3.19 6.17-3.7 7.09-1.4 2.54-2.74 5.16-4.17 7.7-2.53 4.51-4 8.11-6.4 12.63-1.88 3.35-3.92 6.85-5.9 10.24z" }))) } , Ps = function(e) { var n = e.provider , t = e.width , a = e.height , i = function(e) { switch (n.toLowerCase()) { case "facebook": return c.createElement(ss, e); case "google": return c.createElement(us, e); case "apple": return c.createElement(_s, e); case "wechat": return c.createElement(hs, e); case "naver": return c.createElement(vs, e); case "amazon": return c.createElement(ms, e); case "grab": return c.createElement(bs, e); case "kayak": return c.createElement(xs, e); case "booking": return c.createElement(vc, e); case "opentable": return c.createElement(Jr, e); case "uber": return c.createElement($r, e); case "motorola": return c.createElement(Os, e); case "line": return c.createElement(no, e); case "telstra": return c.createElement(js, e); case "virgin-red": return c.createElement(Ss, e); case "s7": return c.createElement(ao, e); case "mock": return c.createElement(Fr, e); default: return null } }; return c.createElement(i, { width: t, height: a, role: "presentation" }) }; Ps.propTypes = { provider: l().string, width: l().oneOfType([l().string, l().number]), height: l().oneOfType([l().string, l().number]) }; var Cs = Ps; function Is(e) { return Is = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function(e) { return typeof e } : function(e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e } , Is(e) } function Ns(e, n) { for (var t = 0; t < n.length; t++) { var a = n[t]; a.enumerable = a.enumerable || !1, a.configurable = !0, "value"in a && (a.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, Vs(a.key), a) } } function Ts(e, n, t) { return n = Ds(n), function(e, n) { if (n && ("object" === Is(n) || "function" == typeof n)) return n; if (void 0 !== n) throw new TypeError("Derived constructors may only return object or undefined"); return Ls(e) }(e, Rs() ? Reflect.construct(n, t || [], Ds(e).constructor) : n.apply(e, t)) } function Rs() { try { var e = !Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(Reflect.construct(Boolean, [], (function() {} ))) } catch (e) {} return (Rs = function() { return !!e } )() } function Ds(e) { return Ds = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e) { return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e) } , Ds(e) } function Ls(e) { if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return e } function Ms(e, n) { return Ms = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf.bind() : function(e, n) { return e.__proto__ = n, e } , Ms(e, n) } function Vs(e) { var n = function(e, n) { if ("object" != Is(e) || !e) return e; var t = e[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== t) { var a = t.call(e, "string"); if ("object" != Is(a)) return a; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value.") } return String(e) }(e); return "symbol" == Is(n) ? n : String(n) } var Us = function(e) { function n() { var e; !function(e, n) { if (!(e instanceof n)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function") }(this, n); for (var t = arguments.length, a = new Array(t), i = 0; i < t; i++) a[i] = arguments[i]; return function(e, n, t) { (n = Vs(n))in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, n, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[n] = t }(Ls(e = Ts(this, n, [].concat(a))), "displayName", "AccountLinkLogos"), e } var t, a; return function(e, n) { if ("function" != typeof n && null !== n) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); e.prototype = Object.create(n && n.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), Object.defineProperty(e, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), n && Ms(e, n) }(n, e), t = n, (a = [{ key: "render", value: function() { var e = this.props , n = e.provider , t = e.providerLogoUrl; return n ? c.createElement("div", { className: "account-link-logos" }, c.createElement("div", { className: "account-link-logo" }, c.createElement(Cs, { width: 60, height: 60, provider: "booking" })), c.createElement("div", { className: "account-link-plus" }, c.createElement(hc, { width: 24, height: 24, role: "presentation" })), c.createElement("div", { className: "account-link-logo" }, t ? c.createElement("img", { src: t, width: 60, height: 60, role: "presentation" }) : c.createElement(Cs, { width: 60, height: 60, provider: n }))) : null } }]) && Ns(t.prototype, a), Object.defineProperty(t, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), n }(c.PureComponent); Us.propTypes = { provider: l().string }; var Hs = Us , zs = function() { return zs = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , zs.apply(this, arguments) } , Ws = function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = t.masked_email || "" , i = t.login_name && da()(t.login_name) ? t.login_name : "" , o = t.provider || "" , c = Ji(t) , s = location.pathname === O.A.signInMagicLinkSentAuto.path ? "identity_signin_automatically_magic_link_sent_inform" : "identity_signin_magic_link_sent_inform"; return (0, r.jsx)(n, zs({ name: "magic-link-sent-confirmation", titleTag: "identity_signin_magic_link_sent_header", descriptionTags: o ? "identity_link_accounts_check_inbox_body" : s, copyValues: { email_address: a || i, social_provider: c }, copyHtmlAttr: { className: "recovery-login-name" }, slotAboveTitle: o ? (0, r.jsx)(Hs, { provider: o }) : null }, { children: o ? (0, r.jsxs)("div", { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_link_accounts_check_inbox_subheading" }), (0, r.jsx)("div", { children: (0, r.jsx)("strong", { children: a || i }) })] }) : (0, r.jsx)(S.A, zs({ className: "nw-link-signin", to: O.A.signIn.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, zs({ type: "button", wide: !0, variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_reset_link_sent_cta" }) })) })) })) } , Fs = function() { return Fs = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Fs.apply(this, arguments) } , Bs = function() { return Bs = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Bs.apply(this, arguments) } , Gs = function() { return Gs = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Gs.apply(this, arguments) } , Ys = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { e.done ? i(e.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof t ? e : new t((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(e.value).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) } , Xs = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } } , Ks = function() { return Ks = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Ks.apply(this, arguments) } , qs = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { e.done ? i(e.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof t ? e : new t((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(e.value).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) } , Qs = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } } , Js = function() { return Js = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Js.apply(this, arguments) } , Zs = function() { return Zs = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Zs.apply(this, arguments) } , $s = function() { return $s = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , $s.apply(this, arguments) } , el = function() { return el = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , el.apply(this, arguments) } , nl = function() { return nl = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , nl.apply(this, arguments) } , tl = function() { return tl = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , tl.apply(this, arguments) } , al = function() { return al = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , al.apply(this, arguments) }; function il() { return il = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , il.apply(this, arguments) } var rl = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", il({ xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 128 128" }, n), c.createElement("title", null, "obj_mobile_phone"), c.createElement("path", { d: "M84 8H44a12 12 0 0 0-12 12v88a12 12 0 0 0 12 12h40a12 12 0 0 0 12-12V20A12 12 0 0 0 84 8zm-28 8h16a4 4 0 0 1 0 8H56a4 4 0 0 1 0-8zm8 96a8 8 0 1 1 8-8 8 8 0 0 1-8 8zm24-24H40V32h48z" })) } , ol = function() { return (0, r.jsx)(Qn.lZ, { className: "bui-spacer--large", text: (0, r.jsxs)(r.Fragment, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("p", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "partner_iam_2fa_unapproved_device_explanation_para1" }) }), (0, r.jsx)("p", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "partner_iam_2fa_unapproved_device_explanation_para2" }) })] }), dismissible: !0, closeAriaLabel: "Close", variant: "hint", startIcon: yi.A }) } , cl = function() { return cl = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , cl.apply(this, arguments) } , sl = function() { return sl = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , sl.apply(this, arguments) } , ll = function() { return ll = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , ll.apply(this, arguments) } , ul = function() { return ul = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , ul.apply(this, arguments) } , dl = function() { return dl = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , dl.apply(this, arguments) } , _l = function() { return _l = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , _l.apply(this, arguments) } , pl = function() { return pl = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , pl.apply(this, arguments) } , hl = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { e.done ? i(e.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof t ? e : new t((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(e.value).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) } , fl = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } } , vl = function() { return vl = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , vl.apply(this, arguments) } , gl = function() { return gl = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , gl.apply(this, arguments) } , ml = function() { return ml = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , ml.apply(this, arguments) } , yl = function() { return yl = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , yl.apply(this, arguments) }; function bl() { return bl = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , bl.apply(this, arguments) } var wl = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", bl({ xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 128 128" }, n), c.createElement("path", { d: "M54.3 96a4 4 0 0 1-2.8-6.8L76.7 64 51.5 38.8a4 4 0 0 1 5.7-5.6L88 64 57.2 94.8a4 4 0 0 1-2.9 1.2z" })) } , xl = function() { return xl = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , xl.apply(this, arguments) } , El = function(e) { var n = e.name , t = e.path , a = e.titleTag , i = e.descriptionTag , o = e.icon; return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, xl({ className: "nw-".concat(n, "-link verification-method"), to: t }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)(Qn.BJ, xl({ direction: "row", justifyContent: "start" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Qn.BJ.Item, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.In, { size: "medium", className: "icon-nav-list__icon", svg: o }) }), (0, r.jsxs)(Qn.BJ.Item, xl({ grow: !0, className: "verification-method-text" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", xl({ className: "verification-method-title" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.EY, xl({ variant: "strong_2" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: a }) })) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", xl({ className: "verification-method-description" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: i }) }))] })), (0, r.jsx)(Qn.BJ.Item, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.In, { size: "medium", className: "verification-method-arrow", svg: (0, r.jsx)(wl, {}) }) })] })) })) } , jl = function(e) { var n = e.name , t = e.path , a = e.titleTag , i = e.icon; return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, xl({ className: "icon-nav-list__item bui_color_action nw-".concat(n, "-link"), to: t }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)(Qn.BJ, xl({ direction: "row", justifyContent: "start" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Qn.BJ.Item, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.In, { size: "medium", className: "icon-nav-list__icon", svg: i }) }), (0, r.jsx)(Qn.BJ.Item, xl({ grow: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: a }) })), (0, r.jsx)(Qn.BJ.Item, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.In, { size: "medium", svg: (0, r.jsx)(wl, {}) }) })] })) })) } , kl = "/api/identity/auth-assurance" , Ol = "CHALLENGE_METHOD_SMS" , Al = "CHALLENGE_METHOD_PHONE" , Sl = "CHALLENGE_METHOD_PULSE" , Pl = "CHALLENGE_METHOD_EXTRANET" , Cl = "CHALLENGE_METHOD_EMAIL" , Il = "CHALLENGE_METHOD_UNABLE_VERIFY" , Nl = "STEP_AUTH_ASSURANCE__CONTEXT_EXPIRED" , Tl = [{ name: "no-call-sms", titleTag: "extranet_cant_2fa_because_no_call_sms", reason: "did_not_receive_pin" }, { name: "no-access-to-phone", titleTag: "extranet_cant_2fa_no_access_to_phone", reason: "no_access_to_phone" }, { name: "phone-not-private", titleTag: "extranet_cant_2fa_phone_not_private", reason: "others_have_access" }, { name: "phone-is-incorrect", titleTag: "extranet_cant_2fa_phone_is_incorrect", reason: "incorrect_phone" }]; function Rl() { return Rl = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , Rl.apply(this, arguments) } var Dl = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", Rl({ xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 128 128" }, n), c.createElement("path", { d: "M110 85l-24-3c-2 0-4.6.6-6 2l-9 9c-1.4 1.4-3.3 2-5 1-6.3-3.9-12.4-8-18-14a121 121 0 0 1-15-20 4.1 4.1 0 0 1 1-5l10-9a5.9 5.9 0 0 0 2-4l-2-26c0-5.2-4.8-8-10-8H18c-5.1 0-9.8 5-9 10 2.3 15.4 9 44.5 31 68s54 30.1 70 32c5.4.6 10-2.6 10-8V94c0-5.2-4.8-9-10-9z" })) }; function Ll() { return Ll = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , Ll.apply(this, arguments) } var Ml = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", Ll({ xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", viewBox: "0 0 128 128" }, n), c.createElement("path", { d: "M64 16C33.1 16 8 35.7 8 60a39 39 0 0 0 14 29.1l-5.8 17.6a4 4 0 0 0 5.5 5l22-10.7a69.3 69.3 0 0 0 20.3 3c30.9 0 56-19.7 56-44S94.9 16 64 16z" })) }; function Vl() { return Vl = Object.assign ? Object.assign.bind() : function(e) { for (var n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) { var t = arguments[n]; for (var a in t) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(t, a) && (e[a] = t[a]) } return e } , Vl.apply(this, arguments) } var Ul = function(e) { e.styles; var n = function(e, n) { var t = {}; for (var a in e) n.indexOf(a) >= 0 || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, a) && (t[a] = e[a]); return t }(e, ["styles"]); return c.createElement("svg", Vl({ width: "240", height: "240", viewBox: "0 0 240 240", fill: "none", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, n), c.createElement("rect", { width: "240", height: "240", fill: "#003B95", rx: "30" }), c.createElement("circle", { cx: "73", cy: "183", r: "15", fill: "#57A6F4" }), c.createElement("path", { fillRule: "evenodd", clipRule: "evenodd", d: "M83 60c0-9.941 8.059-18 18-18h63c9.941 0 18 8.059 18 18v63c0 9.941-8.059 18-18 18h-48.5c-6.667 5.5-20.6 17-23 19-3 2.5-5.5 2-7.5 1-1.6-.8-2-4.667-2-6.5V60zm27 17a8 8 0 0 1 8-8h29a8 8 0 0 1 8 8v29a8 8 0 0 1-8 8h-29a8 8 0 0 1-8-8V77z", fill: "#fff" })) } , Hl = t(33870) , zl = t(84514) , Wl = t(67214) , Fl = function() { return Fl = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Fl.apply(this, arguments) } , Bl = function(e, n) { return !!(null == e ? void 0 : e.verification_methods) && 1 === parseInt(e.verification_methods[n]) } , Gl = t(53193) , Yl = function() { return Yl = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Yl.apply(this, arguments) } , Xl = function(e) { var n = e.name , t = e.verificationMethod , a = e.descriptionTags , i = e.submitButtonTag , o = ct() , s = o.Screen , l = o.actions , u = o.history , d = o.access , _ = o.globals , p = (0, c.useState)([]) , h = p[0] , f = p[1] , v = (0, c.useState)("") , g = v[0] , m = v[1]; (0, c.useEffect)((function() { var e, n, a = d.challenge_methods.find((function(e) { return e.type === t } )), i = (null === (e = null == a ? void 0 : a.phones) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.map((function(e) { return { text: e.disabled ? e.masked + " - " + Xn("iam_recently_added_phone_number_label") : e.masked, value: e.hash, disabled: e.disabled } } ))) || []; i.unshift({ text: Xn("account_tfa_select_phone_header"), value: "" }), 1 !== (null === (n = null == a ? void 0 : a.phones) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.length) || a.phones[0].disabled || m(a.phones[0].hash), f(i) } ), [d.challenge_methods, t]); var y = (0, c.useCallback)((function() { !d.loading && d.idpapi_context && (l.saveControl({ selected_phone: g }), dn({ baseUrl: kl, action: Ge, payload: { type: t, phoneHash: g, context: d.idpapi_context, lang: d.lang || _.env.lang, deviceType: d.device_type }, actions: l, history: u, onBeforeRedirect: function(e) { e.nextStep == Nl && l.saveControl({ redirect_uri: e.redirectUri }) } }).catch((function(e) { e && l.showError(e.tag) } ))) } ), [t, g, d]); return (0, r.jsxs)(s, Yl({ name: n, titleTag: "account_tfa_select_phone_header", descriptionTags: a, onSkipTFA: function() {} }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", Yl({ className: "bui-spacer--large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Gl.A, { label: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_recovery_phone_lbl" }), id: "selected_phone", name: "selected_phone", className: "u-phone", options: h, value: g, onChange: function(e) { m(e.value) } }) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", Yl({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Yl({ className: "nw-request-tfa", size: "large", wide: !0, onClick: y, disabled: !g }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: i }) })) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", Yl({ className: "u-text-center" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Yl({ to: O.A.authAssuranceOtherOptions.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Yl({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_select_phone_help_cta" }) })) })) }))] })) } , Kl = function(e, n, t) { var a = (0, c.useState)(e) , i = a[0] , r = a[1] , o = (0, c.useState)(null) , s = o[0] , l = o[1]; return [i, r, s, function() { return function(e, n, t, a) { var i, r = new Sa(e).validate(((i = {})[n] = t, i)); return r[n].isInvalid && se.trackValidationEvent(r[n].gaLabel), a(r[n]), !r[n].isInvalid }(t, n, i, l) } , function(e) { !function(e, n) { var t; (null === (t = null == e ? void 0 : e.props) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.id) && (se.trackValidationEvent(e.props.id, !0), ja()), n({ message: e, isInvalid: !0 }) }(e, l) } ] } , ql = function() { return ql = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , ql.apply(this, arguments) } , Ql = function(e) { var n = e.name , t = e.verificationMethod , a = e.titleTag , i = e.descriptionTags , o = ct() , s = o.Screen , l = o.actions , u = o.history , d = o.access , _ = o.globals , p = (0, c.useState)((new Date).getTime()) , h = p[0] , f = p[1] , v = Kl("", "sms_code", Za.signInTfaViaSMS) , g = v[0] , m = v[1] , y = v[2] , b = v[3] , w = v[4] , x = (0, c.useCallback)((function(e) { m(e.value) } ), [m]) , E = (0, c.useCallback)((function(e) { e.preventDefault(), d.loading || b() && dn({ baseUrl: kl, action: Ye, payload: { type: t, context: d.idpapi_context, value: g, deviceType: d.device_type }, actions: l, history: u, onBeforeRedirect: function(e) { e.nextStep == Nl && l.saveControl({ redirect_uri: e.redirectUri }) } }).catch((function(e) { e && w((0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag })) } )) } ), [t, d, g]) , j = "" , k = d.challenge_methods.find((function(e) { return e.type === t } )); if (null == k ? void 0 : k.phones) { var A = k.phones.find((function(e) { return e.hash === d.selected_phone } )); A && (j = A.masked) } var P = (0, c.useCallback)((function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(), d.loading || dn({ baseUrl: kl, action: Ge, payload: ql({ type: t, context: d.idpapi_context, lang: d.lang || _.env.lang, deviceType: d.device_type }, t === Ol ? { phoneHash: d.selected_phone } : {}), actions: l, history: u, onBeforeRedirect: function(e) { e.nextStep == Nl && l.saveControl({ redirect_uri: e.redirectUri }) } }).catch((function(e) { e && l.showError(e.tag) } )).then((function() { f((new Date).getTime()) } )) } ), [t, d]); return (0, r.jsxs)(s, ql({ name: n, titleTag: a, descriptionTags: i, copyValues: { phone_number: j }, slotAboveTitle: t === Sl && (0, r.jsx)(ol, {}), tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, ql({ to: O.A.authAssuranceVerificationMethods.path, className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action nw-back-to-verification" }, { children: e }), "back_to_verifiy_methods") } }, onSubmit: E }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(vr, { id: "sms_code", label: "account_tfa_code_lbl", value: g, validation: y, onChange: x, focus: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)("div", ql({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, ql({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0, onClick: E }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_options_submit_cta" }) })) })), t === Sl ? (0, r.jsx)("div", ql({ className: "u-text-center nw-pulse-verification" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, ql({ to: O.A.authAssurancePulseHelp.path, className: "nw-link-pulse-code-help" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, ql({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_pulse_verification_help_cta" }) })) })) })) : (0, r.jsx)("div", ql({ className: "u-text-center" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)("span", { children: t === Ol || t === Cl ? (0, r.jsx)(hr, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, ql({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary", className: "resend-code-link", onClick: P, attributes: { "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "resend code" } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_resend_sms" }) })) }, h) : (0, r.jsx)(hr, ql({ timer_tag: "account_tfa_verification_code_call_timer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, ql({ to: O.A.authAssuranceOtherOptions.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, ql({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_select_phone_help_cta" }) })) })) }), h) }) }))] })) } , Jl = function() { return Jl = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Jl.apply(this, arguments) } , Zl = function(e) { var n = e.name , t = e.reason , a = e.titleTag , i = e.onClickReason; return (0, r.jsx)("button", Jl({ onClick: function() { return i(t) }, className: "icon-nav-list__item bui_font_emphasized bui_color_action nw-other-options-".concat(n) }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)(Mo.A, Jl({ direction: "row", justifyContent: "start" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, Jl({ grow: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: a }) })), (0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Lo.A, { size: "medium", svg: (0, r.jsx)(Ro.A, {}) }) })] })) })) } , $l = function() { return $l = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , $l.apply(this, arguments) } , eu = function() { return eu = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , eu.apply(this, arguments) } , nu = function() { return nu = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , nu.apply(this, arguments) } , tu = function() { return tu = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , tu.apply(this, arguments) } , au = function() { return au = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , au.apply(this, arguments) } , iu = { deprecated_version: { title: "identity_pop_up_download_new_version_header", body: "identity_pop_up_download_new_version_body", values: {} }, deprecated_os_android: { title: "identity_pop_up_new_device_needed_android_header", body: "identity_pop_up_new_device_needed_android_body", values: { min_os_required: "6.0" } }, deprecated_os_ios: { title: "identity_pop_up_new_device_needed_ios_header", body: "identity_pop_up_new_device_needed_ios_body", values: { min_os_required: "14" } } } , ru = function() { return ru = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , ru.apply(this, arguments) } , ou = function(e) { return e ? ("string" == typeof e && (e = parseInt(e)), e <= 0 ? "" : e < 10 ? "0".concat(e) : "".concat(e)) : "" }; function cu(e) { if (!e) return ""; var n = e.year , t = e.month , a = e.day; return "".concat(n, "-").concat(ou(t), "-").concat(ou(a)) } var su = t(41523) , lu = function() { return lu = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , lu.apply(this, arguments) } , uu = function(e, n, t, a) { return new (t || (t = Promise))((function(i, r) { function o(e) { try { s(a.next(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(a.throw(e)) } catch (e) { r(e) } } function s(e) { e.done ? i(e.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof t ? e : new t((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(e.value).then(o, c) } s((a = a.apply(e, n || [])).next()) } )) } , du = function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } } , _u = function() { return _u = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , _u.apply(this, arguments) } , pu = function() { return pu = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , pu.apply(this, arguments) } , hu = Un.getState().globals , fu = function(e) { return "(".concat(e.join("|"), ")") } , vu = [{ path: O.A.index.path, component: oa, routes: [{ path: fu([O.A.index.path, O.A.signIn.path]), exact: !0, component: hu.env.is_cn && hu.env.dDfPWSSIVaXROZdHUHe ? Ic : hu.env.is_cn ? Dc : wc }, { path: O.A.signInConnectSocial.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history , o = (0, c.useState)((function() { return t.password || "" } )) , s = o[0] , l = o[1] , u = $a({ password: s }, La) , d = u.validation , _ = u.isValid , p = u.handleServerError , h = t.provider || "" , f = t.login_name || ""; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, ll({ name: "social-password-form", titleTag: "identity_link_accounts_heading", descriptionTags: ["identity_link_accounts_as_email", "identity_link_accounts_provide_password_body"], onSubmit: function(e) { var n; e.preventDefault(), t.loading || _() && dn({ action: ke, payload: (n = { context: t.idpapi_context, authenticator: { type: Ei, value: s } }, jr.isLnIntegrationEnabled() && (n.as_token = t.as_token), n), actions: a, history: i }).then((function(e) { a.setAuthToken(e.authorization_token) } )).catch((function(e) { e && p("password", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag })) } )) }, copyValues: { email_address: f, social_provider: h }, slotAboveTitle: (0, r.jsx)(Hs, { provider: h }) }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Oi, { state: { login_name: f } }), (0, r.jsx)(Ii, { id: "password", label: "identity_link_accounts_password_label", value: s, validation: null == d ? void 0 : d.password, onChange: function(e) { l(e.value) }, focus: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, ll({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_link_accounts_link_cta" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, ll({ type: "button", wide: !0, variant: "tertiary", className: "nw-link-sign-in-without-pass", onClick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), t.loading || dn({ action: Re, payload: { context: t.idpapi_context }, actions: a, history: i }).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } )) } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_link_accounts_magic_link_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.signInConnectSocialWithMagicLink.path, exact: !0, component: Ws }, { path: O.A.signInConfirmSocial.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history , o = t.login_name || "" , c = t.provider || "" , s = Ji(t); return (0, r.jsxs)(n, ul({ name: "social-confirm-form", titleTag: "identity_link_accounts_create_heading", descriptionTags: "identity_link_accounts_permission_create_body", onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), t.loading || dn({ action: Ce, payload: { context: t.idpapi_context, identifier: { type: wi, value: o } }, actions: a, history: i }).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } )) }, copyValues: { social_provider: s }, slotAboveTitle: (0, r.jsx)(Hs, { provider: c }) }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(ca.A, ul({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_link_accounts_continue_cta" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, ul({ type: "button", wide: !0, variant: "tertiary", className: "nw-skip-create-social-acc", onClick: function() { a.saveControl({ login_name: "", provider: "" }), i.push({ pathname: O.A.signIn.path, search: window.location.search }) } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_link_accounts_cancel_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.signInConfirmProviderRelay.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history , o = t.login_name || "" , c = t.provider || ""; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, dl({ name: "social-confirm-relay-form", titleTag: "identity_link_accounts_apple_relay_header", descriptionTags: ["identity_link_accounts_apple_relay_body1"], slotAboveTitle: (0, r.jsx)(Hs, { provider: c }), onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), t.loading || dn({ action: Ce, url: "/account/social/confirmation", payload: { context: t.idpapi_context, identifier: { type: wi, value: o } }, actions: a, history: i }).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } )) } }, { children: [(0, r.jsxs)("p", { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_link_accounts_apple_relay_subheader" }), " ", (0, r.jsx)("br", {}), (0, r.jsx)("strong", { children: o })] }), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, dl({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_link_accounts_apple_relay_cta" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, dl({ type: "button", wide: !0, variant: "tertiary", className: "nw-cancel-apple-relay", onClick: function() { a.saveControl({ login_name: "", provider: "", idpapi_context: null }), dn({ url: "/account/social/cancel_apple_relay", payload: {}, actions: a, history: i }).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } )) } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_link_accounts_apple_relay_cancel_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.signInSocialLoginName.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history , o = (0, c.useState)((function() { return t.login_name || "" } )) , s = o[0] , l = o[1] , u = (0, c.useState)((function() { return t.password || "" } )) , d = u[0] , _ = u[1] , p = $a({ login_name: s }, Na) , h = p.validation , f = p.isValid , v = p.handleServerError , g = t.provider || "" , m = Ji(t); return (0, r.jsxs)(n, _l({ name: "social-email-form", titleTag: "identity_link_accounts_provide_email_heading", descriptionTags: ["identity_link_accounts_provide_email_body"], slotAboveTitle: (0, r.jsx)(Hs, { provider: g }), onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), t.loading || (a.saveControl({ login_name: s }), a.saveControl({ password: d }), f() && dn({ action: Ee, url: "/account/social/login_name", payload: { context: t.idpapi_context, identifier: { type: wi, value: s } }, actions: a, history: i, onBeforeRedirect: function(e) { e.contactDetails && a.setUserInfo(_l(_l({}, t.user_info), { first_name: e.contactDetails.firstName || "", last_name: e.contactDetails.lastName || "" })) } }).catch((function(e) { e && v("login_name", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag })) } ))) }, copyValues: { social_provider: m }, slotAboveFormStack: (0, r.jsx)(Pr, { onChange: function(e) { _(e.value) } }) }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(mi, { id: "login_name_social", label: "identity_link_accounts_provide_email_label", type: "email", value: s, validation: null == h ? void 0 : h.login_name, onChange: function(e) { l(e.value) }, onKeyDown: function(e) { 32 === e.which && e.preventDefault() }, focus: !0, placeholder: "iam_account_sign_in_email_hint" }), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, _l({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_link_accounts_provide_email_next_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.signInSocialPhone.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.globals , i = e.actions , o = e.history , s = Zi(t, a) , l = (0, c.useState)(Yi(s)) , u = l[0] , d = l[1] , _ = (0, c.useState)(null) , p = _[0] , h = _[1] , f = $a({ iuxPhone: u }, Ca) , v = f.validation , g = f.isValid , m = t.provider || "" , y = Ji(t) , b = function(e) { return hl(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var n, a; return fl(this, (function(r) { switch (r.label) { case 0: return r.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]), [4, dn({ action: De, payload: { identifier: { type: xi, value: e } }, actions: i, history: o })]; case 1: return (null == (n = r.sent()) ? void 0 : n.appId) && (null == n ? void 0 : n.jsClientSrc) && (null == n ? void 0 : n.blockScript) ? h(pl(pl({}, n), { op_token: t.op_token, blocked_url: De })) : $i(i, n), [3, 3]; case 2: return (a = r.sent()) ? (i.showError(a.tag), [3, 3]) : [2]; case 3: return [2] } } )) } )) }; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, pl({ name: "social-phone-form", titleTag: "identity_link_accounts_provide_phone_heading", descriptionTags: ["identity_link_accounts_provide_phone_body"], slotAboveTitle: (0, r.jsx)(Hs, { provider: m }), onSubmit: function(e) { return hl(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return fl(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return e.preventDefault(), t.loading ? [2] : g() ? (i.saveControl({ phoneObject: Xi(u) }), i.saveControl({ phone: u }), [4, b(u)]) : [3, 2]; case 1: n.sent(), n.label = 2; case 2: return [2] } } )) } )) }, copyValues: { social_provider: y } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Qi, { onChange: function(e) { return d(e.value) }, defaultValues: s, validation: null == v ? void 0 : v.iuxPhone }), p && (0, r.jsx)(Ac, { pxData: p, lang: t.lang, onSuccess: function() { return hl(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return fl(this, (function(e) { switch (e.label) { case 0: return h(null), [4, b(u)]; case 1: return e.sent(), [2] } } )) } )) }, onLoadingError: function() { h(null), i.showError(te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG)) } }), p ? null : (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, pl({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_link_accounts_provide_phone_next_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.signInPassword.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.globals , i = e.actions , o = e.history , s = (0, c.useState)((function() { return a.env.is_cn && "phone" === t.login_type ? t.phone : t.login_name } ))[0] , l = (0, c.useState)((function() { return t.password || "" } )) , u = l[0] , d = l[1] , _ = (0, c.useState)((function() { return null } )) , p = _[0] , h = _[1] , f = $a({ password: u }, La) , v = f.validation , g = f.isValid , m = f.handleServerError , y = "book" === booking.env.features.enabled_integration && !da()(s) && booking.env.idpapi ? O.A.accountRecoveryPhone.path : O.A.accountRecovery.path , b = "password" , w = function() { var e = { login_name: s, password: u, client_id: t.client_id, state: t.state, scope: t.scope, code_challenge: t.code_challenge, code_challenge_method: t.code_challenge_method, op_token: t.op_token }; return jr.isLnIntegrationEnabled() && (e.as_token = t.as_token), pi.isDatavisorIntegrationEnabled() ? Kc(Kc({}, e), { dv_monitoring_data: pi.monitoringData.build(), dv_fast_token: t.dv_fast_token, dv_real_token: t.dv_real_token, dv_native_token: t.dv_native_token }) : e } , x = function() { return { action: a.env.idpapi ? da()(s) ? ue : Me : null, url: N } } , E = function(e) { return qc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var n, c, l; return Qc(this, (function(d) { switch (d.label) { case 0: if (e && e.preventDefault(), t.loading) return [2]; if (!g(u, b)) return [3, 4]; d.label = 1; case 1: return d.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]), [4, dn(Kc(Kc({}, x()), { payload: a.env.idpapi ? (p = { context: t.idpapi_context, authenticator: { type: Ei, value: u } }, jr.isLnIntegrationEnabled() && (p.as_token = t.as_token), p) : w(), actions: i, history: o, setContextOnError: !0 }))]; case 2: return (n = d.sent()).appId && n.jsClientSrc && n.blockScript ? (c = x(), h(Kc(Kc({}, n), { op_token: t.op_token, blocked_url: c.action || c.url }))) : a.env.idpapi || ((null == n ? void 0 : n.next_step) && pi.postManualEvent("signInSuccess", { page_title: "signInPassword" }), i.setAuthToken(n.authorization_token), i.setPassword(u)), booking.env.pk_enabled && (null == n ? void 0 : n.pkEnrolChallenge) && i.setPasskeysEnrolChallenge(n.pkEnrolChallenge), [3, 4]; case 3: return (l = d.sent()) ? (pi.postManualEvent("signInFailure", { page_title: "signInPassword" }), m(b, (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { num: parseInt(l.remaining_failed_login_count, 10), id: (_ = l.tag, _ === te(ne.INVALID_USERNAME_PASSWORD_COMBO) && da()(s) ? te(ne.INVALID_EMAIL_PASSWORD_COMBO) : _), tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Kc({ to: O.A.accountRecovery.path, className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action" }, { children: e }), "forgot_password_link") } } })), [3, 4]) : [2]; case 4: return [2] } var _, p } )) } )) }; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, Kc({ name: "signin", titleTag: "identity_signin_password_screen_header_title", descriptionTags: "identity_signin_password_screen_header_description", copyValues: { email_address: s }, onSubmit: E }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Oi, { state: { login_name: s } }), (0, r.jsx)(Ii, { id: b, label: "identity_signin_password_screen_field_label", value: u, validation: null == v ? void 0 : v[b], onChange: function(e) { d(e.value) }, placeholder: "iam_account_settings_enter_password_field", focus: !0 }), p ? (0, r.jsx)(Wi, { pxData: p, lang: t.lang, onSuccess: function() { return qc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return Qc(this, (function(e) { switch (e.label) { case 0: return h(null), [4, E(null)]; case 1: return e.sent(), [2] } } )) } )) }, onLoadingError: function() { h(null), i.showError(te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG)) } }) : (0, r.jsx)(Qn.BJ, Kc({ direction: "column" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, Kc({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0, attributes: { "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_signIn_signInPassword") } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_screen_cta" }) })) })), !booking.env.is_iframe && "book" === booking.env.features.enabled_integration && da()(s) && (0, r.jsx)(wo, { clickHandler: function(e) { null == e || e.preventDefault(), t.loading || dn({ action: Re, payload: { context: t.idpapi_context }, actions: i, history: o, historyMethod: "replace" }).catch((function(e) { e && i.showError(e.tag) } )) }, useDivider: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Kc({ to: y, className: "nw-link-account-recovery" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, Kc({ type: "button", variant: "tertiary", attributes: { "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "forgot password", "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_signIn_forgotPassword") }, wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_screen_forgotten_cta" }) })) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.signInPasskey.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history , o = (0, c.useState)(!1) , s = o[0] , l = o[1]; return (0, c.useEffect)((function() { t.passkeys_supported && t.pk_challenge ? setTimeout((function() { Pn(t.idpapi_context, a, i, t.pk_challenge).then((function(e) { "STEP_SUCCESS" !== (null == e ? void 0 : e.nextStep) && l(!0) } )) } ), 400) : l(!0) } ), [t.passkeys_supported, t.pk_challenge]), (0, r.jsx)(n, $c({ name: "sign-in-passkey", slotAboveTitle: (0, r.jsx)("div", $c({ className: "passkey-loader-container".concat(t.loading ? " passkey-loader-container--loading" : "") }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)("div", $c({ className: "passkey-loader" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Zc, { width: 24, height: 24, className: "passkey-logo" }), (0, r.jsx)("div", $c({ className: "passkey-spinner" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.y$, { size: "larger" }) }))] })) })), titleTag: "identity_signin_passkey_screen_header_title", descriptionTags: "identity_signin_passkey_screen_header_description" }, { children: !!s && (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, $c({ type: "button", size: "large", variant: "secondary", wide: !0, onClick: function() { var e = $e[null == t ? void 0 : t.pk_fallback_step]; e && window.location.pathname !== e && (a.initialPath(e), i.push({ pathname: e, search: window.location.search })) } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_reset_link_sent_cta" }) })) })) } }, { path: O.A.signInEnrolPasskey.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, es({ name: "sign-in-passkey", slotAboveTitle: (0, r.jsx)("div", es({ className: "passkey-loader-container".concat(t.loading ? " passkey-loader-container--loading" : "") }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)("div", es({ className: "passkey-loader" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Zc, { width: 24, height: 24, className: "passkey-logo" }), (0, r.jsx)("div", es({ className: "passkey-spinner" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.y$, { size: "larger" }) }))] })) })), titleTag: "identity_signin_enrol_passkey_header_title", descriptionTags: "identity_signin_enrol_passkey_header_description" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, es({ type: "button", size: "large", variant: "primary", wide: !0, onClick: function() { return ns(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return ts(this, (function(e) { switch (e.label) { case 0: return [4, En(t.idpapi_context, a, i, t.pk_enrol_challenge)]; case 1: return e.sent(), [2] } } )) } )) } }, { children: "Create a passkey" })), (0, r.jsx)(yo, { isMany: !1, copyTag: "account_sign_in_or" }), (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, es({ type: "button", size: "large", variant: "secondary", wide: !0, onClick: function() { return ns(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var e; return ts(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return n.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]), [4, dn({ action: he, payload: { context: t.idpapi_context }, actions: a, history: i })]; case 1: return n.sent(), [3, 3]; case 2: return e = n.sent(), mn("Error skipping post auth passkey enrol - user cant login - check feature IAM_POST_AUTH_PASSKEY_ENROL", "[Passkeys]"), e ? (a.showError(e.tag), [3, 3]) : [2]; case 3: return [2] } } )) } )) } }, { children: "Just sign me in already" }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.signInPhonePassword.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history , o = (0, c.useState)((function() { return t.password || "" } )) , s = o[0] , l = o[1] , u = t.phone || t.login_name || "" , d = $a({ password: s }, La) , _ = d.validation , p = d.isValid , h = d.handleServerError; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, as({ name: "phone-pw", titleTag: "identity_signin_password_screen_header_title", descriptionTags: "identity_signin_password_screen_header_description", copyValues: { email_address: u }, onSubmit: function(e) { return n = void 0, o = void 0, l = function() { return function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } }(this, (function(n) { return e.preventDefault(), t.loading || p() && dn({ action: Me, payload: { context: t.idpapi_context, authenticator: { type: Ei, value: s } }, actions: a, history: i }).catch((function(e) { e && h("password", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag, tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, as({ to: O.A.accountRecoveryPhone.path, className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action" }, { children: e }), "forgot_password_link") } } })) } )), [2] } )) } , new ((c = void 0) || (c = Promise))((function(e, t) { function a(e) { try { r(l.next(e)) } catch (e) { t(e) } } function i(e) { try { r(l.throw(e)) } catch (e) { t(e) } } function r(n) { n.done ? e(n.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof c ? e : new c((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(n.value).then(a, i) } r((l = l.apply(n, o || [])).next()) } )); var n, o, c, l } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Oi, { state: { login_name: u } }), (0, r.jsx)(Ii, { id: "password", label: "identity_signin_password_screen_field_label", value: s || "", validation: _ && _.password ? _.password : void 0, onChange: function(e) { l(e.value) }, focus: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, as({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_screen_cta" }) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", as({ className: "u-text-center bui-spacer--top" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, as({ to: O.A.accountRecoveryPhone.path, className: "nw-link-account-recovery" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, as({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary", attributes: { "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "forgot password" } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_screen_forgotten_cta" }) })) })) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.signInPhone.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.globals , i = e.actions , o = e.history , s = Zi(t, a) , l = (0, c.useState)(Yi(s)) , u = l[0] , d = l[1] , _ = (0, c.useState)(null) , p = _[0] , h = _[1] , f = $a({ iuxPhone: u }, Ca) , v = f.validation , g = f.isValid , m = function(e) { return zc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var n, a; return Wc(this, (function(r) { switch (r.label) { case 0: return r.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]), [4, dn({ action: De, payload: { identifier: { type: xi, value: e } }, actions: i, history: o })]; case 1: return (null == (n = r.sent()) ? void 0 : n.appId) && (null == n ? void 0 : n.jsClientSrc) && (null == n ? void 0 : n.blockScript) ? h(Hc(Hc({}, n), { op_token: t.op_token, blocked_url: De })) : $i(i, n), [3, 3]; case 2: return (a = r.sent()) ? (i.showError(a.tag), [3, 3]) : [2]; case 3: return [2] } } )) } )) }; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, Hc({ name: "signin-phone", titleTag: "identity_account_signin_phone_aria", descriptionTags: "", onSubmit: function(e) { return zc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return Wc(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return e.preventDefault(), t.loading ? [2] : g() ? (i.saveControl({ phoneObject: Xi(u) }), i.saveControl({ phone: u }), [4, m(u)]) : [3, 2]; case 1: n.sent(), n.label = 2; case 2: return [2] } } )) } )) } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", Hc({ className: "bui-spacer--large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qi, { onChange: function(e) { return d(e.value) }, defaultValues: s, validation: null == v ? void 0 : v.iuxPhone }) })), p && (0, r.jsx)(Ac, { pxData: p, lang: t.lang, onSuccess: function() { return zc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return Wc(this, (function(e) { switch (e.label) { case 0: return h(null), [4, m(u)]; case 1: return e.sent(), [2] } } )) } )) }, onLoadingError: function() { h(null), i.showError(te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG)) } }), p ? null : (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Hc({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_continue_with_phone" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(mo, {})] })) } }, { path: O.A.confirmDateOfBirth.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e, n, t = ct(), a = t.Screen, i = t.access, o = t.actions, s = (0, c.useState)(!1), l = s[0], u = s[1], d = (0, c.useState)({ day: "", month: "", year: "" }), _ = d[0], p = d[1], h = za, f = $a({ date_of_birth_consent: l, date_of_birth: cu(_) }, h), v = f.validation, g = f.isValid, m = { 1: Xn("month/1/name"), 2: Xn("month/2/name"), 3: Xn("month/3/name"), 4: Xn("month/4/name"), 5: Xn("month/5/name"), 6: Xn("month/6/name"), 7: Xn("month/7/name"), 8: Xn("month/8/name"), 9: Xn("month/9/name"), 10: Xn("month/10/name"), 11: Xn("month/11/name"), 12: Xn("month/12/name") }; return (0, r.jsxs)(a, lu({ name: "signin-phone", titleTag: "iam_account_settings_confirm_age_title", descriptionTags: "iam_account_settings_confirm_age_para_1", onSubmit: function(e) { return uu(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return du(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return e.preventDefault(), i.loading ? [2] : g() ? [4, (t = _, uu(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var e; return du(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return n.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]), [4, dn({ action: Qe, payload: { context: i.idpapi_context, date_of_birth: t }, actions: o, history: history })]; case 1: return n.sent(), [3, 3]; case 2: return (e = n.sent()) ? (o.showError(e.tag), [3, 3]) : [2]; case 3: return [2] } } )) } )))] : [3, 2]; case 1: n.sent(), n.label = 2; case 2: return [2] } var t } )) } )) } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", lu({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)($n.A, { label: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_account_settings_confirm_age_acknowledge" }), name: "dob-consent", value: "consent", className: "nw-dob-consent", checked: l, onChange: function(e) { return u(e.checked) }, error: null === (e = null == v ? void 0 : v.date_of_birth_consent) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.message }) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", lu({ className: "bui-spacer--large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(su.A, { name: "date-of-birth", required: !0, disabled: !l, copy: { label: Xn("iam_account_settings_confirm_age_date_of_birth"), labelDay: Xn("iux_date_of_birth_day"), labelMonth: Xn("iux_date_of_birth_month_full"), labelYear: Xn("iux_date_of_birth_year"), ariaLabelDay: Xn("iux_date_of_birth_day_aria_label"), ariaLabelMonth: Xn("iux_date_of_birth_month_aria_label"), ariaLabelYear: Xn("iux_date_of_birth_year_aria_label"), errorInvalidDate: Xn("iux_traveldoc_error_invalid_expiry_date"), errorNotInPastDate: Xn("iux_date_of_birth_error_date_in_past"), errorInvalidDay: Xn("iux_date_of_birth_invalid_day"), errorInvalidMonth: Xn("iux_date_of_birth_invalid_month"), errorInvalidYear: Xn("iux_date_of_birth_invalid_year"), errorRequiredDay: Xn("iux_date_of_birth_day_required"), errorRequiredMonth: Xn("iux_date_of_birth_month_required"), errorRequiredYear: Xn("iux_date_of_birth_year_required") }, error: null === (n = null == v ? void 0 : v.date_of_birth) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.message, monthNames: m, value: cu(_), onChange: function(e) { p(function(e) { if (!e) return { year: "", month: "", day: "" }; var n = e.split("-"); return { year: n[0] || "", month: n[1] ? ou(n[1]) : "", day: n[2] ? ou(n[2]) : "" } }(e.value)) } }) })), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, lu({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0, disabled: !l }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_account_settings_confirm_age_button" }) }))] })) } }, { path: fu([O.A.signInPhoneConfirmPassword.path, O.A.signInPhoneReconfirmPassword.path]), exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history , o = e.location , s = (0, c.useState)((function() { return t.password || "" } )) , l = s[0] , u = s[1] , d = t.masked_email || "" , _ = t.login_name || "" , p = $a({ password: l }, La) , h = p.validation , f = p.isValid , v = p.handleServerError , g = o.pathname === O.A.signInPhoneReconfirmPassword.path , m = g ? "identity_signin_lapsed_phone_verify_header_description" : "identity_signin_phone_first_time_enter_password" , y = g ? "identity_signin_lapsed_phone_verify_password_screen_cta" : "identity_signin_password_screen_cta"; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, is({ name: "phone-confirm-pw", titleTag: "identity_signin_password_screen_header_title", descriptionTags: m, copyValues: { email_address: d || _ }, onSubmit: function(e) { return n = void 0, o = void 0, s = function() { return function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } }(this, (function(n) { return e.preventDefault(), t.loading || f() && dn({ action: Me, payload: { context: t.idpapi_context, authenticator: { type: Ei, value: l } }, actions: a, history: i }).catch((function(e) { e && v("password", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag, tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, is({ to: O.A.accountRecoveryPhone.path, className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action" }, { children: e }), "forgot_password_link") } } })) } )), [2] } )) } , new ((c = void 0) || (c = Promise))((function(e, t) { function a(e) { try { r(s.next(e)) } catch (e) { t(e) } } function i(e) { try { r(s.throw(e)) } catch (e) { t(e) } } function r(n) { n.done ? e(n.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof c ? e : new c((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(n.value).then(a, i) } r((s = s.apply(n, o || [])).next()) } )); var n, o, c, s } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Oi, { state: { login_name: _ } }), (0, r.jsx)(Ii, { id: "password", label: "identity_signin_password_screen_field_label", value: l || "", validation: h && h.password ? h.password : void 0, onChange: function(e) { u(e.value) }, focus: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, is({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: y }) })), (0, r.jsx)(wo, { clickHandler: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), t.loading || dn({ action: We, payload: { context: t.idpapi_context }, actions: a, history: i }).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } )) }, useDivider: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, is({ className: "nw-link-account-recovery", wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary", attributes: { "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "forgot password" }, onClick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), t.loading || dn({ action: Fe, payload: { context: t.idpapi_context }, actions: a, history: i }).then((function(e) { e.maskedEmail && a.setMaskedEmail(e.maskedEmail) } )).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } )) } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_screen_forgotten_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: fu([O.A.signInPhoneConfirmMagicLinkSent.path, O.A.signInPhoneReconfirmMagicLinkSent.path]), exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.location , i = t.masked_email || "" , o = t.login_name || "" , s = a.pathname === O.A.signInPhoneReconfirmMagicLinkSent.path , l = s ? "identity_signin_lapsed_phone_verify_sent_magic_link_description" : ["identity_signin_phone_magic_link_sent_para1", "identity_signin_phone_magic_link_sent_para2"] , u = s ? "identity_signin_lapsed_phone_verify_sent_magic_link_cta" : "identity_signin_password_reset_link_sent_cta"; return (0, c.useEffect)((function() { t.op_token && localStorage.setItem("opToken", t.op_token) } ), []), (0, r.jsx)(n, rs({ name: "magic-link-sent-confirmation", titleTag: "identity_signin_magic_link_sent_header", descriptionTags: l, copyValues: { email_address: i || o } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, rs({ className: "nw-link-signin", to: O.A.signIn.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, rs({ type: "button", wide: !0, variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: u }) })) })) })) } }, { path: O.A.signInVerifyEmail.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, Bs({ name: "signin-ap", titleTag: "account_signin_verify_email_header", descriptionTags: "account_signin_verify_email_inform", onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), t.loading || dn({ action: Re, payload: { context: t.idpapi_context }, actions: a, history: i }).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } )) } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Bs({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_signin_verify_email_btn" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(mo, {})] })) } }, { path: fu([O.A.phoneVerifyPin.path, O.A.linkPhoneVerifyPin.path, O.A.phoneVerifyPinEmailMismatch.path]), exact: !0, component: function() { var e, n = ct(), t = n.Screen, a = n.access, i = n.actions, o = n.history, s = n.location, l = "sms_code", u = (0, c.useState)((function() { return "" } )), d = u[0], _ = u[1], p = (0, c.useState)((function() { return !0 } )), h = p[0], f = p[1], v = $a(((e = {})[l] = d, e), Wa), g = v.validation, m = v.isValid, y = v.handleServerError, b = s.pathname === O.A.phoneVerifyPinEmailMismatch.path; return (0, r.jsxs)(t, Bc({ name: "signin-verify-phone", titleTag: "identity_verify_phone_title", descriptionTags: "iam_account_settings_sms_verification_description", onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), a.loading || m() && dn({ action: Le, payload: { context: a.idpapi_context, authenticator: { type: ji, value: d } }, actions: i, history: o }).then((function(e) { e.maskedEmail && i.setMaskedEmail(e.maskedEmail) } )).catch((function(e) { e && y(l, (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag })) } )) } }, { children: [b && (0, r.jsx)("div", Bc({ className: "bui-spacer nw-email-mismatch" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.lZ, { startIcon: Fc.A, variant: "hint", text: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_phone_signin_error_mismatched_email" }), dismissible: !1 }) })), (0, r.jsx)(vr, { id: "sms_code", label: "identity_signin_2fa_verification_screen_field_label", value: d, validation: g && g.sms_code ? g.sms_code : void 0, onChange: function(e) { _(e.value) }, focus: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)("div", Bc({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Bc({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_account_settings_sms_verification_button" }) })) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", Bc({ className: "u-text-center" }, { children: h && (0, r.jsx)(hr, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Bc({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary", onClick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), a.loading || dn({ action: Ve, payload: { context: a.idpapi_context }, actions: i, history: o }).then((function() { f(!1), setTimeout((function() { _(""), f(!0) } )) } )).catch((function(e) { e && i.showError(e.tag) } )) }, className: "resend-code-link", attributes: { "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "resend code" } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_2fa_verification_screen_new_code_cta" }) })) }) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.registerPhonePassword.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e, n, t = ct(), a = t.Screen, i = t.globals, o = t.actions, s = t.access, l = t.history, u = (0, c.useState)(""), d = u[0], _ = u[1], p = (0, c.useState)(""), h = p[0], f = p[1], v = (0, c.useState)(!1), g = v[0], m = v[1], y = (0, c.useState)(!1), b = y[0], w = y[1], x = "kr" === i.env.cc1, E = $a({ new_password: d, confirmed_password: h }, Ma), j = E.validation, k = E.isValid, O = $a({ korea_pipa_consent1: g, korea_pipa_consent2: b }, Ua).useValidatorArray, A = O[0], C = O[1], I = function(e) { "korea_pipa_consent1" === e.name && m(e.checked), "korea_pipa_consent2" === e.name && w(e.checked) }; return (0, r.jsxs)(a, os({ name: "register", onSubmit: function(e) { return e && e.preventDefault(), !s.loading && !(x && !C()) && void (k() && dn({ action: Ue, payload: { context: s.idpapi_context, authenticator: { type: Ei, value: d } }, actions: o, history: l }).catch((function(e) { e && o.showError(e.tag) } ))) }, titleTag: "identity_phone_flow_set_password_heading", descriptionTags: ["identity_phone_flow_set_password_body", "identity_password_compliance_requirements_v2"] }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Ii, { id: "new_password", label: "identity_password_input_label", value: d, onChange: function(e) { _(e.value) }, focus: !0, isNewPassword: !0, validation: j && j.new_password ? j.new_password : void 0, placeholder: "iam_account_sign_in_enter_password_hint" }), (0, r.jsx)(Ii, { focus: !1, id: "confirmed_password", className: "nw-confirm-password", label: "account_create_password_repeat_pw_lbl", value: h, validation: j && j.confirmed_password ? j.confirmed_password : void 0, onChange: function(e) { f(e.value) }, isNewPassword: !0, placeholder: "iam_account_sign_in_confirm_password_hint" }), x && (0, r.jsxs)(r.Fragment, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", os({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)($n.A, { label: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "may22_pipa_account_creation_checkbox1", tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, os({ type: "external", className: "bui_color_action nw-privacy-kr", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "korea privacy ".concat("book" === i.env.features.enabled_integration ? "guest" : "partner"), to: P.A.privacy }, { children: e }), "privacy_link_kr_pipa_consent1") } } }), name: "korea_pipa_consent1", value: "consent1", className: "nw-kr-consent1", checked: g, onChange: I, error: null === (e = null == A ? void 0 : A.korea_pipa_consent1) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.message }) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", os({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)($n.A, { label: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "may22_pipa_account_creation_checkbox2", tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, os({ type: "external", className: "bui_color_action nw-privacy-kr", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "korea privacy ".concat("book" === i.env.features.enabled_integration ? "guest" : "partner"), to: P.A.privacy }, { children: e }), "privacy_link_kr_pipa_consent2") } } }), name: "korea_pipa_consent2", value: "consent2", className: "nw-kr-consent2", checked: b, onChange: I, error: null === (n = null == A ? void 0 : A.korea_pipa_consent2) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.message }) }))] }), (0, r.jsx)("div", os({ className: "u-text-center bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, os({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_signin_continue_cta" }) })) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", os({ className: "u-text-center" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, os({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary", onClick: function(e) { return e && e.preventDefault(), !s.loading && !(x && !C()) && void dn({ action: Ue, payload: { context: s.idpapi_context, authenticator: { type: Ei, value: "" } }, actions: o, history: l }).catch((function(e) { e && o.showError(e.tag) } )) }, className: "nw-link-sign-in-without-pass" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_phone_flow_set_password_skip_cta" }) })) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.signInAddPhone.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.globals , i = e.actions , o = e.history , s = Zi(t, a) , l = (0, c.useState)(Yi(s)) , u = l[0] , d = l[1] , _ = (0, c.useState)(null) , p = _[0] , h = _[1] , f = $a({ iuxPhone: u }, Ca) , v = f.validation , g = f.isValid , m = function(e) { return Yc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var n, a; return Xc(this, (function(c) { switch (c.label) { case 0: return c.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]), [4, dn({ action: De, payload: { context: t.idpapi_context, identifier: { type: xi, value: e } }, actions: i, history: o })]; case 1: return (null == (n = c.sent()) ? void 0 : n.appId) && (null == n ? void 0 : n.jsClientSrc) && (null == n ? void 0 : n.blockScript) ? h(Gc(Gc({}, n), { op_token: t.op_token, blocked_url: De })) : $i(i, n), [3, 3]; case 2: return (a = c.sent()) ? (i.showHtmlError({ copy_tag: a.tag, values: { phone: e }, tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Gc({ className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action nw-link-signin", to: O.A.signIn.path, "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "Sign in" }, { children: e }), "sign_in_link") } } }), [3, 3]) : [2]; case 3: return [2] } } )) } )) }; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, Gc({ name: "signin-phone", titleTag: "identity_link_accounts_provide_phone_heading", descriptionTags: "identity_legacy_email_provide_phone_body", onSubmit: function(e) { return Yc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return Xc(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return e.preventDefault(), t.loading ? [2] : g() ? (i.saveControl({ phoneObject: Xi(u) }), i.saveControl({ phone: u }), [4, m(u)]) : [3, 2]; case 1: n.sent(), n.label = 2; case 2: return [2] } } )) } )) } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", Gc({ className: "bui-spacer--large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qi, { onChange: function(e) { return d(e.value) }, defaultValues: s, validation: null == v ? void 0 : v.iuxPhone }) })), p && (0, r.jsx)(Ac, { pxData: p, lang: t.lang, onSuccess: function() { return Yc(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return Xc(this, (function(e) { switch (e.label) { case 0: return h(null), [4, m(u)]; case 1: return e.sent(), [2] } } )) } )) }, onLoadingError: function() { h(null), i.showError(te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG)) } }), p ? null : (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Gc({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_link_accounts_provide_phone_next_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.oauthLowPhone.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.globals , i = e.actions , o = e.history , s = Zi(t, a) , l = (0, c.useState)(Yi(s)) , u = l[0] , d = l[1] , _ = (0, c.useState)(null) , p = _[0] , h = _[1] , f = $a({ iuxPhone: u }, Ca) , v = f.validation , g = f.isValid , m = function(e) { return qs(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var n, a; return Qs(this, (function(r) { switch (r.label) { case 0: return r.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]), [4, dn({ action: De, payload: { identifier: { type: xi, value: e } }, actions: i, history: o })]; case 1: return (null == (n = r.sent()) ? void 0 : n.appId) && (null == n ? void 0 : n.jsClientSrc) && (null == n ? void 0 : n.blockScript) ? h(Ks(Ks({}, n), { op_token: t.op_token, blocked_url: De })) : $i(i, n), [3, 3]; case 2: return (a = r.sent()) ? (i.showError(a.tag), [3, 3]) : [2]; case 3: return [2] } } )) } )) } , y = function() { t.loading || (i.clearPII(), dn({ url: L, payload: { client_id: t.client_id }, actions: i, history: o, historyMethod: "replace" }).catch((function(e) { e && i.showError(e.tag) } ))) }; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, Ks({ name: "signin-phone", titleTag: "account_sign_in_china_auth_low_header", descriptionTags: "account_sign_in_china_auth_low_inform_v2", copyValues: { phone: t.phone }, tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)("span", Ks({ className: "oauth-not-me-link bui_font_strong bui_color_action", onClick: y }, { children: e }), "oauth_not_me_link") } }, onSubmit: function(e) { return qs(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return Qs(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return e.preventDefault(), t.loading ? [2] : g() ? (i.saveControl({ phoneObject: Xi(u) }), i.saveControl({ phone: u }), [4, m(u)]) : [3, 2]; case 1: n.sent(), n.label = 2; case 2: return [2] } } )) } )) } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", Ks({ className: "bui-spacer--large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qi, { onChange: function(e) { return d(e.value) }, defaultValues: s, validation: null == v ? void 0 : v.iuxPhone }) })), p && (0, r.jsx)(Ac, { pxData: p, lang: t.lang, onSuccess: function() { return qs(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return Qs(this, (function(e) { switch (e.label) { case 0: return h(null), [4, m(u)]; case 1: return e.sent(), [2] } } )) } )) }, onLoadingError: function() { h(null), i.showError(te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG)) } }), p ? null : (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Ks({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_continue_with_phone" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(mo, {})] })) } }, { path: O.A.signInChinaEmail.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history , o = (0, c.useState)((function() { return t.login_name && da()(t.login_name) ? t.login_name : "" } )) , s = o[0] , l = o[1] , u = $a({ login_name: s }, Na) , d = u.validation , _ = u.isValid , p = u.handleServerError; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, xc({ name: "legacy-email", titleTag: "identity_sign_in_email_screen_heading", descriptionTags: "identity_signin_enter_email_screen_header_description", onSubmit: function(e) { return n = void 0, o = void 0, l = function() { var n; return function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } }(this, (function(o) { switch (o.label) { case 0: if (e.preventDefault(), t.loading) return [2]; if (!_()) return [3, 4]; a.saveControl({ login_name: s }), o.label = 1; case 1: return o.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]), [4, dn({ action: le, payload: { identifier: { type: wi, value: s } }, actions: a, history: i })]; case 2: return o.sent(), [3, 4]; case 3: return (n = o.sent()) ? (p("login_name", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: n.tag, tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, xc({ to: O.A.register.path, className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action" }, { children: e }), "register_link") } } })), [3, 4]) : [2]; case 4: return [2] } } )) } , new ((c = void 0) || (c = Promise))((function(e, t) { function a(e) { try { r(l.next(e)) } catch (e) { t(e) } } function i(e) { try { r(l.throw(e)) } catch (e) { t(e) } } function r(n) { n.done ? e(n.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof c ? e : new c((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(n.value).then(a, i) } r((l = l.apply(n, o || [])).next()) } )); var n, o, c, l } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", xc({ className: "bui-spacer--large nw-login-name" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(mi, { id: "login_name", type: "email", label: "identity_signin_enter_email_screen_email_field_label", value: s, validation: null == d ? void 0 : d.login_name, onChange: function(e) { l(e.value) }, focus: !0 }) })), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, xc({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_next_cta" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(mo, {})] })) } }, { path: O.A.signInConfirmEmail.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e, n = ct(), t = n.Screen, a = n.access, i = n.globals, o = n.actions, s = n.history, l = (0, c.useState)((function() { return a.password || "" } )), u = l[0], d = l[1], _ = "sms_code", p = $a(((e = {})[_] = u, e), Wa), h = p.validation, f = p.isValid, v = p.handleServerError, g = i.env.idpapi, m = a.in_social_flow ? Pe : xe; return (0, r.jsxs)(t, Js({ name: "signin-ap", titleTag: "account_tfa_email_heading", descriptionTags: "account_tfa_email_context", onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), a.loading || f() && dn({ action: m, url: T, payload: g ? { context: a.idpapi_context, authenticator: { type: ji, value: u } } : { type: "email", authorization_token: a.authorization_token, second_factor: u, op_token: a.op_token }, actions: o, history: s }).then((function(e) { e.continuation_token && o.setContinuationToken(e.continuation_token) } )).catch((function(e) { e && (v("sms_code", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag })), o.showError(e.tag)) } )) } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(vr, { id: "email_verification_code", label: "account_tfa_email_lbl", value: u, validation: null == h ? void 0 : h[_], onChange: function(e) { d(e.value) }, focus: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Js({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.signInConfirmPhone.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.globals , i = e.actions , o = e.history , s = Zi(t, a) , l = (0, c.useState)(Yi(s)) , u = l[0] , d = l[1] , _ = $a({ iuxPhone: u }, Ca) , p = _.validation , h = _.isValid; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, Zs({ name: "2fa-recovery-confirm-phone", titleTag: "account_tfa_recovery_header", descriptionTags: "account_tfa_recovery_context", onSubmit: function(e) { if (e.preventDefault(), !t.loading) { var n = t.in_social_flow ? Se : we; h() && (i.saveControl({ phoneObject: Xi(u) }), i.saveControl({ phone: u }), dn({ action: n, url: "/account/send/2fa-recovery-code", payload: { context: t.idpapi_context, identifier: { type: xi, value: u } }, actions: i, history: o }).catch((function(e) { e && i.showError(e.tag) } ))) } } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", Zs({ className: "bui-spacer--large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qi, { onChange: function(e) { d(e.value) }, defaultValues: s, validation: null == p ? void 0 : p.iuxPhone }) })), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Zs({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_recovery_next_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: fu([O.A.signInSms.path, O.A.chinaPhoneVerification.path]), exact: !0, component: function() { var e, n = ct(), t = n.Screen, a = n.access, i = n.actions, o = n.history, s = "sms_code", l = (0, c.useState)((function() { return "" } )), u = l[0], d = l[1], _ = (0, c.useState)((function() { return !0 } )), p = _[0], h = _[1], f = $a(((e = {})[s] = u, e), Wa), v = f.validation, g = f.isValid, m = f.handleServerError; return (0, r.jsxs)(t, $s({ name: "form-sms", titleTag: booking.env.is_cn ? "account_phone_verification_header" : "identity_signin_2fa_verification_screen_header_title", descriptionTags: "identity_signin_2fa_verification_screen_header_description", onSubmit: function(e) { if (e.preventDefault(), !a.loading) { var n = a.in_social_flow ? Oe : ye; g() && dn({ action: n, payload: { context: a.idpapi_context, authenticator: { type: ji, value: u } }, actions: i, history: o }).then((function(e) { e.maskedEmail && i.setMaskedEmail(e.maskedEmail) } )).catch((function(e) { e && m(s, (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag })) } )) } } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(vr, { id: "sms_code", label: "identity_signin_2fa_verification_screen_field_label", value: u, validation: v && v.sms_code ? v.sms_code : void 0, onChange: function(e) { d(e.value) }, focus: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)("div", $s({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, $s({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_2fa_verification_screen_cta" }) })) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", $s({ className: "u-text-center bui-spacer--large" }, { children: p && (0, r.jsx)(hr, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, $s({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary", onClick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), a.loading || dn({ action: a.in_social_flow ? Ae : be, payload: { context: a.idpapi_context }, actions: i, history: o }).then((function() { h(!1), setTimeout((function() { d(""), h(!0) } )) } )).catch((function(e) { e && i.showError(e.tag) } )) }, className: "resend-code-link", attributes: { "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "resend code" } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_2fa_verification_screen_new_code_cta" }) })) }) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", $s({ className: "u-text-center" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, $s({ to: O.A.signInConfirmPhone.path, className: "nw-2fa-other-options" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, $s({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary", attributes: { "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "2fa verify another way" } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_2fa_verification_screen_another_way_cta" }) })) }), "confirm_phone_link") }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.signInAuthenticator.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e, n = ct(), t = n.Screen, a = n.access, i = n.actions, o = n.history, s = "sms_code", l = (0, c.useState)((function() { return "" } )), u = l[0], d = l[1], _ = $a(((e = {})[s] = u, e), Wa), p = _.validation, h = _.isValid, f = _.handleServerError; return (0, r.jsxs)(t, el({ name: "tfa-authenticator", titleTag: "iam_totp_authentication_screen_title", descriptionTags: "iam_totp_authentication_screen_description", onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), a.loading || h() && dn({ action: ye, payload: { context: a.idpapi_context, authenticator: { type: "AUTHENTICATOR_TYPE__TOTP", value: u } }, actions: i, history: o }).then((function(e) { e.maskedEmail && i.setMaskedEmail(e.maskedEmail) } )).catch((function(e) { e && f(s, (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag })) } )) } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(vr, { id: "sms_code", label: "identity_signin_2fa_verification_screen_field_label", value: u, validation: p && p.sms_code ? p.sms_code : void 0, onChange: function(e) { d(e.value) }, focus: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)("div", el({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, el({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_2fa_verification_screen_cta" }) })) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", el({ className: "u-text-center" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, el({ onClick: function(e) { null == e || e.preventDefault(), a.loading || dn({ action: Re, payload: { context: a.idpapi_context }, actions: i, history: o, historyMethod: "replace" }).catch((function(e) { e && i.showError(e.tag) } )) }, wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary", attributes: { "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "2fa authenticator verify another way" } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_2fa_verification_screen_another_way_cta" }) })) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.authenticatorRecoveryMagicLinkSent.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = t.masked_email || "" , i = t.login_name && da()(t.login_name) ? t.login_name : ""; return (0, r.jsx)(n, _u({ name: "magic-link-sent-confirmation", titleTag: "identity_signin_magic_link_sent_header", descriptionTags: "identity_authenticator_magic_link_sent_inform", copyValues: { email_address: a || i }, copyHtmlAttr: { className: "recovery-authenticator" } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, _u({ className: "nw-link-signin", to: O.A.signIn.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, _u({ type: "button", wide: !0, variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_reset_link_sent_cta" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: O.A.signInOtherOptions.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history , o = function(e) { t.loading || dn({ url: R, payload: { type: "cs", authorization_token: t.authorization_token, reason: e, op_token: t.op_token }, actions: a, history: i }).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } )) }; return (0, r.jsx)(n, vl({ name: "tfa-recovery-options", titleTag: "account_tfa_options_header", descriptionTags: "account_tfa_options_inform" }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)("div", vl({ className: "icon-nav-list nw-other-options" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("button", vl({ onClick: function() { return o("did_not_receive_pin") }, className: "icon-nav-list__item bui_font_emphasized bui_color_action nw-other-options-no-call-sms" }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)(Mo.A, vl({ direction: "row", justifyContent: "start" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, vl({ grow: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "extranet_cant_2fa_because_no_call_sms" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Lo.A, { size: "medium", svg: (0, r.jsx)(Ro.A, {}) }) })] })) })), (0, r.jsx)("button", vl({ onClick: function() { return o("no_access_to_phone") }, className: "icon-nav-list__item bui_font_emphasized bui_color_action nw-other-options-no-access-to-phone" }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)(Mo.A, vl({ direction: "row", justifyContent: "start" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, vl({ grow: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "extranet_cant_2fa_no_access_to_phone" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Lo.A, { size: "medium", svg: (0, r.jsx)(Ro.A, {}) }) })] })) })), (0, r.jsx)("button", vl({ onClick: function() { return o("others_have_access") }, className: "icon-nav-list__item bui_font_emphasized bui_color_action nw-other-options-phone-not-private" }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)(Mo.A, vl({ direction: "row", justifyContent: "start" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, vl({ grow: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "extranet_cant_2fa_phone_not_private" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Lo.A, { size: "medium", svg: (0, r.jsx)(Ro.A, {}) }) })] })) })), (0, r.jsx)("button", vl({ onClick: function() { return o("incorrect_phone") }, className: "icon-nav-list__item bui_font_emphasized bui_color_action nw-other-options-phone-is-incorrect" }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)(Mo.A, vl({ direction: "row", justifyContent: "start" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, vl({ grow: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "extranet_cant_2fa_phone_is_incorrect" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Lo.A, { size: "medium", svg: (0, r.jsx)(Ro.A, {}) }) })] })) }))] })) })) } }, { path: O.A.signInCustomerServiceOption1.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e, n = ct(), t = n.Screen, a = n.access, i = n.actions, o = n.history, s = "sms_code", l = (0, c.useState)((function() { return "" } )), u = l[0], d = l[1], _ = $a(((e = {})[s] = u, e), Wa), p = _.validation, h = _.isValid, f = _.handleServerError; return (0, r.jsxs)(t, nl({ name: "tfa-cs", titleTag: "account_tfa_customer_service_option_header", descriptionTags: "account_tfa_customer_service_option_inform", onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), a.loading || h() && dn({ url: T, payload: { type: "cs", authorization_token: a.authorization_token, second_factor: u, op_token: a.op_token }, actions: i, history: o }).catch((function(e) { e && f(s, (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag })) } )) }, tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, nl({ type: "external", className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action", to: P.A.offices }, { children: e }), "contact_numbers_link") } } }, { children: [(0, r.jsxs)(Qn.EY, nl({ className: "customer-service-pin", align: "center" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", nl({ className: "bui-spacer--medium" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)("strong", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_ext_customer_service_pin" }) }) })), a.oauthData.cs_pin ? (0, r.jsx)("strong", nl({ className: "customer-service-pin__value nw-customer-service-pin" }, { children: a.oauthData.cs_pin })) : (0, r.jsx)("strong", nl({ className: "customer-service-pin__loading" }, { children: "..." }))] })), (0, r.jsx)(vr, { id: "sms_code", label: "account_tfa_code_lbl", value: u, validation: null == p ? void 0 : p[s], onChange: function(e) { d(e.value) }, focus: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, nl({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_options_submit_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.signInCustomerServiceOption2.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct().Screen; return (0, r.jsx)(e, tl({ name: "contact-cs", titleTag: "account_tfa_customer_service_option_header", descriptionTags: "account_tfa_customer_service_option2_inform", tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, tl({ className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action", to: O.A.signInCustomerServiceOption1.path }, { children: e }), "contact_numbers_link") } } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, tl({ className: "nw-back-to-verification", to: O.A.signInTfaVerification.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, tl({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_options_back_cta" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: fu([O.A.extranetTFASMS.path, O.A.extranetTFAPhoneCall.path, O.A.extranetTFAPulse.path, O.A.extranetTFAViaExtranet.path]), exact: !0, component: function() { var e, n, t = ct(), a = t.Screen, i = t.access, o = t.actions, s = t.history, l = t.location, u = "sms_code", d = (0, c.useState)((function() { return "" } )), _ = d[0], p = d[1], h = (0, c.useState)((function() { return "sms" } )), f = h[0], v = h[1], g = (0, c.useState)((function() { return "account_tfa_header" } )), m = g[0], y = g[1], b = (0, c.useState)((function() { return "" } )), w = b[0], x = b[1], E = (0, c.useState)((function() { return !0 } )), j = E[0], k = E[1], A = (0, c.useState)(void 0), P = A[0], C = A[1], I = $a(((e = {})[u] = _, e), Wa), N = I.validation, D = I.isValid, L = I.handleServerError; (0, c.useEffect)((function() { switch (l.pathname) { case O.A.extranetTFASMS.path: v("sms"), x("account_tfa_verification_code_sent_inform"); break; case O.A.extranetTFAPhoneCall.path: v("call"), x("account_tfa_verification_code_call_inform"); break; case O.A.extranetTFAPulse.path: v("pulse"), y("account_tfa_pulse_verification_header"), x("account_tfa_pulse_verification_inform"); break; case O.A.extranetTFAViaExtranet.path: v("extranet"), y("iam_pulse_tfa_via_extranet_header"), x("iam_pulse_tfa_via_extranet_inform") } if (i.oauthData.phones_info && f && i.oauthData.phones_info[f]) { var e = "pulse" !== f && "extranet" !== f ? i.oauthData.phones_info[f].filter((function(e) { return e.hash === i.selected_phone } )) : void 0; C(e) } } ), []); return (0, r.jsx)(a, cl({ name: "tfa-form", titleTag: m, descriptionTags: w, onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), i.loading || D() && dn({ url: T, payload: { type: f, authorization_token: i.authorization_token, second_factor: _, op_token: i.op_token }, actions: o, history: s }).catch((function(e) { e && L(u, (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag })) } )) }, copyValues: { phone_number: P && P[0] ? null === (n = P[0]) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.masked : "" }, slotAboveTitle: "pulse" === f && (0, r.jsx)(ol, {}), tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, cl({ to: O.A.signInTfaVerification.path, className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action nw-back-to-verification" }, { children: e }), "back_to_verifiy_methods") } } }, { children: "extranet" === f ? (0, r.jsxs)(c.Fragment, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Qn.Zp, cl({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)(Qn.BJ, cl({ direction: "row", alignItems: "center" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Qn.In, { svg: (0, r.jsx)(rl, {}), size: "larger" }), (0, r.jsxs)(Qn.BJ.Item, cl({ grow: !0 }, { children: [(0, r.jsxs)(Qn.EY, cl({ variant: "featured_3" }, { children: ["Hello", i.device_name] })), (0, r.jsxs)(Qn.EY, cl({ variant: "body_2" }, { children: ["Hello", i.device_id_hash] }))] }))] })) })), (0, r.jsxs)("div", cl({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("p", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_pulse_tfa_via_extranet_extranet_extrainfo1" }) }), (0, r.jsx)("p", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_pulse_tfa_via_extranet_header_extrainfo2" }) })] })), (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, cl({ onClick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), i.loading || dn({ url: T, payload: { type: f, authorization_token: i.authorization_token, second_factor: i.device_id_hash, op_token: i.op_token }, actions: o, history: s }).catch((function(e) { e && o.showError(e.tag) } )) }, type: "button", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_pulse_tfa_via_extranet_cta" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(Qn.EY, cl({ align: "center" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_pulse_tfa_via_extranet_other_options_cta", tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, cl({ to: O.A.signInTfaVerification.path, className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action nw-back-to-verification" }, { children: e }), "back_to_verifiy_methods") } } }) }))] }) : (0, r.jsxs)(c.Fragment, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(vr, { id: "sms_code", label: "account_tfa_code_lbl", value: _, validation: null == N ? void 0 : N[u], onChange: function(e) { p(e.value) }, focus: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)("div", cl({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, cl({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_options_submit_cta" }) })) })), "pulse" === f ? (0, r.jsx)("div", cl({ className: "nw-pulse-verification" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, cl({ to: O.A.extranetTFAPulseHelp.path, className: "nw-link-pulse-code-help" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, cl({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_pulse_verification_help_cta" }) })) })) })) : (0, r.jsx)("div", { children: !0 === j && (0, r.jsx)("span", { children: "sms" === f ? (0, r.jsx)(hr, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, cl({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary", className: "resend-code-link", onClick: function(e) { e && e.preventDefault(), i.loading || dn({ url: R, payload: { type: f, authorization_token: i.authorization_token, phone_id: i.selected_phone, op_token: i.op_token }, actions: o, history: s }).then((function() { k(!1), setTimeout((function() { p(""), k(!0) } )) } )).catch((function(e) { e && o.showError(e.tag) } )) }, attributes: { "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "resend code" } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_resend_sms" }) })) }) : (0, r.jsx)(hr, cl({ timer_tag: "account_tfa_verification_code_call_timer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, cl({ to: O.A.signInOtherOptions.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, cl({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_select_phone_help_cta" }) })) })) })) }) })] }) })) } }, { path: fu([O.A.extranetTFAPhoneCall.path, O.A.extranetTFASMS.path]), exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history , o = e.location.pathname === O.A.extranetTFAPhoneCall.path ? "call" : "sms" , s = (0, c.useState)("") , l = s[0] , u = s[1] , d = (0, c.useState)([]) , _ = d[0] , p = d[1]; return (0, c.useEffect)((function() { if (t.oauthData.phones_info && o && t.oauthData.phones_info[o]) { var e = t.oauthData.phones_info[o] , n = e.map((function(e) { return { text: e.disabled ? e.masked + " - " + Xn("iam_recently_added_phone_number_label") : e.masked, value: e.hash, disabled: e.disabled } } )); 1 !== e.length || e[0].disabled ? n.unshift({ text: Xn("account_tfa_select_phone_header"), value: "", disabled: !1 }) : u(e[0].hash), p(n) } } ), [t.oauthData.phones_info]), (0, r.jsxs)(n, al({ name: "".concat(o, "-verification"), titleTag: "account_tfa_select_phone_header", descriptionTags: "sms" === o ? "account_tfa_select_phone_for_sms_inform" : "account_tfa_select_phone_inform", onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), t.loading || (a.saveControl({ selected_phone: l }), dn({ url: R, payload: { type: o, authorization_token: t.authorization_token, phone_id: l, op_token: t.op_token }, actions: a, history: i }).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } ))) } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Qn.$k, { name: "selected_phone", label: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_recovery_phone_lbl" }), id: "selected_phone", className: "u-phone", options: _, value: l, onChange: function(e) { u(e.value) } }), (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, al({ className: "nw-request-tfa", type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0, disabled: !l }, { children: "sms" === o ? (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_select_phone_sms_cta" }) : (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_select_phone_cta" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(S.A, al({ to: O.A.signInOtherOptions.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, al({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_select_phone_help_cta" }) })) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.passwordExpired.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access; return (0, r.jsx)(n, sl({ name: "password-expired", titleTag: "iam_ext_password_expired_header", descriptionTags: "iam_ext_password_expired_inform", copyValues: { email: t.masked_email ? t.masked_email : t.login_name }, copyHtmlAttr: { className: "pass-exp-username" } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, sl({ to: O.A.signIn.path, className: "nw-link-signin" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, sl({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_reset_link_sent_cta" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: fu([O.A.accountLocked.path, O.A.federationAccountLocked.path]), exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.globals , i = e.actions , o = e.history , s = (0, c.useState)(void 0) , l = s[0] , u = s[1] , d = location.pathname === O.A.federationAccountLocked.path; (0, c.useEffect)((function() { u(a.env.features.phone_login_allowed && (Ea.isAnyMobilePhone(t.login_name) || "phone" === t.login_type)) } ), []); var _ = "account_locked_inform_email"; return l ? _ = "account_locked_inform_phone" : d && (_ = "partner_idm_federated_account_unlock_verification_link_email"), (0, r.jsx)(n, gl({ name: "account-locked", onSubmit: function(e) { if (e.preventDefault(), !t.loading) { var n = a.env.idpapi || d; dn({ action: n ? l ? He : me : null, url: M, payload: n ? { context: t.idpapi_context, identifier: t.login_name ? { type: l ? xi : wi, value: t.login_name } : void 0 } : { login_name: l ? t.phone : t.login_name, from_locked: 1, op_token: t.op_token }, actions: i, history: o }).then((function(e) { e.maskedEmail && i.setMaskedEmail(e.maskedEmail) } )).catch((function(e) { e && i.showError(e.tag) } )) } }, titleTag: "account_locked_header", descriptionTags: ["account_locked_inform_new", _] }, { children: t.login_name || t.phone || d ? (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, gl({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: l ? "account_locked_send_sms_cta" : "account_locked_send_email_cta" }) })) : (0, r.jsx)(S.A, gl({ to: O.A.accountRecovery.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, gl({ type: "button", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_locked_send_email_cta" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: O.A.emailReserved.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct().Screen; return (0, r.jsx)(e, ml({ name: "email-reserved", titleTag: "iam_email_reserved_header", descriptionTags: ["iam_email_reserved_body1", "iam_email_reserved_body2"] }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, ml({ type: "external", to: P.A.offices }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, ml({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_email_reserved_button" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: O.A.oauthReview.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.globals , i = e.actions , o = e.history , s = (0, c.useState)(void 0) , l = s[0] , u = s[1] , d = a.env.oauth_client_info && a.env.oauth_client_info.scopes; (0, c.useEffect)((function() { var e = (null == t ? void 0 : t.scope.trim().split(" ")) || [] , n = new Set; a.env.oauth_client_info && a.env.oauth_client_info.scopes && a.env.oauth_client_info.scopes.sort(_).forEach((function(t) { e.includes(t.name) && n.add(t.name) } )), u(n) } ), []); var _ = function(e, n) { return e.name < n.name ? -1 : e.name > n.name ? 1 : 0 }; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, lc({ name: "oauth-review", onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), o.goBack() }, titleTag: "account_oauth_review_allow_service_to_access", copyValues: { service_name: a.env.oauth_client_info && a.env.oauth_client_info.title || "" } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", lc({ className: "bui-spacer--largest" }, { children: d && d.length ? d.map((function(e) { return "openid" !== e.name && "booking_default" !== e.name && (0, r.jsx)("div", lc({ className: "bui-grid bui-grid--0-bm bui-grid--align-center oauth-review-control" }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)(Mo.A, lc({ direction: "row", alignItems: "end", justifyContent: "space-between" }, { children: [(0, r.jsxs)("div", { children: [(0, r.jsx)(et.A, lc({ variant: "headline_3" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.title_tag }) })), "profile" === e.name && (0, r.jsxs)(et.A, lc({ variant: "body_2" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_oauth_review_includes" }), (0, r.jsxs)("span", { children: [" ", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "oauth_scope_title_name" }), ",", " ", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "oauth_scope_title_photo" })] })] }))] }), (0, r.jsx)("div", lc({ className: "nw-oauth-switch" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(sc.A, { label: "", id: e.name, name: e.name, value: !!l && l.has(e.name), onChange: function(n) { return function(e) { var n = new Set(l); e.value ? n.add(e.name) : n.delete(e.name), u(n); var t = Array.from(n.values()); i.updateOauthScope(t.join(" ").trim()) }({ name: e.name, value: n.value }) }, disabled: !!e.is_required }) }))] })) }), e.name) } )) : null })), (0, r.jsx)("div", lc({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, lc({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_oauth_review_save_cta" }) })) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", lc({ className: "u-text-center" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, lc({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary", className: "nw-oauth-review-reset", onClick: function() { var e, n = (null === (e = null == t ? void 0 : t.initial_scope) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.trim().split(" ")) || []; u(new Set(n)), i.updateOauthScope(t.initial_scope) } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_oauth_review_reset_cta" }) })) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.oauthConsent.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.globals , i = e.actions , o = e.history , s = (0, c.useState)([]) , l = s[0] , u = s[1] , d = (0, c.useState)([]) , _ = d[0] , p = d[1]; (0, c.useEffect)((function() { t.initial_scope || i.updateInitialOauthScope(t.scope), i.initialPath(O.A.oauthConsent.path), u(h(t.scope)), p(h(t.initial_scope)) } ), []); var h = function(e) { var n = e.replace("openid", "").replace("booking_default", "").trim(); return n ? n.split(" ").sort() : [] } , f = a.env.oauth_client_info && a.env.oauth_client_info.title || "" , v = a.env.oauth_client_info && a.env.oauth_client_info.scopes && a.env.oauth_client_info.scopes.some((function(e) { return !e.is_required } )); return (0, r.jsxs)(n, gc({ name: "oauth-consent", titleTag: "account_oauth_connect_to", copyValues: { service_name: f }, onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), t.loading || dn({ url: "/oauth/allow-access", payload: { scope: t.scope, op_token: t.op_token }, actions: i, history: o }).catch((function(e) { e && i.showError(e.tag) } )) } }, { children: [a.env.oauth_client_info && a.env.oauth_client_info.logo && (0, r.jsxs)("div", gc({ className: "oauth-consent-logos" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", gc({ className: "oauth-consent-logo" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(vc, { width: 60, height: 60, role: "presentation" }) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", gc({ className: "oauth-consent-plus" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(hc, { width: 24, height: 24, role: "presentation" }) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", gc({ className: "oauth-consent-logo" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(_c, { width: 60, height: 60, image: a.env.oauth_client_info.logo, title: a.env.oauth_client_info.title }) }))] })), (0, r.jsxs)("div", { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_oauth_connect_as", values: { username: t.login_name } }), (0, r.jsxs)(S.A, gc({ onClick: function() { t.loading || (i.saveControl({ login_name: "" }), dn({ url: L, payload: { client_id: t.client_id }, actions: i, history: o }).catch((function(e) { e && i.showError(e.tag) } ))) }, to: O.A.signIn.path, className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action nw-oauth-not-you" }, { children: [" ", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_oauth_not_you" })] }))] }), (0, r.jsxs)("div", { children: [l && v ? l.length && 0 !== l.length ? (0, r.jsxs)("span", { children: [(0, r.jsxs)("span", { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_oauth_service_would_like_to_access", values: { service_name: f } }), " "] }), l.map((function(e, n) { return (0, r.jsxs)("span", { children: [(0, r.jsx)("strong", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "oauth_scope_title_" + e }) }), "profile" === e && (0, r.jsxs)("span", { children: [" ", "(", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "oauth_scope_title_name" }), ",", " ", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "oauth_scope_title_photo" }), ")"] }), n < l.length - 1 && ", "] }, "scope-".concat(n)) } )), "."] }) : (0, r.jsxs)("span", gc({ className: "nw-oauth-no-sharing" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_oauth_service_would_like_to_access_no_sharing", values: { service_name: f } }), "."] })) : null, v && _.length ? (0, r.jsx)("div", { children: (0, r.jsxs)(S.A, gc({ to: O.A.oauthReview.path, className: "bui_color_action nw-manage-consent" }, { children: [" ", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_oauth_edit_information" })] })) }) : null, !v && (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_oauth_connect_no_scopes", values: { service_name: f } })] }), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, gc({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_oauth_allow_access" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, gc({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary", className: "nw-oauth-consent-cancel", onClick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), t.loading || dn({ url: "/oauth/deny-access", payload: { op_token: t.op_token }, actions: i, history: o }).catch((function(e) { e && i.showError(e.tag) } )) } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_oauth_cancel" }) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.oauthLowPassword.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e, n = "password", t = ct(), a = t.Screen, i = t.access, o = t.globals, s = t.actions, l = t.history, u = (0, c.useState)(i.login_name || "")[0], d = (0, c.useState)(i.password || ""), _ = d[0], p = d[1], h = $a(((e = {})[n] = _, e), La), f = h.validation, v = h.isValid, g = h.handleServerError, m = !o.env.is_iframe && "book" === o.env.features.enabled_integration && o.env.dDfPDPELVaGXIfFYfPXZWUcTC; (0, c.useEffect)((function() { o.env.is_iframe || "book" !== o.env.features.enabled_integration || Cn({ id: "dDfPDPELVaGXIfFYfPXZWUcTC", type: "ets", value: 1 }) } ), []); var y = function() { i.loading || (s.saveControl({ login_name: "" }), dn({ url: L, payload: { client_id: i.client_id }, actions: s, history: l, historyMethod: "replace" }).catch((function(e) { e && s.showError(e.tag) } ))) } , b = function(e) { return { action: da()(e) ? ue : Me, url: N } }; return (0, r.jsxs)(a, Gs({ name: "signin", titleTag: "account_sign_in_auth_low_password_header", descriptionTags: "account_sign_in_auth_low_password_inform", copyValues: { email_address: u }, tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)("span", Gs({ className: "oauth-not-me-link bui_font_strong bui_color_action", onClick: y }, { children: e }), "oauth_not_me_link") } }, onSubmit: function(e) { return Ys(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var t; return Xs(this, (function(a) { switch (a.label) { case 0: if (e.preventDefault(), i.loading) return [2]; if (!v()) return [3, 4]; a.label = 1; case 1: return a.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]), [4, dn(Gs(Gs({}, b(u)), { payload: { context: i.idpapi_context, identifier: { type: da()(i.login_name) ? wi : xi, value: i.login_name }, authenticator: { type: Ei, value: _ } }, actions: s, history: l }))]; case 2: return a.sent(), [3, 4]; case 3: return (t = a.sent()) && g(n, (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: t.tag })), [3, 4]; case 4: return [2] } } )) } )) } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Oi, { state: { login_name: u } }), (0, r.jsx)(Ii, { id: "password", label: "identity_signin_password_screen_field_label", value: _, validation: null == f ? void 0 : f[n], onChange: function(e) { p(e.value) }, focus: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Gs({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_screen_cta" }) })), m ? (0, r.jsx)(wo, { clickHandler: function(e) { return Ys(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return Xs(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return e.preventDefault(), i.loading ? [2] : [4, Cr(u, { access: i, globals: o, actions: s, history: l })]; case 1: return n.sent(), [2] } } )) } )) }, useDivider: !0 }) : null, (0, r.jsx)(mo, {}), (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Gs({ to: O.A.accountRecovery.path, className: "nw-link-account-recovery" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Gs({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_screen_forgotten_cta" }) })) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.register.path, exact: !0, component: "extranet" === hu.env.features.enabled_integration ? function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.globals , i = e.actions , o = e.history , s = (0, c.useState)((function() { return t.login_name || "" } )) , l = s[0] , u = s[1] , d = $a({ login_name: l }, Ra) , _ = d.validation , p = d.isValid , h = d.handleServerError , f = (0, c.useRef)(null); return (0, c.useEffect)((function() { if (booking.env.invitation_email) { pi.sendEmail(booking.env.invitation_email, i, o, "reportEmail_createAccount", "createAccount"); var e = O.A.registerContactDetails.path; i.initialPath(e), i.saveControl({ login_name: booking.env.invitation_email }), o.push({ pathname: e, search: window.location.search }) } else t.registration_hint || dn({ url: "/account/register-hint", actions: i, history: o }).then((function(e) { var n, a, r, o, c, s, d, _, p, h; if (null === (n = null == e ? void 0 : e.hint) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.login_name) { var f = { registration_hint: e.hint }; !(null === (a = t.phoneObject) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.number) && (null === (r = e.hint) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r.phone_number) && (f.phoneObject = { number: null === (o = e.hint) || void 0 === o ? void 0 : o.phone_number, dialCode: null === (c = e.hint) || void 0 === c ? void 0 : c.dial_code, countryCode: null === (s = e.hint) || void 0 === s ? void 0 : s.country_code }); var v = t.user_info || {}; !v.first_name && (null === (d = e.hint) || void 0 === d ? void 0 : d.first_name) && (v.first_name = null === (_ = e.hint) || void 0 === _ ? void 0 : _.first_name), !v.last_name && (null === (p = e.hint) || void 0 === p ? void 0 : p.last_name) && (v.last_name = null === (h = e.hint) || void 0 === h ? void 0 : h.last_name), f.user_info = v, i.saveControl(f), l || u(e.hint.login_name) } } )) } ), []), (0, r.jsxs)(n, bi({ name: "register", titleTag: "iam_joinapp_create_account_header", descriptionTags: "iam_ap_joinapp_inform", onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var n = "login_name"; if (!t.loading) { i.saveControl({ login_name: l }); var c = { login_name: "", op_token: "" }; c.login_name = l, c.op_token = t.op_token ? t.op_token : "", p() && dn({ url: "/account/register/login_name", payload: c, actions: i, history: o }).then((function() { pi.sendEmail(l, i, o, "reportEmail_createAccount", "createAccount") } )).catch((function(e) { e && e && (-1 !== e.errors.indexOf(ne.USER_ALREADY_EXISTS) ? h(n, (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "extranet" === a.env.features.enabled_integration ? "account_create_existing_user_found" : "account_create_account_user_found", values: { email: l, phone: l }, tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, bi({ to: da()(l) ? O.A.signInPassword.path : O.A.signIn.path, className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action" }, { children: e }), "signin_link") } } })) : h(n, (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag }))) } )) } }, slotAboveTitle: t.registration_hint && (0, r.jsx)(Qn.lZ, { className: "bui-spacer--large", text: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "partner_iam_onestep_signup_information_notice" }), dismissible: !0, closeAriaLabel: "Close", variant: "hint", startIcon: yi.A }) }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(mi, { id: "login_name_register", label: "identity_signin_enter_email_screen_email_field_label", type: "email", value: l, validation: null == _ ? void 0 : _.login_name, onChange: function(e) { u(e.value) }, onKeyDown: function(e) { 32 === e.which && e.preventDefault() }, focus: !0, ref: f, autoComplete: t.registration_hint ? "off" : "email" }), (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, bi({ attributes: { "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_continue_createAccount") }, type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_joinapp_continue_btn" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(ni, {}), (0, r.jsx)("div", bi({ className: "u-text-center bui-spacer--top" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, bi({ "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_signIn_createAccount"), className: "nw-link-signin", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "Sign in", to: O.A.signIn.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, bi({ type: "button", wide: !0, variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_create_account_sign_in_cta" }) })) })) }))] })) } : hu.env.is_cn && hu.env.dDfPWSSIVaXROZdHUHe ? Ic : hu.env.is_cn ? Dc : wc }, { path: O.A.registerPassword.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e, n, t, a = ct(), i = a.Screen, o = a.globals, s = a.actions, l = a.access, u = a.history, d = (0, c.useState)(""), _ = d[0], p = d[1], h = (0, c.useState)(""), f = h[0], v = h[1], g = (0, c.useState)(null), m = g[0], y = g[1], b = (0, c.useState)(!1), w = b[0], x = b[1], E = (0, c.useState)(!1), j = E[0], k = E[1], A = (0, c.useState)(!1), C = A[0], I = A[1], N = Sa.isMobilePhone(l.login_name), T = (o.env.is_cn && "phone" === l.login_type ? l.phone : l.login_name) || "", R = "kr" === o.env.cc1, D = N || "phone" === l.login_type ? "account_add_backup_option_inform" : "identity_password_compliance_requirements_v2", L = Ma; R && (L = Va), o.env.features.is_colombia_extranet_signup_enabled && (L = Ha); var M = $a({ new_password: _, confirmed_password: f, korea_pipa_consent1: w, korea_pipa_consent2: j, colombia_consent: C }, L) , V = M.validation , U = M.isValid , H = function() { return { action: o.env.idpapi ? fe : null, url: "/account/register/password" } } , z = function(e) { "korea_pipa_consent1" === e.name && x(e.checked), "korea_pipa_consent2" === e.name && k(e.checked) } , W = function() { var e = { op_token: l.op_token, password: _, colombia_consent: C ? "1" : "0" }; o.env.is_cn && "phone" === l.login_type ? (e.phone = l.phone, dn({ url: "/account/phone/add-password", payload: e, actions: s, history: u }).catch((function(e) { e && s.showError(e.tag) } ))) : (e.login_name = l.login_name, l.user_info && (e.first_name = l.user_info.first_name, e.last_name = l.user_info.last_name, e.phone = l.user_info.phone, e.country_code = l.user_info.country_code), dn(Fi(Fi({}, H()), { payload: o.env.idpapi ? { context: l.idpapi_context, npcFlow: !!o.env.is_npc_flow, registrationFlow: o.env.is_npc_flow ? "npc" : o.env.features.is_booking_for_business_flow ? "bb" : "standard", authenticator: { type: Ei, value: _ } } : e, actions: s, history: u })).then((function(e) { if ((null == e ? void 0 : e.appId) && (null == e ? void 0 : e.jsClientSrc) && (null == e ? void 0 : e.blockScript)) { var n = H(); y(Fi(Fi({}, e), { op_token: l.op_token, blocked_url: n.action || n.url })) } else o.env.idpapi || s.setPassword(_) } )).catch((function(e) { e && (-1 !== e.errors.indexOf(ne.NO_REQUIRED_PARAM) && "extranet" === o.env.features.enabled_integration ? s.showError(te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG)) : -1 !== e.errors.indexOf(ne.USER_ALREADY_EXISTS) ? da()(l.login_name) ? s.showHtmlError({ copy_tag: te(ne.USER_ALREADY_EXISTS), values: { email: l.login_name }, tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Fi({ to: O.A.signIn.path, className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action" }, { children: e }), "signin_link") } } }) : s.showError(te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG)) : s.showError(e.tag)) } ))) }; return (0, r.jsxs)(i, Fi({ name: "register", onSubmit: function(e) { if (e.preventDefault(), !l.loading && U()) { if (R && (!w || !j)) return !1; if (o.env.features.is_colombia_extranet_signup_enabled && !C) return !1; W() } }, titleTag: "account_create_password_header", copyValues: { email: T, phone: T }, descriptionTags: D, slotAboveFormStack: (0, r.jsx)(Oi, { state: { login_name: T } }) }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Ii, { id: "new_password", label: "identity_password_input_label", value: _, validation: null == V ? void 0 : V.new_password, onChange: function(e) { p(e.value) }, focus: !0, isNewPassword: !0, placeholder: "iam_account_sign_in_enter_password_hint" }), (0, r.jsx)(Ii, { id: "confirmed_password", className: "nw-confirm-password", label: "account_create_password_repeat_pw_lbl", value: f, validation: null == V ? void 0 : V.confirmed_password, onChange: function(e) { v(e.value) }, isNewPassword: !0, placeholder: "iam_account_sign_in_confirm_password_hint" }), m && (0, r.jsx)(Wi, { pxData: m, lang: l.lang, onSuccess: function() { y(null), U() && W() }, onLoadingError: function() { y(null), s.showError(te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG)) } }), R && (0, r.jsxs)(r.Fragment, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", Fi({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)($n.A, { label: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "may22_pipa_account_creation_checkbox1", tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Fi({ type: "external", className: "bui_color_action nw-privacy-kr", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "korea privacy ".concat("book" === o.env.features.enabled_integration ? "guest" : "partner"), to: P.A.privacy }, { children: e }), "privacy_link_kr_pipa_consent1") } } }), name: "korea_pipa_consent1", value: "consent1", className: "nw-kr-consent1", checked: w, onChange: z, error: null === (e = null == V ? void 0 : V.korea_pipa_consent1) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.message }) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", Fi({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)($n.A, { label: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "may22_pipa_account_creation_checkbox2", tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Fi({ type: "external", className: "bui_color_action nw-privacy-kr", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "korea privacy ".concat("book" === o.env.features.enabled_integration ? "guest" : "partner"), to: P.A.privacy }, { children: e }), "privacy_link_kr_pipa_consent2") } } }), name: "korea_pipa_consent2", value: "consent2", className: "nw-kr-consent2", checked: j, onChange: z, error: null === (n = null == V ? void 0 : V.korea_pipa_consent2) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.message }) }))] }), o.env.features.is_colombia_extranet_signup_enabled && (0, r.jsx)(r.Fragment, { children: (0, r.jsx)("div", Fi({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)($n.A, { label: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "pcm_cdpl_colombia_creating_account_using_services", tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Fi({ type: "external", className: "bui_color_action nw-privacy-co", "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "colombia privacy partner", to: P.A.privacy }, { children: e }), "privacy_link_colombia_consent") } } }), name: "colombia_consent", value: "consent", className: "nw-co-consent", checked: C, onChange: function(e) { I(e.checked) }, error: null === (t = null == V ? void 0 : V.colombia_consent) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.message }) })) }), m ? null : (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Fi({ attributes: { "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_createAccount_createPassword") }, type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_create_password_create_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: fu([O.A.registerContactDetails.path, O.A.socialContactDetails.path]), exact: !0, component: function() { var e, n, t, a, i = ct(), o = i.Screen, s = i.access, l = i.actions, u = i.globals, d = i.history, _ = Zi(s, u), p = (0, c.useState)(Yi(_)), h = p[0], f = p[1], v = (0, c.useState)(booking.env.invitation_email)[0], g = (0, c.useState)((null === (e = null == s ? void 0 : s.user_info) || void 0 === e ? void 0 : e.first_name) || ""), m = g[0], y = g[1], b = (0, c.useState)((null === (n = null == s ? void 0 : s.user_info) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.last_name) || ""), w = b[0], x = b[1], E = $a({ iuxPhone: h, iuxFirstName: m, iuxLastName: w }, Ia), j = E.validation, k = E.isValid, A = location.pathname === O.A.socialContactDetails.path, S = function(e) { "firstName" === e.name && y(e.value), "lastName" === e.name && x(e.value) }; return (0, r.jsxs)(o, tr({ name: "register-contact-details", titleTag: "account_create_personal_details_header", descriptionTags: "account_create_personal_details_inform", onSubmit: function(e) { if (e.preventDefault(), k()) { var n = Xi(h) , t = n.number , a = n.dialCode , i = n.countryCode; l.saveControl({ phoneObject: { countryCode: i, dialCode: a, number: t } }), l.saveControl({ phone: h }), l.setUserInfo({ first_name: m, last_name: w, phone: h, country_code: i }), pi.sendRegistrationData(m, w, h, l, d), A ? (_ = { firstName: m, lastName: w, phone: h }, r = void 0, o = void 0, u = function() { return function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } }(this, (function(e) { switch (e.label) { case 0: return [4, dn({ action: qe, payload: { context: s.idpapi_context, firstName: _.firstName, lastName: _.lastName, phone: _.phone }, actions: l, history: d })]; case 1: return e.sent(), [2] } } )) } , new ((c = void 0) || (c = Promise))((function(e, n) { function t(e) { try { i(u.next(e)) } catch (e) { n(e) } } function a(e) { try { i(u.throw(e)) } catch (e) { n(e) } } function i(n) { n.done ? e(n.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof c ? e : new c((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(n.value).then(t, a) } i((u = u.apply(r, o || [])).next()) } ))) : d.push({ pathname: O.A.registerPassword.path, search: window.location.search }) } var r, o, c, u, _ } }, { children: [v && (0, r.jsx)("div", tr({ className: "bui-spacer--large nw-login-name" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(mi, { id: "login_name_register", label: "identity_signin_enter_email_screen_email_field_label", type: "email", value: v, focus: !1, disabled: !0 }) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", tr({ className: "bui-spacer--large nw-first-name" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(er.A, { name: "firstName", onChange: S, defaultValue: m, copy: { label: Xn("iux_first_name_label"), errorRequired: Xn("iux_first_name_required"), errorInvalid: Xn("iux_first_name_invalid"), errorInvalidLatin: Xn("iux_first_name_invalid_latin") }, error: null === (t = null == j ? void 0 : j.iuxFirstName) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.message, inputAttributes: { autoCapitalize: "off", autoCorrect: "off", spellCheck: "false", tabIndex: 1, "data-focus": !0 } }) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", tr({ className: "bui-spacer--large nw-last-name" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(nr.A, { name: "lastName", onChange: S, defaultValue: w, copy: { label: Xn("iux_last_name_label"), errorRequired: Xn("iux_last_name_required"), errorInvalid: Xn("iux_last_name_invalid"), errorInvalidLatin: Xn("iux_last_name_invalid_latin") }, error: null === (a = null == j ? void 0 : j.iuxLastName) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.message, inputAttributes: { autoCapitalize: "off", autoCorrect: "off", spellCheck: "false", tabIndex: 2 } }) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", tr({ className: "bui-spacer--larger" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)("div", tr({ className: "input-wrapper-phone" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qi, { onChange: function(e) { f(e.value) }, defaultValues: _, validation: null == j ? void 0 : j.iuxPhone, inputAttributes: { tabIndex: 3 }, caption: Xn("identity_ext_phone_helper_text") }) })) })), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, tr({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0, attributes: { tabIndex: 4, "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_next_createAccountContactDetails") } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_create_account_next_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.registerConfirmPhone.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e, n = ct(), t = n.Screen, a = n.access, i = n.actions, o = n.history, s = "sms_code", l = (0, c.useState)((function() { return "" } )), u = l[0], d = l[1], _ = (0, c.useState)((function() { return !0 } )), p = _[0], h = _[1], f = $a(((e = {})[s] = u, e), Wa), v = f.validation, g = f.isValid, m = f.handleServerError; return (0, r.jsxs)(t, gr({ name: "signin-verify-phone", titleTag: "account_create_phone_confirm_header", descriptionTags: "account_create_phone_confirm_inform", onSubmit: function(e) { if (e.preventDefault(), !a.loading) { var n = { sms_code: u, login_name: a.login_name, op_token: a.op_token, password: a.password }; g() && dn({ url: "/account/register/confirm_phone", payload: n, actions: i, history: o }).then((function(e) { e.maskedEmail && i.setMaskedEmail(e.maskedEmail) } )).catch((function(e) { e && m(s, (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag })) } )) } } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(vr, { id: "sms_code", label: "identity_signin_2fa_verification_screen_field_label", value: u, validation: v && v.sms_code ? v.sms_code : void 0, onChange: function(e) { d(e.value) }, focus: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, gr({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_create_account_verify_phone_cta" }) })), p && (0, r.jsx)(hr, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, gr({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary", onClick: function(e) { (e.preventDefault(), a.loading) || dn({ url: "/account/register/resend_phone_code", payload: { login_name: a.login_name, op_token: a.op_token }, actions: i, history: o }).then((function() { h(!1), setTimeout((function() { d(""), h(!0) } )), i.setPassword("") } )).catch((function(e) { e && i.showError(e.tag) } )) }, className: "resend-code-link", attributes: { "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "resend code" } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_2fa_verification_screen_new_code_cta" }) })) })] })) } }, { path: O.A.registerConfirmation.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.globals , a = e.actions , i = e.access , o = e.history , s = (0, c.useState)(!0) , l = s[0] , u = s[1] , d = i.login_name || ""; (0, c.useEffect)((function() { a.setUserInfo({ first_name: "", last_name: "", phone: "", country_code: "" }), a.initialPath(O.A.registerConfirmation.path) } ), []); var _ = function(e) { e.preventDefault(), i.loading || dn({ url: D, payload: { email: d, op_token: i.op_token }, actions: a, history: o }).then((function() { p() } )).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } )) } , p = function() { u(!1), setTimeout((function() { u(!0) } )) }; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, mr({ name: "register-confirmation", onSubmit: _, titleTag: "account_verify_header", descriptionTags: ["account_verify_inform", "account_verify_inform_activation"], copyValues: { email: d } }, { children: ["extranet" !== t.env.features.enabled_integration && (0, r.jsx)("div", mr({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, mr({ className: "bui-button bui-button--wide bui-button--large bui-button--primary confirmation__maybe-later", to: O.A.signIn.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, mr({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_verify_maybe_later_cta" }) })) })) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", mr({ className: "extranet" === t.env.features.enabled_integration ? "" : "u-text-center" }, { children: !!l && (0, r.jsx)(hr, mr({ timer_tag: "account_tfa_email_timer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, mr({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary", className: "confirmation__resend-email", onClick: _ }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_verify_resend_email_cta" }) })) })) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.registerVerifyAccount.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.globals , a = e.actions , i = e.access , o = e.history , s = (0, c.useState)(!0) , l = s[0] , u = s[1] , d = (0, c.useState)(!0) , _ = d[0] , p = d[1] , h = t.env.oauth_client_info && t.env.oauth_client_info.title || "" , f = function(e) { e.preventDefault(), i.loading || (p(!1), dn({ url: D, payload: { email: i.login_name, op_token: i.op_token }, actions: a, history: o }).then((function() { v() } )).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } ))) } , v = function() { u(!1), setTimeout((function() { u(!0) } )) }; return (0, r.jsx)(n, yl({ name: "register-confirmation", titleTag: "account_please_verify_header", descriptionTags: "account_please_verify_inform", copyValues: { service_name: h }, onSubmit: f }, { children: !0 === l && (0, r.jsx)(hr, yl({ timer_tag: "account_tfa_email_timer", showByDefault: _ }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, yl({ type: "button", wide: !0, size: "large", variant: "secondary", className: "confirmation__resend-email", onClick: f }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_verify_resend_email_cta" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: fu([O.A.resetPassword.path, O.A.signInAddPassword.path, O.A.socialResetPassword.path]), exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.globals , a = e.actions , i = e.access , o = e.history , s = e.location , l = (0, c.useState)("") , u = l[0] , d = l[1] , _ = (0, c.useState)("") , p = _[0] , h = _[1] , f = $a({ new_password: u, confirmed_password: p }, "resetPassword") , v = f.validation , g = f.isValid , m = s.pathname === O.A.signInAddPassword.path , y = s.pathname === O.A.socialResetPassword.path; (0, c.useEffect)((function() { a.initialPath(O.A.resetPassword.path) } ), []); var b = function() { var e = { new_password: u, token: t.env.token, op_token: i.op_token, confirm_account_token: t.env.confirm_account_token }; return jr.isLnIntegrationEnabled() && (e.as_token = i.as_token), e }; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, kr({ name: "reset-password", onSubmit: function(e) { var n; if (e.preventDefault(), !i.loading && g()) { var r = t.env.idpapi && t.env.applink_data; dn({ action: r ? y ? Ne : ge : null, url: "/account/reset-password/login_name", payload: r ? (n = { context: t.env.applink_data.context, identifier: t.env.applink_data.identifier, authenticator: { type: Ei, value: u } }, jr.isLnIntegrationEnabled() && (n.as_token = i.as_token), n) : b(), actions: a, history: o }).then((function(e) { e.authorization_token && a.setAuthToken(e.authorization_token), e.login_name && (a.setLoginName(e.login_name), a.setPassword(u)) } )).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } )) } }, titleTag: m ? "account_signin_add_password_header" : "identity_password_compliance_heading_new", descriptionTags: m ? "account_signin_add_password_inform" : "identity_password_compliance_requirements_v2" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Ii, { id: "new_password", className: "nw-password", label: "identity_password_input_label", value: u, validation: null == v ? void 0 : v.new_password, onChange: function(e) { d(e.value) }, focus: !0, isNewPassword: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)(Ii, { id: "confirmed_password", className: "nw-confirm-password", label: "account_reset_password_confirm_lbl", value: p, validation: null == v ? void 0 : v.confirmed_password, onChange: function(e) { h(e.value) }, isNewPassword: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, kr({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: m ? (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_signin_add_password_btn" }) : (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_reset_password_cta" }) })), m && (0, r.jsx)("div", kr({ className: "u-text-center bui-spacer--top" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, kr({ type: "button", wide: !0, variant: "tertiary", className: "nw-link-sign-in-without-pass", onClick: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), i.loading || dn({ url: "/account/skip-add-password/login_name", payload: { token: t.env.token, op_token: i.op_token }, actions: a, history: o }).then((function(e) { e.authorization_token && a.setAuthToken(e.authorization_token), e.login_name && (a.setLoginName(e.login_name), a.setPassword(u)) } )).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } )) } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_signin_add_password_skip_link" }) })) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.resetPhonePassword.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.globals , i = e.actions , o = e.history , s = (0, c.useState)((function() { return "" } )) , l = s[0] , u = s[1] , d = (0, c.useState)((function() { return "" } )) , _ = d[0] , p = d[1] , h = $a({ new_password: l, confirmed_password: _ }, "resetPassword") , f = h.validation , v = h.isValid; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, Or({ name: "reset-password", onSubmit: function(e) { var n, r; if (e && e.preventDefault(), t.loading) return !1; v() && dn({ action: ze, payload: { context: (null === (r = null === (n = null == a ? void 0 : a.env) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.applink_data) || void 0 === r ? void 0 : r.context) || "", authenticator: { type: Ei, value: l } }, actions: i, history: o }).catch((function(e) { e && i.showError(e.tag) } )) }, titleTag: "identity_password_compliance_heading_new", descriptionTags: "identity_password_compliance_requirements_v2" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Ii, { id: "new_password", className: "nw-password", label: "identity_password_input_label", value: l, validation: null == f ? void 0 : f.new_password, onChange: function(e) { u(e.value) }, focus: !0, isNewPassword: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)(Ii, { id: "confirmed_password", className: "nw-confirm-password", label: "account_reset_password_confirm_lbl", value: _, validation: null == f ? void 0 : f.confirmed_password, onChange: function(e) { p(e.value) }, isNewPassword: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Or({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_reset_password_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.resetPasswordConfirmation.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct().Screen; return (0, r.jsx)(e, Ar({ name: "reset-password", titleTag: "account_reset_password_confirmed_header", descriptionTags: "account_reset_password_confirmed_inform" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Ar({ to: O.A.signIn.path, className: "bui-button bui-button--wide bui-button--large bui-button--primary" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Ar({ type: "button", wide: !0, variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_reset_password_sign_in_cta" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: "(" + [O.A.accountRecovery.path, O.A.socialAccountRecovery.path].join("|") + ")", exact: !0, component: function() { var e, n = "login_name", t = ct(), a = t.Screen, i = t.access, o = t.globals, s = t.actions, l = t.history, u = t.location, d = (0, c.useState)((function() { return i.login_name || "" } )), _ = d[0], p = d[1], h = $a(((e = {})[n] = _, e), Ta), f = h.validation, v = h.isValid, g = h.handleServerError, m = (0, c.useRef)(null), y = "email", b = "identity_signin_forgotten_password_screen_field_label", w = "identity_signin_forgotten_password_screen_header_description"; "username" === o.env.features.loginname_type && (y = "text", b = "account_sign_in_username_lbl", w = "account_recover_extranet_inform"); var x = u.pathname === O.A.socialAccountRecovery.path , E = !o.env.is_iframe && "book" === o.env.features.enabled_integration && o.env.dDfPDPELVaGXIfFYfPeYAcAGGZFLMDeJXQdVT; (0, c.useEffect)((function() { o.env.is_iframe || "book" !== o.env.features.enabled_integration || Cn({ id: "dDfPDPELVaGXIfFYfPeYAcAGGZFLMDeJXQdVT", type: "ets", value: 1 }) } ), []), o.env.features.phone_login_allowed && Ea.isAnyMobilePhone(_) && (y = "text", b = "account_recover_phone_lbl", w = "account_recover_phone_inform"); var j = o.env.features.forgot_username_allowed , k = function(e) { return Eo(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var t; return jo(this, (function(a) { switch (a.label) { case 0: if (!v()) return [3, 4]; s.setLoginName(e), a.label = 1; case 1: return a.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]), [4, dn({ action: o.env.idpapi ? x ? Ie : ve : null, url: M, payload: o.env.idpapi ? { context: i.idpapi_context, identifier: { type: wi, value: e } } : { login_name: e, op_token: i.op_token }, actions: s, history: l })]; case 2: return a.sent(), pi.sendLoginname(e, s, l, "reportUsername_forgotPassword", "forgotPassword"), [3, 4]; case 3: return (t = a.sent()) && g(n, (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: t.tag, tags: { start_link: function(e) { return "extranet" !== o.env.features.enabled_integration || o.env.features.create_account_enabled ? (0, r.jsx)(S.A, xo({ to: O.A.register.path, className: "bui_color_action" }, { children: e }), "register_link") : (0, r.jsx)(S.A, xo({ type: "external", to: P.A.join, className: "bui_color_action" }, { children: e }), "create_account_link1") } } })), [3, 4]; case 4: return [2] } } )) } )) }; return (0, r.jsxs)(a, xo({ name: "account-recovery", onSubmit: function(e) { return Eo(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var t; return jo(this, (function(a) { switch (a.label) { case 0: return e.preventDefault(), i.loading ? [2] : m.current && m.current.value && !_ ? (t = m.current.value, p(t), v(t, n) ? [4, k(t)] : [3, 2]) : [3, 3]; case 1: a.sent(), a.label = 2; case 2: return [3, 5]; case 3: return v() ? [4, k(_)] : [3, 5]; case 4: a.sent(), a.label = 5; case 5: return [2] } } )) } )) }, titleTag: "identity_signin_forgotten_password_screen_header_title", descriptionTags: w, slotAboveFormStack: (0, r.jsx)(Pr, {}) }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(mi, { ref: m, id: "login_name_recovery", label: b, type: y, value: _, validation: null == f ? void 0 : f.login_name, onChange: function(e) { p(e.value) }, focus: !0, placeholder: "username" === o.env.features.loginname_type ? "account_ext_username_tooltip" : "iam_account_sign_in_email_hint" }), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, xo({ attributes: { "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_sendResetLink_forgotPassword") }, type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_forgotten_password_screen_cta" }) })), E ? (0, r.jsx)(wo, { clickHandler: function(e) { return Eo(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var t, a; return jo(this, (function(r) { switch (r.label) { case 0: return e.preventDefault(), i.loading ? [2] : (t = { access: i, globals: o, actions: s, history: l }, m.current && m.current.value && !_ ? (a = m.current.value, p(a), v(a, n) ? [4, Cr(a, t)] : [3, 2]) : [3, 3]); case 1: r.sent(), r.label = 2; case 2: return [3, 5]; case 3: return v() ? [4, Cr(_, t)] : [3, 5]; case 4: r.sent(), r.label = 5; case 5: return [2] } } )) } )) }, useDivider: !0 }) : null, j ? (0, r.jsx)(S.A, xo({ to: O.A.accountRecoveryContactSupport.path, className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, xo({ attributes: { "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_forgotYourUsername_forgotPassword") }, wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_forgot_username" }) })) })) : null] })) } }, { path: O.A.accountRecoveryPhone.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.globals , i = e.actions , o = e.history , s = (0, c.useState)((function() { return da()(t.login_name) ? t.login_name : "" } )) , l = s[0] , u = s[1] , d = (0, c.useState)((function() { return da()(t.login_name) ? "email" : "phone" } )) , _ = d[0] , p = d[1] , h = Zi(t, a) , f = (0, c.useState)(Yi(h)) , v = f[0] , g = f[1] , m = $a({ login_name: l }, Na) , y = m.validation , b = m.isValid , w = m.handleServerError , x = m.clearValidation , E = $a({ iuxPhone: v }, Ca) , j = E.validation , k = E.isValid , A = E.clearValidation , P = [{ id: "email", text: Xn("account_tabs_email_lbl"), href: "#email" }, { id: "phone", text: Xn("iux_phone_number_label"), href: "#phone" }] , C = [{ id: "email", children: (0, r.jsx)("div", Ao({ className: "tab-inner-content" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)("div", Ao({ className: "bui-spacer--large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(mi, { id: "username", label: "account_tabs_email_lbl", type: "email", value: l, validation: null == y ? void 0 : y.login_name, onChange: function(e) { u(e.value) }, onKeyDown: function(e) { 32 === e.which && e.preventDefault() }, focus: !0 }) })) })) }, { id: "phone", children: (0, r.jsx)("div", Ao({ className: "tab-inner-content" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)("div", Ao({ className: "bui-spacer--large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qi, { onChange: function(e) { g(e.value) }, defaultValues: h, validation: null == j ? void 0 : j.iuxPhone }) })) })) }]; a.env.is_cn && (P.sort((function() { return -1 } )), C.sort((function() { return -1 } ))); return (0, r.jsxs)(n, Ao({ name: "phone-recovery", titleTag: "identity_phone_recovery_header", onSubmit: function(e) { return So(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { return Po(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return e.preventDefault(), t.loading ? [2] : (i.saveControl({ login_type: _ }), "phone" !== _ ? [3, 3] : k() ? (i.saveControl({ phoneObject: Xi(v) }), i.saveControl({ phone: v }), [4, (a = v, So(void 0, void 0, void 0, (function() { var e; return Po(this, (function(n) { switch (n.label) { case 0: return n.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]), [4, dn({ action: He, payload: { context: t.idpapi_context, identifier: { type: xi, value: a } }, actions: i, history: o }).then((function(e) { e.hasPassword && i.setHasPassword(!!e.hasPassword) } ))]; case 1: return n.sent(), [3, 3]; case 2: return (e = n.sent()) ? (i.showHtmlError({ copy_tag: e.tag, values: { phone: a }, tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Ao({ className: "bui_color_action nw-link-signin", to: O.A.signIn.path, "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "Sign in" }, { children: e }), "sign_in_link") } } }), [3, 3]) : [2]; case 3: return [2] } } )) } )))]) : [3, 2]); case 1: n.sent(), n.label = 2; case 2: return [3, 4]; case 3: b() && (i.setLoginName(l), dn({ action: He, payload: { context: t.idpapi_context, identifier: { type: wi, value: l } }, actions: i, history: o }).catch((function(e) { e && w("login_name", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag })) } ))), n.label = 4; case 4: return [2] } var a } )) } )) }, descriptionTags: "identity_phone_recovery_desc", copyValues: { phone: t.phone, email: l } }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", Ao({ className: "iam-tab", "data-lang": t.lang }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Oo, { panels: C, triggers: P, onTabChange: function(e) { i.saveControl({ login_type: e }), p(e), A(), x(), gn("phone" === e ? "#phone" : "#username", 0) }, activeTabId: _ }) })), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Ao({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_next_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.accountRecoveryPhoneConfirmation.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = (0, c.useState)((function() { return da()(t.login_name) ? "" : t.login_name } ))[0]; return (0, r.jsx)(n, Co({ name: "account-recovery-phone-confirmation", titleTag: "identity_phone_recovery_text_sent_header", descriptionTags: "identity_phone_recovery_text_sent_description", copyValues: { phone_number: a }, copyHtmlAttr: { className: "recovery-phone" } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Co({ className: "nw-link-signin", to: O.A.signIn.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Co({ type: "button", wide: !0, variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_reset_link_sent_cta" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: fu([O.A.accountRecoveryConfirmation.path, O.A.accountRecoveryEmailConfirmation.path, O.A.lockedAccountRecoveryConfirmation.path, O.A.federationLockedAccountRecoveryConfirmation.path, O.A.federationUnlockedAccountRecoveryConfirmation.path, O.A.signInEmailVerificationSent.path]), exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.globals , i = e.location , o = i.pathname === O.A.lockedAccountRecoveryConfirmation.path , c = i.pathname === O.A.accountRecoveryEmailConfirmation.path , s = i.pathname === O.A.signInEmailVerificationSent.path , l = i.pathname === O.A.federationUnlockedAccountRecoveryConfirmation.path , u = !c && a.env.features.phone_login_allowed && Ea.isAnyMobilePhone(t.login_name) , d = i.pathname === O.A.federationLockedAccountRecoveryConfirmation.path , _ = "identity_signin_password_reset_link_sent_header_title" , p = "identity_signin_password_reset_link_sent_header_description"; u ? p = "account_recover_phone_confirmation_inform" : s ? p = "account_signin_verification_sent_inform" : d ? p = "partner_idm_federated_account_unlock_verification_link_email_sent" : l && (_ = "partner_iam_federated_account_successful_unlock_title", p = "partner_iam_federated_account_successful_unlock_description"); var h = [p]; return o ? h.push("account_recover_from_locked_inform") : d && h.push("partner_idm_federated_account_unlock_verification_link_email_explanation"), (0, r.jsx)(n, Uo({ name: "account-recovery-confirmation", titleTag: _, descriptionTags: h, copyValues: { user_name: t.masked_email || t.login_name, email_address: t.masked_email || t.login_name, user_email: t.masked_email || t.login_name }, copyHtmlAttr: { className: "recovery-login-name" } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Uo({ className: "nw-link-signin", to: O.A.signIn.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Uo({ attributes: { "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_backToSignIn_checkYourInbox") }, type: "button", wide: !0, variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_reset_link_sent_cta" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: fu([O.A.signInMagicLinkSent.path, O.A.signInMagicLinkSentAuto.path]), exact: !0, component: Ws }, { path: O.A.magicLinkConfirm.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.globals , a = e.actions , i = e.access , o = e.history; return (0, r.jsx)(n, Fs({ name: "magic-link-confirmation", titleTag: "magic_link_confirmed_header", descriptionTags: ["magic_link_confirmed_inform1", "magic_link_confirmed_inform2"], copyValues: { email_address: i.login_name } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Fs({ className: "nw-magic-link-sign-in-cta", onClick: function(e) { return n = void 0, r = void 0, s = function() { var n, r; return function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } }(this, (function(c) { switch (c.label) { case 0: if (e.preventDefault(), i.loading) return [2]; n = t.env.idpapi && t.env.applink_data, c.label = 1; case 1: return c.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]), [4, dn({ action: n ? Te : null, url: "/account/sign-in/magic-link", payload: { applinkData: t.env.applink_data, userConfirmed: !0 }, actions: a, history: o }).then((function(e) { e.authorization_token && a.setAuthToken(e.authorization_token) } ))]; case 2: return c.sent(), [3, 4]; case 3: return (r = c.sent()) ? (a.showError(r.tag), [3, 4]) : [2]; case 4: return [2] } } )) } , new ((c = void 0) || (c = Promise))((function(e, t) { function a(e) { try { o(s.next(e)) } catch (e) { t(e) } } function i(e) { try { o(s.throw(e)) } catch (e) { t(e) } } function o(n) { n.done ? e(n.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof c ? e : new c((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(n.value).then(a, i) } o((s = s.apply(n, r || [])).next()) } )); var n, r, c, s }, type: "button", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "magic_link_confirmed_cta" }) })) })) } }, { path: O.A.accountRecoveryContactSupport.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history; (0, c.useEffect)((function() { o() } ), []); var o = function() { dn({ url: "/collector/flow", payload: { type: "contact_support", op_token: t.op_token }, actions: a, history: i }) }; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, Io({ name: "account-recovery-contact-support", titleTag: "account_recover_contact_support_header", descriptionTags: "account_recover_contact_support_inform" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", Io({ className: "bui-spacer" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Io({ "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_contactSupport_contactSupport"), type: "external", to: P.A.offices }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Io({ type: "button", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_contact_support_cta" }) })) })) })), (0, r.jsx)("div", Io({ className: "u-text-center" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Io({ "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_backToSignIn_contactSupport"), to: O.A.signIn.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Io({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_reset_link_sent_cta" }) })) })) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.accountRecoveryOptions.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.globals; return (0, r.jsx)(n, Vo({ name: "account-recovery-options", titleTag: "account_recover_options_header", descriptionTags: "account_recover_options_inform" }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)("div", Vo({ className: "icon-nav-list" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(S.A, Vo({ "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_forgotYourPassword_signInTrouble"), className: "icon-nav-list__item bui_color_action", to: O.A.accountRecovery.path }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)(Mo.A, Vo({ direction: "row", justifyContent: "start" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Lo.A, { size: "medium", className: "icon-nav-list__icon", svg: (0, r.jsx)(No.A, {}) }) }), (0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, Vo({ grow: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_recover_forgot_password" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Lo.A, { size: "medium", svg: (0, r.jsx)(Ro.A, {}) }) })] })) })), "username" === t.env.features.loginname_type && (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Vo({ "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_forgotYourUsername_signInTrouble"), className: "icon-nav-list__item bui_color_action nw-forgot-username", to: O.A.accountRecoveryContactSupport.path }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)(Mo.A, Vo({ direction: "row", justifyContent: "start" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Lo.A, { size: "medium", className: "icon-nav-list__icon", svg: (0, r.jsx)(To.A, {}) }) }), (0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, Vo({ grow: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_recover_forgot_username" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Lo.A, { size: "medium", svg: (0, r.jsx)(Ro.A, {}) }) })] })) })), (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Vo({ "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_goToSignIn_signInTrouble"), className: "icon-nav-list__item bui_color_action", to: O.A.signIn.path }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)(Mo.A, Vo({ direction: "row", justifyContent: "start" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Lo.A, { size: "medium", className: "icon-nav-list__icon", svg: (0, r.jsx)(Do.A, {}) }) }), (0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, Vo({ grow: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_recover_go_to_sign_in" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(Mo.A.Item, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Lo.A, { size: "medium", svg: (0, r.jsx)(Ro.A, {}) }) })] })) }))] })) })) } }, { path: O.A.emailConfirmed.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct().Screen; return (0, r.jsx)(e, sa({ name: "email-confirmed", titleTag: "account_email_confirmed", descriptionTags: "account_email_confirmed_thanks" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, sa({ to: O.A.signIn.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, sa({ type: "button", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_sign_in_cta" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: O.A.emailConfirmation.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.actions , a = e.history , i = e.access; return (0, r.jsx)(n, la({ name: "email-confirmed", titleTag: "account_confirmation_problem", descriptionTags: "account_confirmation_token_expired", onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), i.loading || dn({ url: D, payload: { email: i.login_name, op_token: i.op_token }, actions: t, history: a }).catch((function(e) { e && t.showError(e.tag) } )) } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, la({ type: "button", wide: !0, size: "large", variant: "secondary", className: "confirmation__resend-email" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_verify_resend_email_cta" }) })) })) } }, { path: O.A.accountDisabled.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access; return (0, r.jsx)(n, Ho({ name: "account-disabled", titleTag: "account_disabled_header", descriptionTags: "iux_account_disabled_error_body", copyValues: { user_name: t.login_name } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Ho({ type: "external", to: P.A.offices }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Ho({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_contact_support_cta" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: O.A.accountDeletion.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct().Screen; return (0, r.jsx)(e, zo({ name: "account-deletion", titleTag: "account_deletion_lp_heading", descriptionTags: "account_deletion_lp_body" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, zo({ to: O.A.signIn.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, zo({ type: "button", size: "large", variant: "secondary", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_deletion_lp_return_cta" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: fu([O.A.emailRestored.path, O.A.emailRestoredAndLocked.path, O.A.emailNotRestored.path]), exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.location , a = t.pathname === O.A.emailNotRestored.path , i = t.pathname === O.A.emailRestoredAndLocked.path; return a ? (0, r.jsx)(n, Wo({ name: "email-restored", titleTag: "iam_email_not_restored_header", descriptionTags: "iam_email_not_restored_desc" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Wo({ type: "external", to: P.A.offices }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Wo({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_contact_support_cta" }) })) })) })) : (0, r.jsx)(n, Wo({ name: "email-restored", titleTag: "iam_email_restored_header", descriptionTags: [i ? "iam_email_restored_locked_desc" : "iam_email_restored_signed_out_desc"] }, { children: i ? (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Wo({ to: O.A.accountRecovery.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Wo({ type: "button", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_email_restored_locked_cta" }) })) })) : (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Wo({ to: O.A.signIn.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Wo({ type: "button", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_create_account_sign_in_cta" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: fu([O.A.signInTfaVerification.path, O.A.authAssuranceVerificationMethods.path]), exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.searchParams , a = e.actions , i = e.history , o = e.access , s = e.globals , l = t.get("context") , u = t.get("deviceType") , d = location.pathname.startsWith(O.A.signIn.path); (0, c.useEffect)((function() { d ? s.env.payload_2fa_step && a.setPayload2FAStep(s.env.payload_2fa_step) : o.challenge_methods_loaded || (l ? (a.setIdpApiContext({ value: l }), u && a.setDeviceType(u), dn({ action: Be, baseUrl: kl, payload: { context: { value: l } }, actions: a, history: i, onBeforeRedirect: function(e) { e.nextStep == Nl && a.saveControl({ redirect_uri: e.redirectUri }) } }).then((function(e) { if (e.challengeMethods) { var n = e.challengeMethods , t = n.filter((function(e) { return e.type === Sl } )) , i = n.filter((function(e) { return e.type !== Sl } )); n = t.concat(i), a.setChallengeMethods({ challengeMethods: n, suggestPulse: e.suggestPulse, metadata: e.metadata }) } } )).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } ))) : a.showError(te(ne.SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG))) } ), [l]); var _ = (0, c.useCallback)((function() { o.loading || (d ? dn({ url: T, payload: { type: "sms", authorization_token: o.authorization_token, second_factor: "skip", op_token: o.op_token }, actions: a, history: i }).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } )) : dn({ baseUrl: kl, action: Ye, payload: { type: "CHALLENGE_METHOD_SKIP", context: o.idpapi_context, deviceType: o.device_type }, actions: a, history: i }).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } ))) } ), [o]) , p = function(e, n) { if (n) { var t = [] , a = Bl(e.oauthData, "extranet"); return Bl(e.oauthData, "pulse") && !a && t.push(Sl), Bl(e.oauthData, "sms") && t.push(Ol), Bl(e.oauthData, "call") && t.push(Al), a && t.push(Pl), t.push(Il), t } return e.challenge_methods.map((function(e) { return e.type } )) }(o, d) , h = !!o.dDfPWSUILWQeMUbZFYWbMFPCYaaXe , f = (0, c.useState)(!1) , v = f[0] , g = f[1] , m = !!p.find((function(e) { return e === Sl } )); return (0, r.jsx)(n, Fl({}, function(e) { return e ? { name: "signin-verification", titleTag: "account_tfa_verification_methods_header", descriptionTags: "account_tfa_verification_methods_inform" } : { name: "auth-assurance-verification-methods", titleTag: "account_security_2fa_verification_method_heading", descriptionTags: "account_security_2fa_verification_method_body" } }(d), { slotAboveTitle: o.suggest_pulse && (0, r.jsx)(Qn.lZ, { className: "bui-spacer--large", text: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "partner_iam_pulse_verification_option_banner", tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(Qn.N_, { href: (0, P.q)(P.A.downloadPulse, o.lang), text: e, attributes: { target: "_blank" } }) } } }), dismissible: !0, closeAriaLabel: "Close", variant: "hint", startIcon: yi.A }), showDevSkip: !!s.env.show_skip_2fa_link, onSkipTFA: _ }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.BJ, Fl({ gap: 0 }, { children: p.map((function(e) { if (h) { var n = function(e, n) { switch (e) { case Sl: return (0, r.jsx)(El, { name: "pulse-verification", path: n ? O.A.extranetTFAPulse.path : O.A.authAssurancePulse.path, icon: (0, r.jsx)(Ul, {}), titleTag: "parner_iam_verification_more_method_1", descriptionTag: "parner_iam_verification_more_method_1_description" }, e); case Ol: return (0, r.jsx)(El, { name: "sms-verification", path: n ? O.A.extranetTFASMS.path : O.A.authAssuranceSelectPhoneForSMS.path, icon: (0, r.jsx)(zl.A, {}), titleTag: "parner_iam_verification_more_method_2", descriptionTag: "parner_iam_verification_more_method_2_description" }, e); case Al: return (0, r.jsx)(El, { name: "call-verification", path: n ? O.A.extranetTFAPhoneCall.path : O.A.authAssuranceSelectPhoneForCall.path, icon: (0, r.jsx)(Wl.A, {}), titleTag: "parner_iam_verification_more_method_3", descriptionTag: "parner_iam_verification_more_method_3_description" }, e); case Pl: if (n) return (0, r.jsx)(El, { name: "extranet-verification", path: O.A.extranetTFAViaExtranet.path, icon: (0, r.jsx)(Hl.A, {}), titleTag: "parner_iam_verification_more_method_4", descriptionTag: "parner_iam_verification_more_method_4_description" }, e); break; case Il: return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Fl({ to: n ? O.A.signInOtherOptions.path : O.A.authAssuranceOtherOptions.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, Fl({ className: "spacer-top-4x", wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_select_phone_help_cta" }) })) })) } }(e, d); if (!n) return; return e !== Sl || v ? e === Il || v || !m ? n : null : (0, r.jsxs)(r.Fragment, { children: [n, (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, Fl({ className: "spacer-top-4x", onClick: function() { return g(!0) }, wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "secondary" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "parner_iam_verification_method_more_button" }) }))] }) } var t = function(e, n) { switch (e) { case Ol: return { name: "sms-verification", path: n ? O.A.extranetTFASMS.path : O.A.authAssuranceSelectPhoneForSMS.path, icon: (0, r.jsx)(Ml, {}), titleTag: "account_tfa_verification_method_sms" }; case Al: return { name: "call-verification", path: n ? O.A.extranetTFAPhoneCall.path : O.A.authAssuranceSelectPhoneForCall.path, icon: (0, r.jsx)(Dl, {}), titleTag: "account_tfa_verification_method_call" }; case Sl: return { name: "pulse-verification", path: n ? O.A.extranetTFAPulse.path : O.A.authAssurancePulse.path, icon: (0, r.jsx)(Ul, {}), titleTag: "account_tfa_verification_method_pulse" }; case Il: return { name: "unable-to-verify", path: n ? O.A.signInOtherOptions.path : O.A.authAssuranceOtherOptions.path, icon: (0, r.jsx)(Fc.A, {}), titleTag: "account_tfa_select_phone_help_cta" }; case Pl: if (n) return { name: "extranet-verification", path: O.A.extranetTFAViaExtranet.path, icon: (0, r.jsx)(Hl.A, {}), titleTag: "account_tfa_verification_method_extranet" } } }(e, d); if (t) return (0, r.jsx)(jl, Fl({}, t), e) } )) })) })) } }, { path: O.A.authAssuranceSelectPhoneForSMS.path, exact: !0, component: function() { return (0, r.jsx)(Xl, { name: "sms-verification", verificationMethod: Ol, descriptionTags: "account_tfa_select_phone_for_sms_inform", submitButtonTag: "account_tfa_select_phone_sms_cta" }) } }, { path: O.A.authAssuranceSelectPhoneForCall.path, exact: !0, component: function() { return (0, r.jsx)(Xl, { name: "call-verification", verificationMethod: Al, descriptionTags: "account_tfa_select_phone_inform", submitButtonTag: "account_tfa_select_phone_cta" }) } }, { path: O.A.authAssuranceValidateSMSPin.path, exact: !0, component: function() { return (0, r.jsx)(Ql, { name: "sms-verification", titleTag: "account_tfa_header", verificationMethod: Ol, descriptionTags: "account_tfa_verification_code_sent_inform" }) } }, { path: O.A.authAssuranceValidateEmailPin.path, exact: !0, component: function() { return (0, r.jsx)(Ql, { name: "email-verification", titleTag: "partner_iam_email_verification_code_title", verificationMethod: Cl, descriptionTags: "partner_iam_email_verification_code_description" }) } }, { path: O.A.authAssuranceValidateCallPin.path, exact: !0, component: function() { return (0, r.jsx)(Ql, { name: "call-verification", titleTag: "account_tfa_header", verificationMethod: Al, descriptionTags: "account_tfa_verification_code_call_inform" }) } }, { path: O.A.authAssuranceOtherOptions.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history , o = e.globals , s = (0, c.useCallback)((function(e) { !t.loading && t.idpapi_context && dn({ baseUrl: kl, action: Ge, payload: { type: Il, context: t.idpapi_context, reason: e, lang: t.lang || o.env.lang, deviceType: t.device_type }, actions: a, history: i, onBeforeRedirect: function(e) { e.nextStep == Nl && a.saveControl({ redirect_uri: e.redirectUri }) } }).catch((function(e) { e && a.showError(e.tag) } )).then((function(e) { a.saveControl({ public_pin: e.publicPin }) } )) } ), [t]); return (0, r.jsx)(n, $l({ name: "tfa-recovery-options", titleTag: "account_tfa_options_header", descriptionTags: "account_tfa_options_inform" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)("div", $l({ className: "icon-nav-list nw-other-options" }, { children: Tl.map((function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(Zl, { name: e.name, reason: e.reason, titleTag: e.titleTag, onClickReason: s }, e.reason) } )) })) })) } }, { path: O.A.authAssuranceOtherOptionsSecurityReason.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct().Screen; return (0, r.jsx)(e, eu({ name: "security-reason", titleTag: "account_tfa_customer_service_option_header", descriptionTags: "account_tfa_customer_service_option2_inform", tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, eu({ className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action", to: O.A.authAssuranceOtherOptionsCustomerService.path }, { children: e }), "contact_numbers_link") } } }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, eu({ className: "nw-back-to-verification", to: O.A.authAssuranceVerificationMethods.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, eu({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_options_back_cta" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: O.A.authAssuranceOtherOptionsCustomerService.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.actions , a = e.history , i = e.access , o = Kl("", "sms_code", Za.signInTfaViaSMS) , s = o[0] , l = o[1] , u = o[2] , d = o[3] , _ = o[4] , p = (0, c.useCallback)((function(e) { l(e.value) } ), [l]) , h = (0, c.useCallback)((function(e) { e.preventDefault(), i.loading || d() && dn({ baseUrl: kl, action: Ye, payload: { type: Il, context: i.idpapi_context, value: s, deviceType: i.device_type }, actions: t, history: a, onBeforeRedirect: function(e) { e.nextStep == Nl && t.saveControl({ redirect_uri: e.redirectUri }) } }).catch((function(e) { e && _((0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag })) } )) } ), [i, s]); return (0, r.jsxs)(n, nu({ name: "security-reason", titleTag: "account_tfa_customer_service_option_header", descriptionTags: "account_tfa_customer_service_option_inform", tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, nu({ type: "external", className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action", to: P.A.cs }, { children: e }), "contact_numbers_link") } }, onSubmit: h }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Qn.EY, nu({ className: "customer-service-pin", align: "center" }, { children: (0, r.jsxs)(Qn.BJ, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("strong", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_ext_customer_service_pin" }) }), (0, r.jsx)("strong", nu({ className: "customer-service-pin__value nw-customer-service-pin" }, { children: i.public_pin }))] }) })), (0, r.jsx)(vr, { id: "sms_code", label: "account_tfa_code_lbl", value: s, validation: u, onChange: p, focus: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, nu({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_options_submit_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.authAssurancePulse.path, exact: !0, component: function() { return (0, r.jsx)(Ql, { name: "pulse-verification", titleTag: "account_tfa_pulse_verification_header", verificationMethod: Sl, descriptionTags: "account_tfa_pulse_verification_inform" }) } }, { path: fu([O.A.authAssurancePulseHelp.path, O.A.extranetTFAPulseHelp.path]), exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct().Screen , n = location.pathname.startsWith(O.A.signIn.path); return (0, r.jsxs)(e, tu({ name: "tfa-pulse-verification-help", titleTag: "account_tfa_pulse_help_header", descriptionTags: "account_tfa_pulse_help_inform" }, { children: [(0, r.jsxs)("div", tu({ className: "bui-spacer--large" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "parner_iam_find_verification_code_step_1" }) }), (0, r.jsx)("div", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "parner_iam_find_verification_code_step_2" }) }), (0, r.jsx)("div", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "parner_iam_find_verification_code_step_3" }) }), (0, r.jsx)("div", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "parner_iam_find_verification_code_step_4" }) })] })), (0, r.jsxs)("div", { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Qn._V, { width: 360, src: vn("Pulse-extranet-verification-code-1.png"), alt: "Pulse" }), (0, r.jsx)(Qn._V, { width: 360, src: vn("Pulse-extranet-verification-code-2.png"), alt: "Pulse" })] }), (0, r.jsx)("div", { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, tu({ to: n ? O.A.extranetTFAPulse.path : O.A.authAssurancePulse.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.$n, tu({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "tertiary" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_tfa_pulse_verification_help_back_cta" }) })) })) })] })) } }, { path: O.A.authAssuranceContextExpired.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access; return (0, r.jsx)(n, au({ name: "auth-assurance-context-expired", titleTag: "account_security_2fa_expired_title", descriptionTags: "account_security_2fa_expired_body" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, au({ type: "anchor", to: t.redirect_uri ? t.redirect_uri : O.A.signIn.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, au({ wide: !0, type: "button", variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "account_security_2fa_expired_cta" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: O.A.phoneEnterEmail.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history , o = (0, c.useState)((function() { return da()(t.login_name) ? t.login_name : "" } )) , s = o[0] , l = o[1] , u = (0, c.useState)((function() { return t.password || "" } )) , d = u[0] , _ = u[1] , p = $a({ login_name: s }, Na) , h = p.validation , f = p.isValid , v = p.handleServerError; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, Uc({ name: "register-phone-email", titleTag: "identity_register_phone_enter_email_heading", descriptionTags: ["identity_register_phone_enter_email_body", "identity_register_phone_enter_email_body2"], onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), t.loading || (a.saveControl({ login_name: s }), a.saveControl({ password: d }), f() && dn({ action: je, payload: { context: t.idpapi_context, identifier: { type: wi, value: s } }, actions: a, history: i }).catch((function(e) { e && v("login_name", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: e.tag })) } ))) }, slotAboveFormStack: (0, r.jsx)(Pr, { onChange: function(e) { _(e.value) } }) }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(mi, { id: "login_name_social", label: "identity_link_accounts_provide_email_label", type: "email", value: s, validation: null == h ? void 0 : h.login_name, onChange: function(e) { l(e.value) }, onKeyDown: function(e) { 32 === e.which && e.preventDefault() }, focus: !0, placeholder: "iam_account_sign_in_email_hint" }), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Uc({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_link_accounts_provide_email_next_cta" }) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.qrCode.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.globals , a = e.access , i = e.actions; if (!t.env.dDfPDeLZBePCOOLfMO) return null; var o = (0, Mc.io)(t.env.urls.ws, { path: "/api/" }) , s = (0, c.useState)("") , l = s[0] , u = s[1] , d = (0, c.useState)(o.connected)[1]; (0, c.useEffect)((function() { return o.on("connect", (function() { d(!0) } )), o.on("disconnect", (function() { d(!1) } )), o.on("connection-info", (function(e) { u(e.connectionToken) } )), o.on("auth-info", (function(e) { _(e.accessToken) } )), function() { o.off("connect"), o.off("disconnect"), o.off("connection-info"), o.off("auth-info") } } ), []); var _ = function(e) { return n = void 0, t = void 0, o = function() { return function(e, n) { var t, a, i, r, o = { label: 0, sent: function() { if (1 & i[0]) throw i[1]; return i[1] }, trys: [], ops: [] }; return r = { next: c(0), throw: c(1), return: c(2) }, "function" == typeof Symbol && (r[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this } ), r; function c(c) { return function(s) { return function(c) { if (t) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); for (; r && (r = 0, c[0] && (o = 0)), o; ) try { if (t = 1, a && (i = 2 & c[0] ? a.return : c[0] ? a.throw || ((i = a.return) && i.call(a), 0) : a.next) && !(i = i.call(a, c[1])).done) return i; switch (a = 0, i && (c = [2 & c[0], i.value]), c[0]) { case 0: case 1: i = c; break; case 4: return o.label++, { value: c[1], done: !1 }; case 5: o.label++, a = c[1], c = [0]; continue; case 7: c = o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue; default: if (!((i = (i = o.trys).length > 0 && i[i.length - 1]) || 6 !== c[0] && 2 !== c[0])) { o = 0; continue } if (3 === c[0] && (!i || c[1] > i[0] && c[1] < i[3])) { o.label = c[1]; break } if (6 === c[0] && o.label < i[1]) { o.label = i[1], i = c; break } if (i && o.label < i[2]) { o.label = i[2], o.ops.push(c); break } i[2] && o.ops.pop(), o.trys.pop(); continue } c = n.call(e, o) } catch (e) { c = [6, e], a = 0 } finally { t = i = 0 } if (5 & c[0]) throw c[1]; return { value: c[0] ? c[1] : void 0, done: !0 } }([c, s]) } } }(this, (function(n) { return a.loading || (u(""), dn({ action: Ke, payload: { context: a.idpapi_context }, accessToken: e, actions: i, history: history }).catch((function(e) { e && i.showError(e.tag) } ))), [2] } )) } , new ((r = void 0) || (r = Promise))((function(e, a) { function i(e) { try { s(o.next(e)) } catch (e) { a(e) } } function c(e) { try { s(o.throw(e)) } catch (e) { a(e) } } function s(n) { n.done ? e(n.value) : function(e) { return e instanceof r ? e : new r((function(n) { n(e) } )) }(n.value).then(i, c) } s((o = o.apply(n, t || [])).next()) } )); var n, t, r, o }; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, Vc({ name: "qr-code-login", titleTag: "identity_sign_in_qr_code_heading", descriptionTags: "identity_sign_in_qr_code_body" }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)("div", Vc({ className: "flex-center qr-code" }, { children: l ? (0, r.jsx)("div", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Lc.Ay, { size: 328, style: { height: "auto", maxWidth: "100%", width: "100%" }, value: l, viewBox: "0 0 328 328" }) }) : (0, r.jsx)("div", { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.y$, {}) }) })), (0, r.jsx)(S.A, Vc({ className: "nw-link-signin bui-spacer--top", to: O.A.signIn.path }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, Vc({ type: "button", wide: !0, variant: "secondary", size: "large" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_reset_link_sent_cta" }) })) }))] })) } }, { path: O.A.pulseVersionDeprecated.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.searchParams.get("reason") || "" , a = iu[t] || iu.deprecated_version; return (0, r.jsx)(n, { name: "pulse-version-deprecated", titleTag: a.title, descriptionTags: a.body, copyValues: a.values }) } }, { path: O.A.signInSessionExpired.path, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct().Screen; return (0, r.jsx)(e, ru({ name: "pulse-version-deprecated" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.Fc, ru({ variant: "error", className: "nw-alert", title: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_partner_login_timed_out_error_heading" }), text: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_partner_login_timed_out_error_body" }) }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(S.A, ru({ to: O.A.signIn.path, type: "anchor", className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "iam_partner_login_timed_out_error_cta" }) })) })) })) } }, { path: O.A.signInFederationConnect, exact: !0, component: function() { var e = ct() , n = e.Screen , t = e.access , a = e.actions , i = e.history , o = e.searchParams , s = (0, c.useState)((function() { return t.password || "" } )) , l = s[0] , u = s[1] , d = $a({ password: l }, La) , _ = d.validation , p = d.isValid , h = d.handleServerError , f = t.federated_idp_logo || "https://q-xx.bstatic.com/data/accounts_portal/default_oauth_client_logo.svg" , v = t.connection_name || ""; return (0, r.jsxs)(n, pu({ name: "federated-password-form", titleTag: "partner_iam_federated_account_signin_title", descriptionTags: "partner_iam_federated_account_signin_description", onSubmit: function(e) { e.preventDefault(), t.loading || p() && dn({ baseUrl: Je, action: Ze, payload: { context: t.idpapi_context, authenticator: { type: Ei, value: l } }, actions: a, history: i, skipHandleResponse: !0 }).then((function(e) { var n = e.nextStep , t = e.authAssuranceContext; n && $e[n] && ((null == t ? void 0 : t.value) && o.set("context", null == t ? void 0 : t.value), i.push({ pathname: $e[n], search: o.toString() })) } )).catch((function(e) { var n, t, a, i; e && h("password", (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { num: parseInt(null === (n = e.extras) || void 0 === n ? void 0 : n.remaining_failed_login_count, 10), id: (a = e.tag, i = null === (t = e.extras) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.remaining_failed_login_count, a === te(ne.INVALID_EMAIL_PASSWORD_COMBO) && i ? te(ne.INVALID_USERNAME_PASSWORD_COMBO) : a), tags: { start_link: function(e) { return (0, r.jsx)(S.A, pu({ to: O.A.accountRecovery.path, className: "bui_font_strong bui_color_action" }, { children: e }), "forgot_password_link") } } })) } )) }, slotAboveTitle: (0, r.jsx)(Hs, { provider: v, providerLogoUrl: f }) }, { children: [(0, r.jsx)(Ii, { id: "password", label: "identity_link_accounts_password_label", value: l, validation: null == _ ? void 0 : _.password, onChange: function(e) { u(e.value) }, focus: !0 }), (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, pu({ type: "submit", size: "large", wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "partner_iam_federated_account_signin_button" }) })), (0, r.jsx)(S.A, pu({ to: O.A.accountRecovery.path, className: "nw-link-account-recovery" }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(ca.A, pu({ type: "button", variant: "tertiary", attributes: { "data-ga-action": "click", "data-ga-label": "forgot password", "data-dv-event-id": pi.idFor("buttonClick_federation_forgotPassword") }, wide: !0 }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Yn, { id: "identity_signin_password_screen_forgotten_cta" }) })) }))] })) } }] }] , gu = function() { switch (booking.env.b_action) { case "Signin_Index": return "signin"; case "Register_Index": return "register"; default: return "index" } } , mu = "dDfPDXaYYfPYRdHeEKBGfQNAMC" , yu = "dDfPDXbaTaTaBaMYTFXSAVcUJDKe" , bu = ["genius_lp", "traveller_header", "genius_index_sheet", "genius_searchresults_sheet"] , wu = function(e) { return bu.includes(e) } , xu = function() { function e() {} return e.init = function() { if (booking.env.is_popup && document.addEventListener("keydown", (function(n) { "Escape" !== n.key && "Esc" !== n.key && 27 !== n.keyCode || e.escPressed() } )), "book" === booking.env.features.enabled_integration && ("Signin_Index" == booking.env.b_action || "Register_Index" == booking.env.b_action || "Index" == booking.env.b_action)) { var n = gu() , t = booking.env.device_class || "unknown" , a = booking.env.login_action || "unknown"; if (In("auth_funnel/page_ready/".concat(n, "/").concat(t || "unknown")), booking.env.login_link_id && wu(booking.env.login_link_id) && (In("auth_funnel_login_link/".concat(t, "/").concat(a, "/").concat(booking.env.login_link_id, "/page_ready")), "mobile" === t ? (Cn({ id: mu, type: "ets", value: 6 }), Cn({ id: mu, type: "etcg", value: 2 })) : (Cn({ id: yu, type: "ets", value: 6 }), Cn({ id: yu, type: "etcg", value: 2 }))), booking.env.xd) for (var i = 0, r = Object.entries(booking.env.xd); i < r.length; i++) { var o = r[i] , c = o[0] , s = o[1]; s && s.g2 && Cn({ id: c, type: "etcg", value: s.g2 }) } document.body.addEventListener("mousemove", e.handleInteraction), document.body.addEventListener("scroll", e.handleInteraction), document.body.addEventListener("keydown", e.handleInteraction), document.body.addEventListener("click", e.handleInteraction), document.body.addEventListener("touchstart", e.handleInteraction), document.body.addEventListener("touchmove", e.handleInteraction) } } , e.escPressed = function() { window.close() } , e.handleInteraction = function() { document.body.removeEventListener("mousemove", e.handleInteraction), document.body.removeEventListener("scroll", e.handleInteraction), document.body.removeEventListener("keydown", e.handleInteraction), document.body.removeEventListener("click", e.handleInteraction), document.body.removeEventListener("touchstart", e.handleInteraction), document.body.removeEventListener("touchmove", e.handleInteraction); var n = gu() , t = booking.env.device_class || "unknown" , a = booking.env.login_action || "unknown"; if (In("auth_funnel/interaction/".concat(n, "/").concat(t || "unknown")), booking.env.login_link_id && wu(booking.env.login_link_id) && (In("auth_funnel_login_link/".concat(t, "/").concat(a, "/").concat(booking.env.login_link_id, "/interaction")), "mobile" === t ? (Cn({ id: mu, type: "ets", value: 7 }), Cn({ id: mu, type: "etcg", value: 3 })) : (Cn({ id: yu, type: "ets", value: 7 }), Cn({ id: yu, type: "etcg", value: 3 }))), booking.env.xd) for (var i = 0, r = Object.entries(booking.env.xd); i < r.length; i++) { var o = r[i] , c = o[0] , s = o[1]; s && s.g3 && Cn({ id: c, type: "etcg", value: s.g3 }), s && s.s2 && "dDfPJKSCYDTLUeXKbEfPYBBVYYT" === c && Cn({ id: c, type: "etcg", value: 2 }) } } , e }() , Eu = xu , ju = t(86312) , ku = t(5338) , Ou = function() { return Ou = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , Ou.apply(this, arguments) } , Au = document.getElementById("root"); Au && ((0, ku.H)(Au).render((0, r.jsx)(o.Kq, Ou({ store: Un }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(H.Ny, Ou({ history: Ln }, { children: (0, r.jsx)(Qn.mZ, Ou({ theme: ju.A }, { children: (0, r.jsx)((function() { return (0, r.jsx)(cc, { routes: vu }) } ), {}) })) })) }))), Eu.init(), jr.init(), se.init("Account Portal"), pi.init()) }, 9737: function(e, n, t) { t.r(n), t.d(n, { changeLanguage: function() { return R }, clearError: function() { return f }, clearPII: function() { return L }, finishLoading: function() { return d }, initialPath: function() { return b }, saveControl: function() { return _ }, setAsToken: function() { return I }, setAuthToken: function() { return v }, setChallengeMethods: function() { return X }, setContinuationToken: function() { return M }, setDeviceType: function() { return K }, setDvFastToken: function() { return S }, setDvNativeToken: function() { return C }, setDvRealToken: function() { return P }, setHasEmail: function() { return B }, setHasPassword: function() { return F }, setIdpApiContext: function() { return U }, setInSocialFlow: function() { return W }, setIsWrongPasswordMagicLinkFlow: function() { return q }, setLoginName: function() { return O }, setMaskedEmail: function() { return N }, setOpToken: function() { return A }, setPasskeysAutofillSupported: function() { return x }, setPasskeysChallenge: function() { return E }, setPasskeysEnrolChallenge: function() { return j }, setPasskeysFallbackStep: function() { return k }, setPasskeysSupported: function() { return w }, setPassword: function() { return T }, setPayload2FAStep: function() { return Q }, setPhoneObject: function() { return H }, setPiplConsent: function() { return G }, setPiplConsentError: function() { return Y }, setProvider: function() { return V }, setUserInfo: function() { return D }, showDevLinks: function() { return p }, showError: function() { return h }, showHtmlError: function() { return z }, startLoading: function() { return u }, updateInitialOauthScope: function() { return y }, updateOauthData: function() { return g }, updateOauthScope: function() { return m } }); var a, i, r = t(78270), o = t(69517), c = t.n(o), s = function() { return s = Object.assign || function(e) { for (var n, t = 1, a = arguments.length; t < a; t++) for (var i in n = arguments[t]) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && (e[i] = n[i]); return e } , s.apply(this, arguments) }, l = { initial_pathname: "/", loading: !1, masked_email: "", login_type: "", password: "", challenge_methods_loaded: !1, showDevLinks: !1, public_pin: "", dv_fast_token: "", dv_real_token: "", dv_native_token: "", as_token: "", action_token: booking.env.action_token, authorization_token: "", client_id: booking.env.oauth && booking.env.oauth.client_id || void 0, code_challenge: booking.env.code_challenge || "", code_challenge_method: booking.env.code_challenge_method || "", continuation_token: "", device_id_hash: booking.env.device_id_hash || void 0, device_name: booking.env.device_name || void 0, device_type: "", editing: "", error: "", has_password: !1, has_email: !1, has_pipl_consent: !1, has_pipl_consent_error: !1, idpapi: !!booking.env.idpapi, idpapi_context: booking.env.idpapi_context || void 0, passkeys_supported: !1, passkeys_autofill_supported: !1, pk_challenge: booking.env.pk_challenge || void 0, pk_fallback_step: "", in_social_flow: !!booking.env.in_social_flow, initial_scope: booking.env.oauth && booking.env.oauth.scope || "", lang: booking.env.lang, lang_label: booking.env.lang_label, login_name: booking.env.login_name || "", phone: booking.env.login_name && !c()(booking.env.login_name) ? booking.env.login_name : "", oauthData: booking.env.oauth, op_token: booking.env.op_token || "", provider: booking.env.provider || void 0, connection_name: booking.env.connection_name || void 0, federated_idp_logo: booking.env.federated_idp_logo || void 0, xd: booking.env.xd || void 0, login_link_id: booking.env.login_link_id || void 0, provider_name_localized: booking.env.provider_name_localized || void 0, scope: booking.env.oauth && booking.env.oauth.scope || "", server_error: booking.env.error_message || "", social_providers: booking.env.social_providers, phone_countries: booking.env.phone_countries, state: booking.env.state || "", user_info: { first_name: (null === (a = booking.env.contact_details) || void 0 === a ? void 0 : a.firstName) || "", last_name: (null === (i = booking.env.contact_details) || void 0 === i ? void 0 : i.lastName) || "", phone: "", country_code: "" }, challenge_methods: [], suggest_pulse: !1, selected_phone: "", isWrongPasswordMagicLinkFlow: !1 }, u = (0, r.VP)("startLoading"), d = (0, r.VP)("finishLoading"), _ = (0, r.VP)("saveControl", (function(e) { return e } )), p = (0, r.VP)("showDevLinks", (function(e) { return e } )), h = (0, r.VP)("showError"), f = (0, r.VP)("clearError"), v = (0, r.VP)("setAuthToken"), g = (0, r.VP)("updateOauthData", (function(e) { return e } )), m = (0, r.VP)("updateOauthScope"), y = (0, r.VP)("updateInitialOauthScope"), b = (0, r.VP)("initialPath"), w = (0, r.VP)("setPasskeysSupported"), x = (0, r.VP)("setPasskeysAutofillSupported"), E = (0, r.VP)("setPasskeysChallenge"), j = (0, r.VP)("setPasskeysEnrolChallenge"), k = (0, r.VP)("setPasskeysFallbackStep"), O = (0, r.VP)("setLoginName"), A = (0, r.VP)("setOpToken"), S = (0, r.VP)("setDvFastToken"), P = (0, r.VP)("setDvRealToken"), C = (0, r.VP)("setDvNativeToken"), I = (0, r.VP)("setAsToken"), N = (0, r.VP)("setMaskedEmail"), T = (0, r.VP)("setPassword"), R = (0, r.VP)("changeLanguage"), D = (0, r.VP)("setUserInfo", (function(e) { return e } )), L = (0, r.VP)("clearPII"), M = (0, r.VP)("setContinuationToken"), V = (0, r.VP)("setProvider"), U = (0, r.VP)("setIdpApiContext", (function(e) { return e } )), H = (0, r.VP)("setPhoneObject", (function(e) { return e } )), z = (0, r.VP)("showHtmlError", (function(e) { return e } )), W = (0, r.VP)("setInSocialFlow"), F = (0, r.VP)("setHasPassword"), B = (0, r.VP)("setHasEmail"), G = (0, r.VP)("setPiplConsent"), Y = (0, r.VP)("setPiplConsentError"), X = (0, r.VP)("setChallengeMethods", (function(e) { return e } )), K = (0, r.VP)("setDeviceType"), q = (0, r.VP)("setIsWrongPasswordMagicLinkFlow"), Q = (0, r.VP)("setPayload2FAStep", (function(e) { return e } )), J = (0, r.vy)({}, l); J.on(b, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { initial_pathname: n }) } )), J.on(w, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { passkeys_supported: n }) } )), J.on(x, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { passkeys_autofill_supported: n }) } )), J.on(E, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { pk_challenge: n }) } )), J.on(j, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { pk_enrol_challenge: n }) } )), J.on(k, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { pk_fallback_step: n }) } )), J.on(R, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { lang: n.lang, lang_label: n.label, social_providers: n.social_providers, phone_countries: n.phone_countries }) } )), J.on(g, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { oauthData: s(s({}, e.oauthData), n) }) } )), J.on(m, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { scope: n }) } )), J.on(y, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { initial_scope: n }) } )), J.on(h, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { error: n }) } )), J.on(f, (function(e) { return s(s({}, e), { error: "", server_error: "", htmlError: void 0 }) } )), J.on(_, (function(e, n) { return s(s(s({}, e), n), { editing: "" }) } )), J.on(p, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { showDevLinks: n }) } )), J.on(u, (function(e) { return s(s({}, e), { loading: !0 }) } )), J.on(d, (function(e) { return s(s({}, e), { loading: !1 }) } )), J.on(v, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { authorization_token: n }) } )), J.on(O, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { login_name: n }) } )), J.on(A, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { op_token: n }) } )), J.on(C, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { dv_native_token: n }) } )), J.on(S, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { dv_fast_token: n }) } )), J.on(P, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { dv_real_token: n }) } )), J.on(I, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { as_token: n }) } )), J.on(N, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { masked_email: n }) } )), J.on(T, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { password: n }) } )), J.on(D, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { user_info: n }) } )), J.on(L, (function(e) { return s(s({}, e), { login_name: "", phone: "", password: "", phoneObject: { number: "", dialCode: "", countryCode: "" } }) } )), J.on(M, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { continuation_token: n }) } )), J.on(V, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { provider: n }) } )), J.on(U, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { idpapi_context: n }) } )), J.on(H, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { phoneObject: n }) } )), J.on(z, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { htmlError: n }) } )), J.on(W, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { in_social_flow: n }) } )), J.on(F, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { has_password: n }) } )), J.on(B, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { has_email: n }) } )), J.on(G, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { has_pipl_consent: n, has_pipl_consent_error: !1 }) } )), J.on(Y, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { has_pipl_consent_error: n }) } )), J.on(X, (function(e, n) { var t; return s(s({}, e), { challenge_methods: n.challengeMethods, suggest_pulse: n.suggestPulse, challenge_methods_loaded: !0, dDfPWSUILWQeMUbZFYWbMFPCYaaXe: null === (t = n.metadata) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.dDfPWSUILWQeMUbZFYWbMFPCYaaXe }) } )), J.on(K, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { device_type: n }) } )), J.on(q, (function(e, n) { return s(s({}, e), { isWrongPasswordMagicLinkFlow: n }) } )), J.on(Q, (function(e, n) { var t; return s(s({}, e), { authorization_token: n.authorization_token, oauthData: s(s({}, e.oauthData), { verification_methods: n.verification_methods, phones_info: n.phones_info }), suggest_pulse: !!n.suggest_pulse, dDfPWSUILWQeMUbZFYWbMFPCYaaXe: null === (t = n.metadata) || void 0 === t ? void 0 : t.dDfPWSUILWQeMUbZFYWbMFPCYaaXe }) } )), n.default = J } }, function(e) { e.O(0, [842, 839, 876, 743, 589, 699], (function() { return 27263, e(e.s = 27263) } )), e.O() } ]);